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AMLogic S912 & S905 Fix Root, Hide SU, Backup/Restore from XDA Repost.

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    AMLogic S912 & S905 Fix Root, Hide SU, Backup/Restore from XDA Repost.

    *Edited to fit*
    "AMLogic S912 & S905 FAQ ✰ Fix Root, Hide SU, Backup/Restore... ✩ Media Player TV Box!
    by: flipmode_11

    AMLogic S905 & S912 FAQ, Resources, Hints & Tips Fixing Root, Masking SU, Switch SuperUser (SU), Backup & Restore!
    ~ Android Media Centres, Streaming Players, Smart TV's & Multimedia TV Boxes ~

    This topic provides help and assistance to users of all levels, giving access to resources for all AMLogic S905 and S912 media centers and TV boxes (and any other compatible devices), and provides detailed steps and examples - all fully-tested. I have writen my own documentation for myself and friends, so decided to simply cleaned it all up and pasted it here to share.
    There is limited support for these Chinese no-name clones, so I hope this is helpful to others, and others will share their knowledge too!
    Warning! Beware of S905W devices (e.g. X96 Mini). The "S905W" has inferior specifications, a crippled CPU (1.5GHz), has no 3D support (among other limitations and missing features). Always buy a S905x or S912 CPU device.

    Magisk Topics » Magisk Stable | Magisk Beta | Support Q&A
    Downloads » Magisk Manager | Magisk Flashable | Magisk Clean-up v20180429 | v20180328
    Requirements Magisk uses logging ('logd' service) to hide/mask root. Magisk Hide needs Kernel v3.8+ or newer (e.g. My Galaxy S5 uses v3.10.40 & X96 TV box has v3.14.29).
    Troubleshooting Documentation, Wiki & FAQ | Magisk Hide Help | Diagnosing Magisk Issues

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    » How to Backup your Device & Data (w/o Modifying Stock Recovery/Boot).
    » Magisk SU & Magisk Manager Root (w/o Modifying Stock Recovery).
    » Replacing BusyBox & Optimal Systemless BusyBox Installation.
    » Handy Resources & Useful Download Tools.
    » Anti-Detection Methods: Masking Magisk SU Root & Renaming Magisk Manager.
    » Magisk Hide Settings Lost & Not Saving (Re-Opening App / Reboot) - Troubleshooting Magisk Hide.
    » Corrupt or Problematic Root? Re-Rooting!
    » Backup Important System, Boot, Recovery & Data Partitions.
    » How to Access TWRP Recovery W/O Modifying Recovery/Boot.
    » Find & Locate your Stock Boot Image Backup Created by Magisk.
    » BusyBox App or BusyBox Applets Installed on your Device.
    » Masking BusyBox Modules and Applets.
    » Google Play Store & Play Services - Old Versions, APK Backups & Archives.
    » Google Play Store & Play Services - Errors, Issues, Fixes & Troubleshooting.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I recommend backing up the partitions before making any changes to your default box. In fact, whenever you buy *anything*, always take a fullbackup before doing anything - yes, before connecting it to the Internet! Regardless if there is no important data there, ALWAYS make a backup!

    • Download Optimised AML S905 & S912 Media Player Bootable TWRP Recovery image (13.3MB): (attached at bottom of post)
    • Reasonable quality Micro SD Card (Class '4' or higher) w/ 2GB+ size formatted in FAT32 - run a disk check if any doubts or issues w/ card;
    • USB Storage (memory stick, external USB drive) - optional;
    • USB Input (cordless mouse & keyboard, as the "air mouse" remote sends you crazy! Get a Logitech K/B & Mouse w/ unifying dongle); and
    • Dismantle a ball-point pen and remove the long plastic ink nib section (or a kebab stick, tooth pick, paper clip);

    Backup Procedure w/o Modifying Stock Recovery/Boot:
    • Stage 1. Access recovery w/o modifying stock device status.
      • 1.1. Extract the Media Player compatible TWRP 'recovery.img' image from ZIP file (DO NOT RENAME FILE!).
      • 1.2a. Insert a 2GB+ Micro SD card (Class [4] or higher) to Windows computer.
      • 1.2b. Format Micro SD card on PC: untick "Quick Format" and select 'FAT32' (not 'FAT', not 'NTFS', not 'exFAT').
      • 1.3a. Copy only the 'recovery.img' to the root of the Micro SD card (excluding any other files and folders).
      • 1.3b. Safely eject the Micro SD card from computer and insert upside-down in the TV box.
      • 1.4. Unplug the "AV" port cable (3.5mm audio socket) and A/C power from TV box. NOTE: May reset system date/time! TWRP Backups then have wrong time stamps!
      • 1.5a. Carefully insert the long plastic ink ball-point pen nib/tip into the "AV" port and you will feel a button depress.
      • 1.5b. Connect the A/C power cable to the TV box, while holding the button inside the "AV" port.
      • 1.5c. Wait while device initialises and displays TWRP screen (Black & Blue TWRP interface).
      • 1.5d. Release the pen ink nib NOW and reconnect the "AV" audio cable, if in use.
    • Stage 2. Perform a device partition backup.
      • 2.1. From the on-screen TWRP menu, select "Backup" menu option.
      • 2.2a. Select three most important partitions: "/boot", "/system", "/data" (untick "/cache").
      • 2.2b. Check the required backup space "Total Size of All Data 3100MB" against the available space on selected backup volume (enable compression if req'd).
      • 2.3. Click the GREY button at the bottom-left to specify backup location. Choose your USB stick (or Micro SD if sufficient free space).
      • 2.4. Backup will now run. Do not walk away - watch the process for any errors. It will only take 3-8 mins (depending on amount of data and apps on the device). N.B. Check system temperature at top-left corner before executing backup. If you are concerned about heat you should monitor this (mine was really bad - floating around 69-72'c during backup).

