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Vodafone TV Box Amlogic 905D with DTV 2/8 AC WiFi Fast Lan BT 4.2 ATV 7.1.1

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    Vodafone TV Box Amlogic 905D with DTV 2/8 AC WiFi Fast Lan BT 4.2 ATV 7.1.1

    Vodafone TV Box with DTV 2/8 AC WiFi Fast Lan BT 4.2 ATV 7.1.1

    Saw this the other day at 1/2 price at Vodafone, ($53us$) Free express delivery ordered Sunday Night here Today Tuesday am (AU only)

    This device may show up in other places around the world if not already and not too shabby at all.
    Bit of a bargain I thought, why not add it to the collection always room for one more. (ask clarkss12)

    Amlogic 905d-B, with TV Tuner, 2/8GB AC WiFI 10/100 Lan HDMI 2.0 with HDCP 2.2 usb 2 Voice remote.

    Running ATV 7.1.1, very easy setup as expected , BT Voice remote, and Full ATV
    No Root L1, etc etc etc....,
    Same as Mibox and others in this field, except we have a TV Tuner

    Fired up ran for 30 minutes easy, Update as soon as powered up

    Tv Tuner looks OK...not checked to much as yet...Netflix etc 4k
    Installed Puffin Browser, then Aptoide, easy and then the rest as required
    No APP Drawer...

    Those who make Boxes check out the HeatSink and Goodies in this Fella
    Shame on you, and those bits of tin you try to palm off as a heatsink
    That's not a heat sink, what you see is a heatsink

    Still no Vents must be a Worldly Problem


    All the Bits in the box, even the ether net Oh has a TWO year warranty (don't tell them I pulled mine apart)

    Had to Rip into it...T7 torque screws, Gets warm Huge Heat sink and stuff

    Boring Underneath, BT Pair/WPS button and a reset, LED on Base Shoots down so all you see is a slight Green Glow, (No eye Blinding LEDS)

    Case, No vents

    After another 5 screws all is revealed
    Groovy looking Antennae going on....
    Good looking hardware,

    Like that heat sink. some vents would have been good

    Bit closer, USB 2 port on Side, all Lids Soldered

    Ports rear

    Serious Stuff going on those Antennae

    As Mentioned Found In AU, May show up in other places or already has.
    Last edited by trebor; 16 December 2018, 03:23.
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    WoW !

    Technicolor the designers and manufacturers have built this thing like it would survive an EMP from a Nuclear blast. Really impressive.

    I think that hole in the top of the RF / Heatsink Shield is where you place your Egg for breakfast cooking !

    With the recent price drop these VTV devices are selling pretty well in the land down under, especially after the Xiaomi Mi Box Oreo Firmware update fiasco.

    I'm interested in the deinterlaced Broadcast TV picture output quality and how it compares to an actual TV. Especially with TV playback with lots of motion when watching ball sports.

    Normal TV 's output full motion deinterlacing (25i>50fps), but all these recent AMLogic boxes only output half motion deinterlacing (25i>25fps) and that causes issues with sports viewing.



      Originally posted by wrxtasy View Post
      WoW !

      I'm interested in the deinterlaced Broadcast TV picture output quality and how it compares to an actual TV. Especially with TV playback with lots of motion when watching ball sports.

      Normal TV 's output full motion deinterlacing (25i>50fps), but all these recent AMLogic boxes only output half motion deinterlacing (25i>25fps) and that causes issues with sports viewing.

      I feel that would be very subjective and up to the eyes of the beholder and the TV/monitor they and using for playback,
      As you mention Amlogic not the best in this area.

      With the price around 70 Dollaroo's in AU might be worth a look.

      It's a Boring Box as I like to say, it works as it should no surprises.

      Amlogic 905D been around nothing new there, ram 2/8 does the job, WiFi and BT excellent ATV 7.1.1 may go to A8 unsure myself.
      Please consider
      Donating to Freaktab


        I can't find it................... maybe that is a good thing.............
        MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


        • trebor
          trebor commented
          Editing a comment
          You have that Magic box you purchased the other day
          In AU we have this TV tuner part no Good For USA, but they may release one
          Start saving

        Nice pictures...can you share with us what camera/phone you use to get the quality shots that they are?


        • trebor
          trebor commented
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          Sony A6300 mirrorless

        If I could find the box, I would move to Australia to use it.......... Got nothing better to do......
        MK818B, T428, ATV 1220, CS918S, TV01, S89H, R89, ADT-1, MK808B Plus, MINIX X8-H Plus, Tronsmart Orion R68


        Anyone ever tried to root this baby? I have it for 6 months and I'm struggling to get it rooted!


          Please, can someone root this device, and work out how we could revert this baby back to it's original firmware v7.1.1? The latest firmware update in Feb 2020 "absolutely" killed this otherwise fantastic tv box!!! Desperately looking forward to it happening........

          edit: details of problems are discussed here:

