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Problem with Ethernet Network - No Connection after Flash - Tanix TX92

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    Problem with Ethernet Network - No Connection after Flash - Tanix TX92


    I have a problem with my Tanix TX9 Boxes.

    I buy this boxes in internet from China (from Geekbuying).

    As I test the boxes all things were OK. Than I see that there is a new official ROM from the Tanix Website for my Boxes. My Version was 20171201 (sure!) and I want to update to Version 20180205 from the Tanix Website for TX9 Model.

    OK, I update it via the Update Option. Than the boxes were bricked, only the blue Tanix TX9 LED on top were on, but no boot.
    I try a lot of things without solution.

    After a lot of research I read that TX9 and TX92 have similar ROMs. OK I want to try and see the boxes are booting. Perfect, but not enough
    Because I have no wifi and ethernet, and the front display is mirrored upsite down.

    So the conclusion in my opinion was that I get modified TX92 PCB built in TX9 Housing with modified ROM and I believe this is the Version 20171201 from seller. And I can not find the Rom in internet.

    I continue than with the official TX92 Rom (TX92-20171230.img) and try to understand why the wifi, ethernet, front display are not working correctly.

    For wifi and front display I find a solution. At first I unpack the TX9 AND TX92 image with customization tool and replace for
    Front Display the File FD628service from directory TX9\level2\system\bin to TX92\level2\system\bin and for
    Wifi I find the driver for SP6330 (see Wifi Chip on Bottom Picture) in another image in directory ...\level2\system\etc\wifi and copy it to the same directory in unpacked TX92 image.

    After this Update I Pack the new image and than after boot the display is correct (except in boot the "boot" font it is mirrored) and the Wifi works correctly.

    But only the Ethernet is not working, I can not find it with Android Terminal emulator.

    I see in the PCB there is a IC HB1601SNL from Glory. I can not find here any driver.
    How I can solved my problem?
    Is there a rom anywhere he has the driver? If yes in which directory I can find the driver.

    I have tried with the Amlogic Burning tool to flash the MAC ethernet adress to the same which is on the label inside the box, but it has not help anything.

    What can I do to solve the Ethernet problem? Is it a driver problem?

    here is the syntax of mac_ether.ini what I use:
    start = 00:0f:a3:45:a0:e6
    end = 00:0f:a4:45:a1:34
    total = 16777038
    used = 34
    current = 00:0f:a3:45:a0:ec

    start = 00:0f:a3:45:08:12
    end = 00:0f:a3:45:08:34
    total = 34
    used = 0

    fragment =

    Or I have try this:
    start = 00:0f:a3:45:a0:e6
    end = 00:0f:a3:45:a0:e6
    used = 0
    current = 00:0f:a3:45:a0:e6

    But nothing helps. I dont now if it is a driver problem or a MAC address prolem in flash.

    I hope you can help me.

    You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 3 photos.

    Nobody can help?


      minixfreaks efforts may be useful to you.

      Tx9 pro Clock ?

      I'm not sure about ethernet for this device...again...maybe- minixfreak's ROMs or antonio6o6 mods?
      These may be more favorable to what you have going now 


        The Image S912_1GB_REVISED.img
        Can I try this for my Box?

        1GB is for Gbit?


          I try the image S912_1GB_REVISED.img

          No Ethernet, too


            I found the solution for my Box.

            The ethernet must be connected internally not externally.

            After I change in dtb to internally the ethernet is working (like here

            Now I must test him if he is working well.


     is possible to upload SP6330 drivers file, because i cant find nothing?
              Thanks a lot


                Here is it.
                Attached Files


                  Thank you so much lazoboy61


                    Originally posted by lazoboy61 View Post
                    I found the solution for my Box.

                    The ethernet must be connected internally not externally.

                    After I change in dtb to internally the ethernet is working (like here

                    Now I must test him if he is working well.
                    Hello, How you change this dtb to internally. I have same problem.


                      por favor é possivel postar a rom a modificada com o drive wifi? obrigado

                      please is it possible to post the modified rom with the wifi drive? thanks