        Once complete it will be display in Blue text: "Backup Completed in 485 Seconds". Remove the Micro SD and reboot!
    ** Don't forget to copy/move TWRP backups from SD card to PC, to restore any partitions in future!
    ** Don't forget to install "BK Disabler" to disable/remove all useless system packages plus disable their services to save memory and resources!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Connect your WiFi so that any auxillary files and updates can be downloaded during the rooting process.
    Ensure you have a minimum of 2GB of free space. Allow for 1-3 hours to perform these steps. Do not rush! :P
    1. Identify your device and save the essential details - see the tabs with most important information. Search for words like Build ID, Device, Model, Fingerprint, Baseband, Modem, Bootloader, CSC, etc. as these will give you most of the information you are seeking.
      Download two of these "System Info" apps (unfortunately no one app covers all the information in one!) to perform a hardware and software audit of your device - personally, I use all three:
      1. AIDA64 ("System", "CPU" & "Android" tabs.),
      2. DevCheck ("Hardware" & "System" tabs. Has nice 'Charger Connect' counter and UI),
      3. Device Info HW ("General" & "System" tabs.), and
      4. SamMobile Device Info (General, Firmware & Android tabs)
    2. Search DuckDuckGo/Google for a backup of your exact Bootloader and Build ID. This signifies a version that matches the OS and hardware variant. For example the 1st box I tested was a 1GB/8GB X96 Amlogic P212 ($40). All your finite and detailed specs are available within the System Info apps mentioned above (#1 A, B, C). Write down, export and screen shot your device's specs and details somewhere for quick reference.
      For example, System Info output for my device:
      • Build: '20170622.19:55' in one app, but 'MHC19J' in another app (often letters & numbers and not a date w/ other hardware);
      • Fingerprint: 'Amlogic/P212/P212 6.0.1/MHC19J/20170622:userdebug/test-keys' (inc. make, model, device, OS, etc.);
    3. Due to many of these Android media centres coming with a Faulty or Corrupt bundled Root, unknown SuperUser and an unlocked Bootloader - I highly recommend you either:
      1. Flash the Magisk Combined Installer .ZIP through recovery;
      2. backup the boot partition, extract (or download) the boot.img image, patch, then flash modified boot image .IMG through recovery; or
      3. Install Magisk Mananger then click "Install" and select "Direct Method".

      I had nothing but problems with Magisk Manager trying to take ownership and replace the corrupt SuperUser SU and SUD files (bundled with the device on delivery). For this reason, due to the boot and system partitions already being modified, I chose option "#3 A." - to flash the Magisk Flashable ZIP through recovery. However if you do have working root and an operational SuperUser, you may choose the fastest option of "#3 C.". Or if you can obtain a stock Boot image, then use option "#3 B.". The choice is yours and it really depends how messed up your device is! :P

      Note: As many of these devices either come already rooted or are unstable, perform a full backup before installing or doing anything, so that if you make a mistake you can always revert back to that original state! e.g. An on-device backup, or backup via a PC with Google's SDK Tools (ADB) . Follow the steps above under "BACKUP YOUR DEVICE & DATA" from #1.1 to #1.5 for on-device backup instructions.

    Scenario A) Stock ROM W/ Root Access
    • Download Magisk Flashable ZIP, Magisk Manager APK, and Magisk Uninstall ZIP onto your external storage.
    • Install Magisk Manager and launch the app.
    • Within the Manager UI, click "Install" button on screen and choose "Direct Install" method. Magisk will now attempt to install SuperUser and confirm root status.
    • No Errors? You are finished. Done.
    • Errors? Failed? If this fails, as it did for me, you need to follow the instructions above under "BACKUP YOUR DEVICE & DATA" from #1.1 to #1.5. to reboot into Recovery and perform a backup (w/o modifying Stock recovery/boot etc).
    • Follow steps to download the S905/S912 Backup & Recovery ZIP file (attached to bottom of topic) and prepare the Micro SD or SD Card or USB drive.
    • From the Recovery interface, where you performed your backup, return to the main menu and choose Install (Flash).
    • Now browse and select the previously downloaded Magisk ZIP file. Slide the right-hand-side button to proceed.
      NOTE: If prompted whether you want to keep System partition "Ready Only", select "Keep Read Only" button to allow future OTA device updates.

    Scenario B) Stock ROM W/O Root Access (or if Scenario A. fails)
    • Download Magisk Flashable ZIP, Magisk Manager APK, and Magisk Uninstall.
    • If your bootloader is locked (To-Do: reference process to check), you will need to first unlock it. Download the original boot image or backup your device, should you
    • need to undo your changes. Follow steps above to backup the device (selecting Boot or all partitions) and then extract the boot image once complete -or- download the original boot image and keep it handy.
    • Install Magisk Manager and launch the app (green mask icon with bits of white and blue).
    • Select Install from middle of screen, then from the pop-up click Install on the right-hand-side.
    • Choose "Patch Boot Image File" and you will be asked to navigate and browse to where you downloaded the original boot image (or performed the backup). Be very careful as you will not be prompted to confirm your selection!!!
    • Wait for the process to complete. Now reboot into the recovery on your Micro SD card.
    • From here you can choose Flash to flash the previously patched boot image from within the /MagiskManager/ directory.
    • Once complete, reboot the device and launch Magisk Manager. At the top of the screen it will verify the Magisk SU is install and up-to-date.
    • If you have any doubts, you may click "Install" again and verify the process completes successfully.
    ** Don't forget to copy/move TWRP backups from SD card to PC, to restore any partitions in future!
    ** Don't forget to install "BK Disabler" to disable/remove all useless system packages plus disable their services to save memory and resources!

