I feel really secure with this box, even more secure as with any Windows Pc I had before. The response times are fantastic and after 2 years it has not slowed down as it is usually the case with Windows PC's. In order to have a backup machine (=box), I immediately bought a second Rikomagic MK39 TV box and before unrooting the first one, I had taken a Titanuim Backup which allowed me to easily install the 2nd machine (1 hour only).
So now I have 1 unrooted machine (=box) (the master machine) and 1 rooted machine (the backup machine). Every time I install new apps to the master machine or make changes to settings, I also do it on the backup box. Obviously quite a few times I forgot to do it and maintaining 2 machines is quite some work. My data is always stored on a NAS, so that is not an issue.
What I would like to do is only maintain 1 machine/box which has no root access, and still be able to do Titanium Backups on regular bases. There is an app out there called ROOT SWITCH or ROOT SWITCHER which I tested for virus safety and seems OK. This app allows me to activate or deactivate root in a same or similar way as some TV boxes like A95X MAX or the VORKE Z6 do have this option. This way I can open ROOT for doing my Titanium Backup and close ROOT immediately afterwards for restoring unroot security. Does any one know if working this way is secure and reliable, if it is as safe as standard UNROOTING, other considerations.......welcome.
Another way would be to try installing KINGROOT and if that works, KINGROOT has a button to activate and deactivate ROOT. If that would work, would that be a better and more secure way to Temporary root and unroot the machine so I can do a Titanium Backup in between.
If one of both methods are OK and safe (as safe as proper unrooting), then with a Titanium Backup which I would do on a regular bases, I could at any moment quickly restore all my apps with the settings onto my backup machine.
Thank you in advance guys for your comments