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Nextbook Ares 11A - Rebuild
Nextbook Ares 11A - Rebuild
In an attempt to root my Nextbook Ares 11A (NX16A11264 - 5.1) I have wiped my original boot img. I have installed Ares8_recovery_twrp.img so have access to TWRP although all attempts to load a boot.img through fastboot and TWRP is plagued with failures. The most consistent being 'failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)' which leads me to a corrupt/damaged partition? Any input would be rejoicingly appreciated. Cheers!You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 2 photos.2 PhotosTags: None
UPDATE: I have uncovered that the partitions needed to be repaired and have successfully moved to the next series of errors. I downloaded "Nextbook Ares 11A [NX16A11264] Firmware" from and while trying to install from TWRP I end up with "Error 7 Can't install this package over newer build" which leads me to the script in updater-script...anything jump out???
(!less_than_int(1477099312, getprop(""))) || abort("Can't install this package (Fri Oct 21 21:21:52 EDT 2016) over newer build (" + getprop("") + ").");
getprop("ro.product.device") == "NX16A11264" || abort("This package is for "NX16A11264" devices; this is a "" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "".");
ui_print("Target: NextBook/NX16A11264/NX16A11264:6.0.1/MMB29M/V3.0.2:user/release-keys");
show_progress(0.750000, 0);
ui_print("Patching system image unconditionally...");
block_image_update("/dev/block/by-name/android_system", package_extract_file("system.transfer.list"), "", "system.patch.dat");
ui_print("Verifying the updated system image...");
if range_sha1("/dev/block/by-name/android_system", "98,0,32770,32961,32963,33471,65535,65536,65538,66 046,98303,98304,98306,98497,98499,99007,131071,131 072,131074,131582,163839,163840,163842,164033,1640 35,164543,196607,196608,196610,197118,229375,22937 6,229378,229569,229571,230079,262143,262144,262146 ,262654,294911,294912,294914,295105,295107,295615, 327679,327680,327682,328190,360447,360448,360450,3 60958,393215,393216,393218,393726,425983,425984,42 5986,426494,458751,458752,458754,459262,491519,491 520,491522,492030,524287,524288,524290,524798,5570 55,557056,557058,557566,589823,589824,589826,59033 4,622591,622592,622594,623102,654423,655360,655362 ,688128,688130,720896,720898,753664,753666,754174, 780230,780231,786384") == "a49c538c524372c0d5464789ba6fdb77738668aa" then
if range_sha1("/dev/block/by-name/android_system", "102,32770,32961,32963,33471,65535,65536,65538,660 46,98303,98304,98306,98497,98499,99007,131071,1310 72,131074,131582,163839,163840,163842,164033,16403 5,164543,196607,196608,196610,197118,229375,229376 ,229378,229569,229571,230079,262143,262144,262146, 262654,294911,294912,294914,295105,295107,295615,3 27679,327680,327682,328190,360447,360448,360450,36 0958,393215,393216,393218,393726,425983,425984,425 986,426494,458751,458752,458754,459262,491519,4915 20,491522,492030,524287,524288,524290,524798,55705 5,557056,557058,557566,589823,589824,589826,590334 ,622591,622592,622594,623102,654423,655360,655362, 655874,687616,688128,688130,688642,720384,720896,7 20898,721410,753152,753664,753666,754174,780230,78 0231") == "3105d3ac048d817befa69d4c2a7ac2ac3f8fe872" then
ui_print("Verified the updated system image.");
abort("system partition has unexpected non-zero contents after OTA update");
abort("system partition has unexpected contents after OTA update");
show_progress(0.050000, 5);
package_extract_file("boot.img", "/dev/block/by-name/android_boot");
show_progress(0.200000, 10);
Can I just get rid of;
(!less_than_int(1477099312, getprop(""))) || abort("Can't install this package (Fri Oct 21 21:21:52 EDT 2016) over newer build (" + getprop("") + ").");
getprop("ro.product.device") == "NX16A11264" || abort("This package is for "NX16A11264" devices; this is a "" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "".");
[SOLVED] So although not much help from the group i thought I would follow up in the event someone else has faces the same challenge. I had inadvertantly flashed a recovery.img to my boot partition instead of the recovery rendering my 11A soft bricked. The following is how I managed too resurrect the device.
1) Flash Ares8A_twrp_recovery.img to recovery (fastboot flash recovery ares8A.......img)
2) Open twrp
3) Wipe all partitions
4) Repair all partitions
5) Clear cache
6) Download firmware (for your device) at
7) Download the latest
8) NOTE: My install kept failing with 'Error 7 - Can't install this package over a newer build' as I was confident this was not the case I had to edit the updater script. Open in winrar or 7zip and navigate to META-INF and find updater-script, change it to a .txt doc, open it in Notepad++ and remove the following line;
(!less_than_int(1477099312, getprop(""))) || abort("Can't install this package (Fri Oct 21 21:21:52 EDT 2016) over newer build (" + getprop("") + ").");
getprop("ro.product.device") == "NX16A11264" || abort("This package is for "NX16A11264" devices; this is a "" + getprop("ro.product.device") + "".");
9) Save the file, remove .txt and save the file back in the archive directory.
10) In twrp install
11) Install
12) Clear cache and reboot normally - it may take some time to boot the first time.
Hope that helps!
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