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    What exactly is this whole Busy Box thing? Well ... BusyBox is this unified bundle of over 300 common Unix commands (as applets) forming an 'Android Swiss Army Knife' (as it is commonly referred as) that replaces and adds standard Linux functions on your device, so that you can have greater control over your device - just like a PC with Linux OS. This 'toolkit' was specifically built to accommodate embedded OS devices with limited resources to work with the Linux Kernel. It is FREE software under the GNU, however various developers create easy-to-use BusyBox installers which are available both free or paid online.

    Due to many of these devices coming pre-installed with BusyBox and old/outdated bundled Applets, there can be confusion with what does or does not work. Therefore it is very important to determine what state your device is in (again writing down what works or does not) and take a backup before making changes. In recent years, developers have added code to their programs to detect BusyBox and 3rd party apps, just like other root methods. Therefore it is *highly* recommended you migrate away from the standard/bundled BusyBox and move to the Magisk 'Systemless' version of BusyBox that makes no changes to your /System partition and does not mount it 'RW'.
    Please direct your thanks to @osm0sis - a truly valuable community member.

    • Download Stericson's BusyBox installer 'Free/Pro' (or reputable alternative) [].
    • Have already flashed 'Magisk Flashable ZIP' to gain Root; or installed 'Magisk Manager' v12+ (replaces BusyBox App & SuperUser Manager) and flashed 'Magisk' SU v5.6+).
    • Install two or more of these excellent system info apps from the Android "Play Store" to audit and display system info (OMG! I am over calling it Google "Play"! It's the Android Market!):
      1. AIDA64 (System, CPU & Android tabs);
      2. DevCheck (Hardware & System tabs);
      3. Device Info HW (General & System tabs); and
      4. SamMobile Device Info (General, Firmware & Android tabs).
    BusyBox Procedure:
    1. To begin, download and install Stericson's BusyBox installer (link above).
    2. Launch the BusyBox app, click "Grant" to the root request, and wait for 2-3 minutes while the app initialises for the first time.
    3. At the top of the screen it will show your current BusyBox version and details. At the bottom-left of the screen, click "Install" to update. It will automatically update and perform maintenance on SymLinks, fixing any issues for you.
    4. Exit BusyBox and re-open. Now click "Uninstall" at the bottom-right and click "Uninstall" again saying yes you understand.
    5. Now your system has no BusyBox! Some background services may complain but this will only be for a few minutes.
    6. Open Magisk Manager and swipe open the left-hand side-menu and click Modules.
    7. You will now see your currently installed (active/disabled) modules plus the latest versions of other Magisk-compatible modules below.
    8. Click the Search icon at the top-right and search for 'busybox'. You should find "Busybox for Android NDK" (ignore the "NDK" part).
    9. This is the Magisk recommended Systemless BusyBox module managed by XDA member 'Osmosis' @osm0sis. Click the Row for more information or click the Download icon then "Install" on the right-hand-side to begin. Once complete, without any errors, click "Reboot". If you experience any errors just reboot and try again or click save and examine the logs.
    10. Now open one of the three 'System Info' apps (listed above) -OR- re-open the BusyBox installer app again. This will allow you to determine your BusyBox name and version! If everything was successful, you should see something like "BusyBox v1.23.4-OsMoSiS" with path "/system/xbin/".
      All Done!

      When an app requests SU and BusyBox access, Magisk SuperUser will prompt to grant or deny this request, then if accepted, automatically serves the Systemless BusyBox environment to the requesting app. Amazing!
      If you have any issues, please use the Magisk Manager support topic and attach all related logs
    Last edited by trebor; 12 August 2018, 07:16. Reason: Moved to One thread and stuck

    Below are some handy tools you should download and have ready on the external Micro SD Card and your PC's HDD. This list is far from complete and will be updated by member suggestions! The list includes a short description plus links to further details, support, downloads and dates they were last updated. If you know an Android or Windows app that is *essential* for use, please feel to post it here, and I will add it to the list. Thanks!!

    Where is the AMLogic Website? Site shows compatible OS versions, hardware specifications w/ chipset, memory RAM, CPU & frequencies, etc. Click around and you will find all sorts of info, e.g. Email address mbox-android[@]
    » (Strange 'S905x' is planned for OS v8 but the 'S912' is not planned beyond OS v7??)

    AMLogic S912 & S905 Toolkit [Bundled Fastboot, Flash, Burn, Port, Backup] (Tool & Drivers) - IMPORTANT! Combined toolkit to flash, backup, convert recovery images and restore ALL AMLogic AML S912 & S905 TV Boxes remotely from your PC. Read more...

