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Bricked S905XB need advice or fw

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    Bricked S905XB need advice or fw

    I have one of the "Walmart boxes" an Ematic Jetstream agt418... I bricked it flashing Atvx-FF for 2gb s905x using burned sd card. I was able to load TWRP from SD card through stock recovery and get a backup (of mountable partitions) before bricking.

    Now I cannot get into recovery, u-boot firmware is different and I cannot write the dump pulled in stock u-boot, I cannot boot to fastboot anymore, on power supply only the power light is red and the optical audio light is off. When the USB closest to fhe micro SD card slot is plugged in my PC recognizes the worldcup device and USB tool lists it as connected but most firmware fail at 1% some have got up to 7%. .
    I feel like if I could get back to the original u-boot, into stock recovery or upload the factory firmware I could recover the box but I'm out of ideas because I don't see this s905xb chip listed anywhere on this site or otherwise.

    Aida64 and Ematic have the hardware listed as a s905x but it wasn't until removing the heatsink that I see that was s905xB. Here are specs, working on uploading pics. Thanks in advance!

    Board DV3285
    Chip S905XB
    Emmc SD1NBDG4-8G
    RAM Nanya-1815

    Click image for larger version  Name:	20190714_074940_Film1-1.jpg Views:	0 Size:	120.6 KB ID:	778606

    Click image for larger version  Name:	20190714_075938_Film1-1.jpg Views:	0 Size:	119.4 KB ID:	778605
    Click image for larger version  Name:	20190714_203914_Film1-1~2.jpg Views:	0 Size:	112.8 KB ID:	778604
    Last edited by Bricky_Bobby; 16 July 2019, 07:26.

    hey bro
    did you get any success??
    i have a same box as you and looking for firmware.
    may anybody know about where to find firmware for?
    tnx in advance


      I was able to recover it by pushing a backup of the bootloader and recovery through u-boot in world cup mode. I used a script in the amlogic tools to pivot into fastboot and reboot to stock recovery then used temp TWRP recovery from as to restore a full backup, still had to reboot to stock recovery and do a system restore afterwards. I could not get Ematic to release the firmware no matter how many angles I tried , they rather send out a new box than release the firmware .


        Bricky_Bobby how bad is the stock firmware in those devices? Or you just wanted to experiment with other firmwares?

        What about updates? Did the device see any pushed OTA's while you've owned it?


          Can anyone point out the way to get twrp on this box?

          Please and thank you


            Originally posted by Team_Astr4y4L View Post
            Can anyone point out the way to get twrp on this box?

            Please and thank you
            Don't do it. It is a Certified Google ATV box so no customizing it, use it "as is"


              I was able to back up boot.img bootloader.img and stock recovery.img from this device. If there a possibility to modify the stock bootloader,, I have the dumps of these files if someone would like copies of them.

