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Eursport Player does not stream on T-R42 original firmware

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    Eursport Player does not stream on T-R42 original firmware

    I can login on eursoport and see my account details. However cannot stream live tv. Is this a known issue? Please advise. Thanks Vendor software version: RK3188_R-Box_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0_130514
    Kernel-Version: root@localhost#161 Mon Aug 19 12:07:17 CST 2013
    Build.Nummer rk31sdk-eng 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.linking.20130709.184313test-keys
    Last edited by Flachlandtiroler; 08 October 2013, 11:51. Reason: added box info

    Originally posted by Flachlandtiroler View Post
    I can login on eursoport and see my account details. However cannot stream live tv. Is this a known issue? Please advise. Thanks Vendor software version: RK3188_R-Box_ANDROID4.2.2-SDK_V1.0.0_130514
    Kernel-Version: root@localhost#161 Mon Aug 19 12:07:17 CST 2013
    Build.Nummer rk31sdk-eng 4.2.2 JDQ39 eng.linking.20130709.184313test-keys
    Just a theory,my k-r42 the same as your t-r42 without bluetooth,came as 720p and so would yours i imagine,although hardware runs 1080p inside it cannot output 1080p with it's stock os,so i wonder if the t-r42 stock firmware prevents playback as your app needs 1080p software to be fully functioning?
    Unless the software for the k-r42 is 1080p natively and that then discounts the theory?

    If you know the stock firmware is 1080p compatible and the app needs it you've then hit the nail on the head.It must then be app compatability related somehow,but how i do not know?

    You can go into settings and then apps find the app you have currently installed and click on it,you will see the software name and version number to know which version you have in order to find older versions and to compare versions by number.

    Did the app come from a download on your browser or play store? as well as if it came from a website, it may be an older version of the app that may not work,or if it came from play store are there no older apps on websites to try the theory of old against new being the culprit for not working?
    What is the world if you don't explore?