    AMLogic Network Flash Tool [Bundled ADB & FastBoot] (Tool & Drivers) - IMPORTANT! Ability to flash, backup, convert recovery and restore AMLogic Media Player TV Boxes remotely over the network (LAN Cable or Wireless/Wi-Fi). Always backup prior to upgrading/downgrading! Capable of backing up, restoring and converting any other device's TWRP Recovery. Read more...
    »!AII2TB6R!Tk8SS9RUZ...Ph2nSlK-JdlZDc [2018.02.24 v1]

    AMLogic USB Burning Tool v2.1.6 [Device Re-Imaging] (Tools) - IMPORTANT! This tool allows you to Flash (or "Burn") an update to AMLogic Media Player / TV Boxes using a USB Type-A to Type-A cable. Ability to "Burn" (Flash) and upgrade your device. Please always backup prior to updating!
    *Warning!* Wipes ALL device data!!! Use *.img files only, not *.zip files!
    »!8ZJTETzL!cdPql9YqK...R-nH5tDIhdeZEg [2018.03.07 v2.1.6]
    »!RcglgLrK!0rLQQP_kW...2KP0ycLX1FzgPI [2017.08.14 v2.1.2]

    TeamWin TWRP S905 S912 Recovery (Bootable) - IMPORTANT! [Micro SD Boot 100% Guaranteed!] Use to access TWRP recovery without modifying your recovery partition. Frequently updated alternate recovery project. The most suitable recovery will depend on your device! If you cannot boot into TWRP recovery, you will need to learn your Device's Model/Fingerprint/Bootloader/Modem/CSC. Check the XDA Forums relevant for your device and custom Recovery solutions listed. Flashing will modify your Stock Recovery - this is not recommended should you wish to perform OTA firmware updates and use 3rd party apps that circumvent modified/rooted device detection (Spotify, Netflix, Stan, etc.). Be sure to take a backup of ALL IMPORTANT partitions, plus separate backups of EVERY partition too.
    »!4Mx2wSbQ!G-Vws-Xv1...Vc4IZ4c7SfCpZE [AmLogic-specific S905 & S912, TWRP v3.0.2]

    Odin3 for Windows - Flash various types of firmware for your device - e.g. modem, boot, system, etc. Odin can push OTA manufacturer and third-party signed/unsigned software updates / patches to devices via USB. e.g. Flash Radio to resolve various issues, or flash and restore the original to resolve custom ROM issues. Please visit the Odin3 thread by ChainFire for support. Read more...
    » Odin3 v3.09.0 [2013.06.21] | Odin3 v3.09.5 [2014.03.12] | [url=!5IoA2K5b!JVrT3uOYv7wSjF8-kTRDeU32jaUAKZxx_3gINnCS4Xk]Odin3 v3.11.1 [2016.05.13] |Odin3 v3.12.7 [2017.05.06] | [url=!pJIA2ACI!tKb-CAIh1dXyMJsbznbqyYC1LcPu6FFddWm8BWrokVs]Odin3 v3.12.10 [2017.11.01]

    Fix Permissions v2018.04.15 by Osm0sis [Repair Micro SD & TF] Flashable - Repair and fix both file and directory errors/corruptions with ownership and permissions. Flash the signed package to execute. Read more...
    »!wRYiSZ6K!8DVVq5v9K...FCVy0QssuE8Qvw [2018.04.15]

    ADB & FastBoot Drivers [Windows Mac Linux] (Drivers) - Essential if pushing, pulling and backing up device content & partitions. Familiarise yourself and bookmark the command examples on ADB + Fastboot. You will need to verify your Device's Model/Fingerprint/Bootloader/Modem/CSC BEFORE flashing. Enter commands via command prompt - for example, to push new recovery image: "fastboot boot xyz-recovery.img". Read more...
    » OS Selection: Windows | Linux | MacOS
    »!EB4C3bwR!d7jO4ngpC...TKFVspA8uCmUs0 [2017.12.13 Win v27.0.1]

    Root SU Uninstaller by Magisk - Un-Root & Clean-up (Flashable) - IMPORTANT! UnRoot / DeRoot and reverse system modifications from Magisk SU, SuperSU and other 3rd party rooting tools. Excellent tool for removing corrupt Chinese root to install Magisk SuperUser and Magisk Manager or SuperSU. Read more...
    » [Latest! Dev Link]
    »!xZInDJSQ!l_Kl-NcHv...zMrHFutREl4BVs [v20180429]
    »!ABJU1Jza!6xYhQn_RG...-uc28KXCX5SSkA [v20180222]
    »!4Bwn0azK!fc9roBz32...ShQz515PlQ4KXY [v20180113]

    Osm0sis UnSU Un-Root & Clean-up (Flashable) - UnRoot and restore modified system files correctly from half a dozen 3rd party root methods. See also the Magisk Uninstaller above for more up-to-date solution should this not work. Read more...
    »!gUZhXbTD!bUGGnnDuq...broCc3vUxOgGiE [2018.02.06]

    CleanupSU (Flashable) - Cleans up all leftover SuperUser files that might be laying around. Perform every time you need to re-root. See also the Magisk Uninstaller above for more up-to-date cleanup solution.
    »!MNpUjaTZ!VYBOQRfel...kgJJPdfygmjblw [2016.11.03]

    SUMount (Flashable) - For use with either 'Systemless' root options: @topjohnwu's Magisk SU -or- Chainfire's SuperSU. Toggles mounting of 'magisk.img' & 'magisk_merge.img' or 'su.img' to access their file systems for manipulation (ADB Shell, Aroma File Manager, TWRP Terminal or TWRP File Manager, etc.). Read more...
    »!lYZmhIga!TSE-l519X...YGpWM9IG4HoPhE [2008.02.28]

    TeamWin TWRP Recovery (Flashable & Bootable?) - NOT TESTED!! UNTESTED!!! You can always try booting (not flashing) from this recovery image if the AML S905/S912 Recovery above does not work. I recommend you learn your Device's Model/Fingerprint/Bootloader/Modem/CSC. Be sure to take a backup of ALL Important partitions. Read more...

