It can seem fiddly to setup so I thought I'd jot down some generic instructions for anybody that is interested.
This little guide assumes that you have already installed Libreelec ( in my case) to either bootable media of the internal nand and thatb of course, you have the tuner connected to a USB port at one end and your antenna at the other.
Configure all your usual Librelec/Kodi settings.
Go to Addons, Download, PVR Clients, select TvHeadend HTSP Client and install.
Configure it with TvHeadend Hostname or IP address changing the default to libreelec.local (need to restart message will appear, click OK).
Whilst still in addons, go to Install from repository, select Libreelec addons, Program addons, TvHeadend Setup for Kodi and install (it is not absolutely necessary to install this but it may come in handy for troubleshooting later on).
Back to addons and select, Install from repository, Libreelec addons, Services,
TvHeadend Server 4.2 and install.
Wait for connection message.
Go to PVR & Live TV.
Turn on Synchonise channel groups with backend(s).
Turn on Use channel numbers from backend.
Click clear data and confirm.
Adjust other settings as required.
Now switch to your PC and fire up your browser.
Enter libreelec.local:9981 as the URL and this should take you to the TvHeadend config screen.
Follow the Wizard, selecting language, tuner etc.
When choosing your mux location (the location of your local TV broadcast mast) a channel scan will start.
When finished, reboot. You don't have to but you may have issues with the PVR manager loading up if you don't.
Upon starting, you should see the PVR manager start and populate the TV channel listing and EPG guide.
When watching a channel, if you click the record button and it starts and immediately stops then it is likely that the recordings folder that should be located under ./storage does not exist.
To correct this, SSH into Libreelec using WinSCP or similar and create the directory recordings in storage.
Login name is root and password is libreelec (you just need the IP address of the box from System Information) and connection is easy.
One unexpected bonus that I found was that if you load up the TvHeadend config on your PC browser, if you double click on a channel, then an .M3U is downloded from which you can launch and play the program from any PC or device that supports .M3U playback. If a channel is already being watched then you cannot choose another but it does mean that multiple people can theoretically watch the same stream from different locations in your home.
Adding a second tuner, if you have enough spare USB ports would allow both recording of one channel whilst watching another and should also allow 2 streams to be watched from different locations.