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Inverted/Negative colors while using S912 Boxes on Sony LCD TV

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    Inverted/Negative colors while using S912 Boxes on Sony LCD TV


    I have a strange bug while using S912 boxes on an old Sony LCD TV.

    I bought a Generic 4K BOX labeled H96 Pro Plus from geekbuying and later (after returning the H96 Pro Plus because of software issues) a Vorke Z6 Plus.
    Both devices use the same hardware S912 3Gb Ram and 32Gb storage, and both worked perfectly on my Samsung Smart TV (J Series), however if i use them in an old Sony or Philips LCD TV i get the following problem:

    The colors become temporarily inverted/negative, and then after a while it goes back to normal.
    Since this problem happened with two completely different boxes i assume it's not a hardware issue. And it only occurs in older models of Sony, and also i friend of mine reported it happened to him on a Philips model.
    In the Samsung Smart TV both boxes worked perfect, without any issues.

    From what i read on the internet it's a known issue with older models of these brands because of the HDMI outputs YCrCb by default instead of RGB.

    Does anyone have this problem and knows a fix for the S912 chipset or specifically for the VOrke Z6 Plus?

    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited by uha666; 30 September 2018, 23:40.

    Sounds like your video cables or HDMI cable is bad!


      No, it happened with two distinct boxes, with hdmi cables provided.

      This is a known issue that other providers have solved by firmware (with a Force RGB mode in display settings), however Vorke and H96 Pro don't have this option.


        Originally posted by uha666 View Post
        No, it happened with two distinct boxes, with hdmi cables provided.

        This is a known issue that other providers have solved by firmware (with a Force RGB mode in display settings), however Vorke and H96 Pro don't have this option.
        Mine does... its In display settings


          What is your firmware version / model?


            Right now my H96 Pro + has latest stock LPDDR3 V6, running my ATV mod.


              The only solution i found was using a HDMI to VGA converter, while i don't update my tv. Cheap dongles go for around 4 euros so not expensive purchase.

              This is provided th old tv still has vga input.


                Go to settings, display and then "color space" or whatever you can find the settings for rgb and ycbcr color settings. Change it to rgb8 or rgb10. Then go to display mode and change it from auto to one of the settings your tv supports, like 1080p... Wait and see if your problem has been solved.


                  Originally posted by Private View Post
                  Go to settings, display and then "color space" or whatever you can find the settings for rgb and ycbcr color settings. Change it to rgb8 or rgb10. Then go to display mode and change it from auto to one of the settings your tv supports, like 1080p... Wait and see if your problem has been solved.
                  Yep it's a known problem with some older Sony and Philips TV's. Both TV manufacturers never fixed that bug.
                  They falsely broadcast over HDMI that they can handle the YCbCr colorspace that AMLogic devices output, when in fact they can only use RGB over HDMI.

