So i am new to FT and new to TV dongles.
I have a H96 Pro 3gb / 16GB octa core dongle:
H96 Pro S912
Model: H96 Pro (q8723bs)
CPU Architecture: AArch64 Processor rev 4
Instruction set: arm64-v8a
(Please let me know if i need more info).
I am currently experiencing issues what feels like:
Every time there is a large amount of wifi data to be transmitted, the signal drops out. Also the wifi connection seems to be excruciatingly slow.
So i am considering flashing with a new ROM. From what i can tell the SuperCeleron rom seems to be the best reviewed.
I have in the past rooted / fashed mobile phones but never a TV dongle.
Are there any threads on here with instructions on how to:
1. Back up the current rom
2. Identify which rom you need
3. Flash a custom rom?
Thanks in advance