    Philz Touch Recovery [Database of Devices] (Flashable & Bootable?) - NOT TESTED!! UNTESTED!!! You can always try booting (not flashing) from this recovery image if the AML S905/S912 Recovery above does not work. I recommend you learn your Device's Model/Fingerprint/Bootloader/Modem/CSC. Be sure to take a backup of ALL Important partitions. Read more...

    Want to backup your device's Recovery? Want to restore another device's Recovery? Want to use it for another Media Box? Try the nifty little tool called: AMLogic Network Flash Tool! (see above) Note: I have not tested with RockChip media boxes (RK3328 RK3368 RK339)
    Attached Files


      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Two features 'Magisk SU Root Masking' labeled as "Magisk Hide" -and- 'Magisk Manager Rename' labeled as "Hide Magisk Manager". This can be confusing and the sequence of these options are in reverse order, than what I would have thought. Enabling 'Magisk Hide' detection system is *usually* sufficient for most scenarios with problematic Catch-up TV apps, Banking apps, Google apps, Music services (Spotify, etc), Anti-tamper Game hacks, and so on. A better word to describe what Magisk Hide does would be 'masking' or 'cloaking' its presence from other apps.
      For further assistance, access the Magisk Hide FAQ:

      » Activate Magisk SU ROOT Masking (i.e. Magisk Hide)
      What does it do? It masks detection of the presence of SU from selected apps. This feature will activate a hidden option in the left menu. When opened it allows you to select various applications to BLOCK detection from these apps from recognising system has been compromised and has SuperUser + ROOT.

      Magisk SU ROOT Masking Steps:
      1. Always Backup! Take a full backup using TWRP app, or alternatively via "recovery.img"
      2. Launch Magisk Manager (round green mask icon).
      3. Slide open the left menu by swiping left-to-right. Click Settings.
      4. Scroll down to yellow 'MAGISK' section.
      5. Enable "Magisk Hide".
      6. Close Magisk Manager. Open Magisk Manager. Slide open the left menu by swiping left-to-right.
      7. Select 3rd option "Magisk Hide" and begin selecting which apps to "Cloak" or "Mask" Root to prevent detection.

      NOTE: Do you find after closing Magisk Manager or rebooting, that "Magisk Hide" disappears from the left menu and is disabled in settings? See Magisk Hide Troubleshooting steps below to resolve!!

      » Activate Magisk Manager Package Rename (i.e. Hide Magisk Manager)
      What does it do? Should you have issues where an app is circumventing the Magisk Hide feature (above), you can use the Magisk Manager Package Rename feature (ironically named "Hide Magisk" just to confuse you!). The feature creates a cloned APK file of Magisk Manager but with a random package name ('com.XxXxXxXxXx' instead of 'com.topjohnwu.magisk') and installs it, then automatically removes the original Magisk Manager app to avoid detection.

      If you proceed with Hide Magisk Manager (Rename) there are a number of inherent limitations. Research on the forums first to fully understand the consequences of this feature. For example, Magisk Manager check for updates fail, automatic update notification is unavailable, re-install Magisk Manager unavailable, plus numerous other restrictions.

      Magisk Rename Steps:
      1. Always Backup! Take a full backup using TWRP app, or alternatively via "recovery.img" (attached & already discussed).
      2. Launch Magisk Manager (round green mask icon).
      3. Slide open the left menu by swiping left-to-right. Click Settings.
      4. Under the yellow 'GENERAL' section.
      5. Click "Hide Magisk". *NOTE* There is NO CONFIRMATION prompt!
      6. Wait 1-2 mins and Magisk Manager will close automatically.
      7. Open Magisk Manager (same round green mask icon). You can now check the new package name.
      8. Under settings where you selected "Hide Magisk" is now a "Restore Magisk Manager" option to restore the original package (e.g. for Magisk updates or modules).

      What does the Uninstall button do?
      When removing Magisk & Magisk Manager there are three options:
      1. Remove the "Manager" app only = "Uninstall App";
      2. Restore stock/original Boot image for OTA Updates = "Restore Images";
      3. Clean-up ; removes Magisk SuperUser, Modules; Manager = "Complete Uninstall".

      Magisk Topics » Magisk Stable | Magisk Beta | Support Q&A
      Downloads » Magisk Manager | Magisk Flashable | Magisk Clean-up v20180429 | v20180328
      Requirements Magisk uses logging ('logd' service) to hide/mask root. Magisk Hide needs Kernel v3.8+ or newer (e.g. My Galaxy S5 uses v3.10.40 & X96 TV box has v3.14.29).
      Troubleshooting Documentation, Wiki & FAQ | Magisk Hide Help | Diagnosing Magisk Issues

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Magisk Hide (Masking Magisk SuperUser) - 2 Solutions w/ Magisk Hide being disabled after reboot or closing and re-opening Magisk Manager.
      If you are using Magisk Manager and Magisk Root and are experiencing difficulty with Magisk Hide (Masking Magisk's SU) not showing in the Manager's side-menu or remembering its status in settings, it occurs when a file is not automatically deleted and removed.

      Open Magisk Manager, Settings >> Enable Magisk Hide, close Manager, re-open and Magisk Hide is disabled and not visible (hidden) in the left side-menu. i.e. Exit, Close, Stop, Re-Open & Reboot Reset's Magisk Hide's State to Disabled.

      SOLUTION 1.
      1. Force stopped Magisk Manager.
      2. Backup then Delete file /data/property/persist.magisk.hide (0600).
      3. Launch Magisk Manager.
      4. Go to Settings >> Enable Magisk Hide.
      5. Go back to Manager home screen. Swipe to reveal side-menu and check Magisk Hide menu is visible.
      6. Close Magisk Manager or Force stop.
      7. Reopen and Swipe side-menu and confirm Magisk Hide is still visible!
      I hope this helps others also experiencing issues with Hiding Super User SU. Thanks Shak!

      SOLUTION 2.
      Another fix @dunderball posted Dec 2017 was in regards to an error "fopen: /magisk/.core/magiskhide/hidelist failed with 2: No such file or directory"
      The issue is due to Magisk Manager being unable to save the list of ticked Apps to hide from SU to /magisk/.core/magiskhide/hidelist.
      1. Check the existence of the "/magisk/.core/magiskhide/hidelist" path.
      2. Create the "/hidelist" directory.
      3. CHMOD "/magisk/.core/magiskhide/hidelist" to 0644.
      Thanks go to @dunderball.

      SOLUTION 3.
      If you are using an old device or perhaps an old ROM with custom Kernel, you may find Magisk does not work. Magisk Manager & Magisk SuperUser requires a Kernel with version v3.8.x or newer.
      Check your device forums on XDA for assistance.

      SOLUTION 4.
      Magisk Hide will not function if you have disabled your 'logd' service, or your have set your log threshold to 0 bytes. Magisk requires to examine the logs in order to hide the selected apps from root status. Enable and start the 'logd' service and try again! Solution 5 also discusses the importance of the Logging service.

      SOLUTION 5.
      Magisk anomalies, problems with diagnostic logs and non-functioning Magisk Hide.
      ATTENTION: If you are experiencing diagnostic and logging issues (e.g. blank or no debug logs created in "/data/adb/Magisk/") or you are experiencing some anomalies after enabling Magisk Hide, please be aware v15.4+ of Magisk Manager checks and verifies if the "LOGD" diagnostic logging service is running. Devices NOT using the 'logd' service for logging will therefore NOT be able to successfully have "Magisk Hide" enabled and functioning.
      If you really wish to use this feature, then I recommend:
      1. Performing a backup of your data, important partitions and system state;
      2. Flash Magisk Uninstall ZIP (link available above & on Magisk topic); and
      3. Flash Magisk v15.31 ZIP to allow enabling the Magisk Hide feature.
      Disable the check for updates option within Magisk Manager settings to prevent accidental upgrade until the issue is fixed by @topjohnwu.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Restore to factory defaults does *not* work on these devices. It will NOT restore root or any 'destructive' actions made on the OS and to any apps. The great thing about MagiskManager is that it can co-exist with SuperSU, however it will not truly be hidden and invisible. If you do mix-and-match SuperUser's then make sure you use their method for hiding, e.g. search for Hide SuperSU by ChainFire.

      Depending on how 'destructive' your previous actions were on the device, you should have a 'close to original' stock System partition and a copy/backup of the *Original* device's Boot Image. There are two things you can try when either root, SU, permissions or something else is corrupt:
      1. flashing the Magisk Uninstall ZIP to un-root your device to perform a clean-up and proper removal; or
      2. try restoring (flashing) the stock/original untouched device Boot Image via TWRP.
      Once you confirm things are stable and working, you can then either:
      1. Launch MagiskManager and click Install and choose 3rd option, Direct Method;
      2. flash Magisk via TWRP again; or
      3. Launch MagiskManager, click Install and choose 2nd option, browse for your stock Boot image and then flash the updated image via TWRP.

      With either the Stock Standard or a Custom Recovery:
      • Download the S905 & S912 Media Player Bootable TWRP Recovery image (13.3MB):;amp;d=1519 2100 44 (attached to above post)
      • Reasonable quality Micro SD Card (Class '4' or higher) w/ 2GB+ size formatted in FAT32 - run a disk check if any doubts or issues w/ card;
      • USB Input (cordless mouse & keyboard, as the "air mouse" remote sends you crazy!);
      • Dismantle a ball-point pen and remove the long plastic ink nib section (or a kebab stick, tooth pick, paper clip); and
      • Attempt to fix and repair all file, directory and application permissions by booting into TWRP and selecting "Fix Permissions".

      Options and Procedure:
      # Magisk
      1. Flash Magisk ZIP installation script.
        1. Boot into TWRP recovery via 'recovery.img' on Micro SD card.
        2. Take a full device backup.
        3. Flash Magisk latest stable or beta ZIP.
        4. Magisk Manager will be re-installed automatically.
      2. Open Magisk Manager and click "Install" at the bottom of the screen.

      # SuperSU
      1. Flash SuperSU ZIP installation script.
        1. Boot into TWRP recovery via 'recovery.img' on Micro SD card.
        2. Take a full device backup.
        3. Flash SuperSU latest stable or beta ZIP.

      # ChainFire
      1. Flash ChainFire ZIP installation script.
        1. Boot into TWRP recovery via 'recovery.img' on Micro SD card.
        2. Take a full device backup.
        3. Flash CF Root ZIP.

      NOTE: Cannot flash via ODIN w/ standard Micro USB cable due to Media TV Boxes not having USB peripheral 'host' ports. You will need to buy a USB type-A to type-Acable for this to work - compatibility will be device dependant ($5 investment on ****). If you are more comfortable with Odin, you can flash either a 3rd Party Recovery (temporarily) or Stock Recovery in the "AP" slot (*.tar or *.tar.md5) - always backup first! I have not tested any WiFi ADB tools or flashing with "FlashFire", "Rashr" or "Flashify" (Odin update) - should essentially work once you have root access...

