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s905 Not recognised by o/s (No Beep when connected)

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    Here are the Top and Bottom faces of the Circuit Board - For the sake of clarity these are the numbers on the various chips
    BIWIN NAND 8WCTASC21G16G 164500727 397700 (last numbers not clear)
    Hqst 1620H H82407S
    Two chips next to heat sink PEO17 -125 F 1644

    I hope this is enough info - there are some further numbers on the smaller chips which I can report if necessary.

    Basically the main problem is that I cannot connect via the male-to-male USB and get a USB "Beep" which means I cannot update the firmware.
    The Build "SuperCeleron v.10" I mistakenly installed semi-works (u-Tube is the only service that works at present).
    The WiFi is permanently switched off - when I go into settings the slider moves across to "on" but actually nothing appears - the device goes into permanent "scanning" mode.
    The remote doesn't communicate (save for the Power "on" and Power "off") with the device.
    The only way I cancontrol the device is with a USB keyboard and a USB mouse

    Attached Files
    Last edited by krisomilo; 02 January 2019, 20:19.


      I posted the pictures yesterday but then received a message saying it was spam and would be checked by the moderator. Today nothing has appeared so I'll try again.

      These are pictures of the top and bottom of the circuit board -
      The problems I am having are
      (a) the WiFi will not switch on - I can slide the button across but then it hangs "Scanning" and the next time I boot up it is off again
      (b) the remote only works for switching on and off - and I have changed batteries!
      (c) the device when connected via a male-to-male cable is not recognised by my PC win10 and I've tried on a Win7 as well
      (d) my mistake was to load up the wrong firmware Celeron v1.0 which is ancient - the start of this post

      If anyone has been a careless as me and loaded up the wrong firmware and discovered a way of resetting the box I'd be really happy to learn how to do it!

      Attached Files


        Originally posted by krisomilo View Post
        I posted the pictures yesterday but then received a message saying it was spam and would be checked by the moderator. Today nothing has appeared so I'll try again.

        These are pictures of the top and bottom of the circuit board -
        The problems I am having are
        (a) the WiFi will not switch on - I can slide the button across but then it hangs "Scanning" and the next time I boot up it is off again
        (b) the remote only works for switching on and off - and I have changed batteries!
        (c) the device when connected via a male-to-male cable is not recognised by my PC win10 and I've tried on a Win7 as well
        (d) my mistake was to load up the wrong firmware Celeron v1.0 which is ancient - the start of this post

        If anyone has been a careless as me and loaded up the wrong firmware and discovered a way of resetting the box I'd be really happy to learn how to do it!

        Hi ,

        what Wifichip , picture is unclear , for connecting to Pc , look for "shortPins" ,

        u can find many Infos about that here on FT , then search for the Rom with

        correct Wifidrivers ,

        Hi Everyone We have created this thread to collect all the NAND pin Short to Mask ROM Mode locations for all our members. Because firmware comes on android

        here some Infos about "shortPins" , remember your Box is a AML Box , hope

        you get it , but Please first read and search before you try it , if something

        unclear ask here or in the specific Thread , good luck , gefattern


          Yes the pictures weren't as clear as I wanted but they originally exceeded the recommended size.
          Presume the WiFi chip is the one I have circled (see new picture)
          KM63351011 IT-A1 - that's where I'll start my search unless I am miles off.
          Mind you I wasn't sure what you meant by "short pins" but then the penny dropped!

          When I shorted the nand chip (see picture) there were two areas that reacted to a shorting:-
          - Red circle
          - Blue circle

          Both caused the LEDs in the orange highlight to switch off - so I assumed that was a reboot.
          According to a u-Tube tutorial (that I have stupidly lost) it does not matter if you do short the wrong pins - all you get is a green screen that can be cleared by shorting the correct pins.
          Who knows...
          Attached Files


            Hi gefattren, I've just looked at an interesting thread on the
            KM63351011 IT-A1 chip - seems like quite a few people have had difficulties but at least they seem to be able to update their firmware whereas I can't get the PC to recognise my device. So maybe I have to try methodically shorting pairs of nand chips until one makes the PC wake up?
            Last edited by gefattern; 03 January 2019, 23:26.


              Phew! All this is a million miles above my pay-grade. Still I'll poke around and look at some files.


                Hi ,

                shorting and connecting to Pc is not so hard , you first must find the right Rom ,

                then you can begin to restore with PC , good luck ,

                greetings / gefattern


                  Hi Guys - I've been away - I haven't given up! I can get into the system by plugging it into a TV and using a mouse and keyboard to navigate to the File Explorer but from what I've read I just cannot see where to start - I am assuming that there is a text / configuration file that must be edited to allow the device to be recognised as a USB device on my PC. After that I can run up the installation tool and get the correct version installed. What file or files should I be looking out for - can anyone guide me please? Jean

