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Looking for Zoomtak M5Plus S905X Factory ROM

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    Looking for Zoomtak M5Plus S905X Factory ROM

    Anyone know where I can find a factory or any other custom ROM that works with device? Thanks!
    Last edited by diginic; 23 July 2018, 23:45.

    So far, the only firmware that worked for me on this box is the one for TX7 from this thread:

    I had to use Amlogic Burn Card maker, and flash it from an SD card. Everything works (dual band wi-fi, bluetooth, remote) except the clock on the front panel.

    By the way, have you been able to use Amlogic USB Burning Tool with this box? I couldn't get the device recognized by my computer no matter what version of drivers or burning tool I try...
    1515132829419138.jpg - Swift and stable system: outfitted with the highly customized Android 7.1 system, you get swift and stable system operations - 2.4GHz +


      Here's what happened --

      So I email sales @ zoomtak and get a nice lady to help me out via Skype. She sends me a file called with .aml, recovery.img and ROM. I put it on an SD Card and it boots like once and gives me an error "this package is for "p212_8189" and you have "p212". I tell her this and she then sends me This one doesn't boot at all. But, I figure, maybe it's just something with my SD Card or whatever, so I am able to get into Android recovery mode and see there's a "Load ROM from SD Card". So I do that...

      Since then the box boots to the Zoomtak logo and hangs there. There now no way to get into Android recovery. I'm guessing it's bricked and she basically told me that it won't be worth the cost of sending it for repairs. Just get a new box.

      I have looked into the USB Burning Tool, but I saw in the instructions that you need to get the box into recovery mode for it to work. If that's the case, it won't work for me, so I didn't bother trying, especially since I don't have the USB cable that's required.

      So that's where I'm at with it.


        Even if the device is "bricked" and doesn't boot into recovery (i.e. has no bootloader), it still should be able to detect the SD card with the firmware image and attempt to install it. Try the TX7 firmware from the post above - just make sure to use the Burn Card Maker to prepare the SD card with it. I was able to un-brick my unit with this image, and it was exactly like yours: after trying to install wrong firmware it didn't boot even to a logo - just a dark screen.


          I'll give that a try -- so far Burn Card Maker is refusing to properly load the SD card... I'll try it on a different machine this weekend. Thanks for the help!


            Hi Diginic, I'm doing the same game with Zoomtak H8 (also S905X). Go buy a USB-A to USB-A cable. Upload the binary Nougat.img to the application. Press and hold reset button on your box. Connect your box with the USB cable. You should be able to flash the device by using the START button on the USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.8. Cheers, pery.


              Originally posted by pery View Post
              Hi Diginic, I'm doing the same game with Zoomtak H8 (also S905X). Go buy a USB-A to USB-A cable. Upload the binary Nougat.img to the application. Press and hold reset button on your box. Connect your box with the USB cable. You should be able to flash the device by using the START button on the USB_Burning_Tool_v2.0.8. Cheers, pery.
              Are you saying that i can use the USB cable even if the box does not boot into recovery mode?


                Yes, exactly.