      The process is essentially the same as the process to root. However you simply select a different SU ZIP to flash. There is ample documentation available for using TWRP. Please DuckDuckGo/Google your specific root method and TWRP if you are unsure.
      If you do receive an error and the process does not complete, copy the log to your card and try again. Fails again? Examine the logs and look for any errors.

      WHAT IF? If this all fails, try using ChainFire's "UnSU ZIP script" -or- Magisk's "Uninstaller ZIP script" and flash either via TWRP to clean-up the system. Alternatively, you could use TWRP to flash the stock boot/recovery/system partitions -OR- use TWRP to Factory Reset (after backing up all data!!), and then begin the Magisk Root steps from scratch!

      Magisk Topics » Magisk Stable | Magisk Beta | Support Q&A
      Downloads » Magisk Manager | Magisk Flashable | Magisk Clean-up v20180429 | v20180328
      Troubleshooting Documentation, Wiki & FAQ | Magisk Hide Help | Diagnosing Magisk Issues

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Prior to installing lots of apps or making any system changes, it is *always* advised to take regular full backups, plus backup of your Boot and Recovery. If you cannot find the original ROM images easily online (e.g. obscure media player device, non-existent version numbers) then perform a backup within TWRP app or boot into recovery. It is *highly* recommended you have Stock backups prior to performing any actions that may affect the boot partition (inadvertently).

      Backup Boot & Recovery Partitions:
      • If you DO NOT have Root, follow the Backup instructions above under "HOW TO ACCESS TWRP RECOVERY W/O MODIFYING RECOVERY/BOOT" (below) to access the backup recovery environment.
      • If you DO have Root access - download, install and open TWRP (has a stupid name "Official TWRP App"), click 2nd option "Backup Existing Recovery".
      • Perform two backups: first enter a meaningful "Device Recovery Backup" file name and click "Backup Recovery"; then repeat for the "Device Boot Backup" and update the backup file name.
      • The backup should complete within a few seconds, depending on its size and destination.

      To restore, follow the same steps via TWRP app, or alternatively boot to the 'recovery.img' (attached & discussed above) and choose TWRP Flash restore, browse and select the backup, then select which partitions you wish to recover.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      • Download the AMLogic S905/S912 TWRP Bootable Recovery image (13.3MB):;amp;d=1519 2100 44 (attached to above post)
      • Reasonable quality Micro SD Card (Class '4' or higher) w/ 2GB+ size formatted in FAT32 - run a disk check if any doubts or issues w/ card;
      • USB Input (cordless mouse & keyboard, as the "air mouse" remote sends you crazy! Get a Logitech K/B & Mouse w/ unifying dongle); and
      • Dismantle a ball-point pen and remove the long plastic ink nib section (or a kebab stick, tooth pick, paper clip);

      TWRP Procedure:
      • 1. Extract the Media Player compatible TWRP 'recovery.img' image from ZIP file (DO NOT RENAME FILE!).
      • 2a. Insert Micro SD card (Class [4] or higher) to Windows computer.
      • 2b. Format Micro SD card on PC: untick "Quick Format" and select 'FAT32' (not 'FAT', not 'NTFS', not 'exFAT').
      • 3a. Copy only the 'recovery.img' to the root of the Micro SD card (excluding any other files and folders, unless flashing the firmware).
      • 3b. Safely eject the Micro SD card from computer and insert into TV box.
      • 4. Unplug the "AV" port cable (3.5mm audio socket) and A/C power from TV box. NOTE: May reset system date/time! TWRP Backups then have wrong time stamps!
      • 5a. Carefully insert the long plastic ink ball-point pen nib/tip into the "AV" port and you will feel a button depress - don't let go!
      • 5b. Connect the A/C power cable to the TV box, while holding the button inside the "AV" port.
      • 5c. Wait while device initialises and displays TWRP screen (Black & Blue interface).
      • 5d. Release the pen ink nib NOW and reconnect the "AV" audio cable, if in use.
        Done. Rock and roll!
        Now perform any TWRP functions - backup, restore, fix permissions, flash, etc.

      NOTE: If you wish to install vendor OTA updates, I recommended you continue using TWRP (or other solution) via Micro SD Recovery and the TWRP Android app. Otherwise, if you flash TWRP (or other recovery) you will need to take extra steps to re-flash your Bootloader prior to any updates, then flash again, and again afterwards.

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Whether you initially used the Magisk Manager app -or- TWRP Recovery \ ADB FastBoot \ Odin3 to flash the Magisk patched boot image, a backup copy of the existing stock boot image is stored in "./data/" as "stock_boot.img".

      However, if you flash an already Magisk patched "boot.img" through ADB FastBoot (Download Mode), then neither a "stock_boot.img" backup will be created or existing backup overwritten. Magisk detects the active boot image as already patched, therefore you must manually create a backup if you wish to retain the existing boot image.

      Note: When patching a stock boot.img and flashing via Magisk Manager, the backup of the stock boot image is temporarily held until the next reboot in: "./data/user/0/com.topjohnwu.magisk/install/stock_boot.img".
      If you are struggling to locate the file, access an on-device terminal emulator, type "SU" and enter: "find -name 'stock_boot*'".

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      1. Download, install and open your Busybox app. We will only use the "Uninstall" component of this app to clean-up any Busybox applets and remnants left behind.
      2. If you have any corruptions in BusyBox preventing removal, first click "Install" to update, and then click "Uninstall".
      3. Once complete, you may uninstall your Busybox app as is no longer required!

      1. Open Magisk Manager. Slide open the left menu by swiping left-to-right.
      2. Click the "Downloads" menu item.
      3. Scroll down the list and looks for something like "Busybox NDK" or similar.
      4. Read the module description. Click Install and follow the steps.
      5. Slide open the left menu, select the "Modules" menu item to see the list of (active/inactive) installed modules (you may tick/untick a module to temporarily disable it, or click the trash icon to remove and uninstall it completely).
        You should now see the 'BusyBox NDK' systemless module installed.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      Normally most Android devices have a "Vending.apk" as their Google Play Market package. However some devices use a different package name for Play Market and Play Services packages e.g. "Phonesky.apk" or "Velvet.apk".
      In order to upgrade Play will depend on your system. Installing an updated Phonesky.apk will work. e.g. I updated my unstable Google play from v6.0.1 and Play Services with the following packages:
      - Play Store v6.0.5 as '' in "./system/priv-app/Phonesky/Phonesky.apk"
      - Play Services v8.4.89 as '' in "./system/priv-app/PreBuiltGMSCore/PreBuiltGMSCore.apk"

      Updating Google Play and Play Services options:
      #1. use any root explorer (Solid Explorer, FX Explorer, ES Explorer, Root Explorer) to rename (backup) and replace the "Phonesky.apk" and "PreBuiltGMSCore.apk" packages;
      #2. flash the updated Play Market or Play Services ZIP package via Magisk Manager;
      #3. flash the updated Play Market or Play Services APK package via Recovery; or
      #4. flash via ADB FastBoot (please search the XDA forums for examples [ADB, FastBoot, Push/Pull]).
      IMPORTANT! Always backup your existing APK files (both system and manufacturer apps!).
      If you wish to Disable Apps do not use a Root App Uninstaller. Instead, use a systemless application disabler with your systemless root - e.g. Magisk Manager + App Systemizer module. This will allow you to achieve the temporary removal of system apps without modifying the /system/ partition. Why is keeping the System image original and stock important? If you modify the system partition (mount RW, delete an app, or make any changes) it will cause future issues and prevent updates when you wish to upgrade your OS or perform an OTA update.

      » Google Play Services APK
      Before installing any random version of Google Play Services, you must first make sure it matches a number of variables to prevent conflict on your device (Android TV, Mobile Device, TV Box, etc) and the corresponding OS etc. To do this, expand the box below but clicking "Un Hide".
      To determine the suitable version of Google Play services for your Android device, go to Settings » Apps » Google Play Services (or Play Services). Here you will see the size, memory use and the version. Observe the three digit 'xyz' sequence 'v##.#.# (xyz-#########)'.

      For example: Play Services v11.0.45 (430-155874144)
      The 'xyz' here shows '430' which will represent which 'variants' of Google Play services that are compatible with your device. Therefore "430" represents:
      X = "4" = if OS 5.0, 5.1 = Play Services v7.9 and older -OR- if OS 6.0+ = Play Services v8.0 and onwards.
      Y = "3" = armeabi-v7a ARM CPU.
      Z = "0" = Universal and can be used on any device with high or low DPI.

      Example 3 Digit Prefixes:
      430 = Android >=6.0; armeabi-v7a; NoDPI/Universal device;
      046 = Android <5.0; arm64-v8a CPU; Max 320dpi device;
      876 = Android TV; x86 CPU; Max 320dpi device;
      940 = Android >8.0; arm64-v8a CPU; NoDPI/Universal device;
      438 = Android >=6.0; armeabi-v7a CPU; Max 480dpi device;
      Download All Versions of Play Services:
      - TV Versions:
      - Standard:

      View further information on these 3-digit prefixes:
      STATUS: Work In Progress!

      » Google Market Play Store APK
      Should you require any older versions of Google Play / Market either to resolve instability, require less memory, or for use on a low-end/budget device, you can easily downgrade without issues. There are multiple methods of installation here, and it depends on your device type. If one method does not work, then simply try the next available.

      Download All Versions of Play / Market:
      - Standard:

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      STATUS: Work In Progress!

      Be aware you do *not* need the latest version of every Google app to use your device. Updating often introduces issues and more resource intensive apps and services. May of 2018 and I am still using Google Play v6 without any issues on my TV Box.

      More information will be updated soon..."


        Reposted from my reply in the XDA thread that this thread references:

        I tried both TWRP SD card recovery images in this thread (the OPs and yours) on my new T95Z Plus 3/32 (AML S912) running Nougat 7.1.2 stock with two different 32GB microSD cards (one Samsung, one SanDisk), and I can't get into TWRP at all; it just hangs at the initial splash screen (the one with just "T95Z Plus" on a black screen). I've tried booting into recovery mode using a matchstick to hold the reset button in (which gives me that black T95Z Plus screen that it hangs on until I power the box down), as well as with a couple of different reboot menu utilities (which gets me into the stock Android recovery, but gives me no option that I can see to boot from the recovery.img on the SD card).

        I'd rather not flash another ROM on this box unless I can back the stock ROM up in TWRP first; any tips?


          Hmm... could be wrong, but, factory firmware tends not to have TWRP. Can TWRP recovery images be installed?
          In any case, if someone-else recovery image has different hardware(how-ever slight) you may experience difficulties.

