Dear friends, I present to your attention my new hybrid for ATV lovers.
Many thks to UGOOS for sending me the device to play.
1. All the benefits and convenience of the AndroidTV interface for Remote Control are present.
2. For those who like to work with a mouse, there is a Status and a Navigation bars, imperceptible for those who love the Remote, not the mouse.
3. You can also use the browser. An alternative TV-Market is installed in addition to the reduced ATV Market.
To increase the speed of work, I deleted everything that can be done without.
Changelog v.0.2.5:
- 1. Picture optimization are disabled by default and added switcher (Playback settings)
- 2. Added experimental video picture settings (Playback settings)
- 3. Added TWRP-Recovery by Sasvlad
- 4. Notifications from Android TV Remote Service are disabled by default
- 5. Enabled long press and double tap events for HOME button
- 6. Added confirm dialog to display color settings
- 7. Added some key layout files
- 8. Redesigned PowerMenu application. Now it is translucent. Added the ability to display its buttons on the main screen, assigning commands to buttons. 9. The new App Drawer, the appearance is improved for Android TV. Design borrowed from AmazonFire.
Changelog v.0.2.7
- 1. Fixed audio clicks in AV port
- 2. Added mouse settings to TvSettings
- 3. Added experimental ability use mouse as touch input
- 4. Video Picture Settings. Disabled system automatic frame rate function
- 5. Video Picture Settings. Fixed bugs of hue setting
- 6. Video Picture Settings. Removed sharpness setting
- 7. Video Picture Settings. Added setting for disabling all video effects and optimizations
- 8. Fixed some buttons in Chrome
- 9. SambaServer. Changed names of storages
- 10. Fixed crash of Bluetooth settings when device connected
- 11. Added support ext4, ntfs, exfat for SD cards in recovery mode
- 12. Added support ext4 for usb storages in recovery mode
- 13. Added support of multiple storages (partitions) in recovery mode if use System Update application
- 14. Fixed automatic update error with expanded storage
- 15. Fixed some crashes of System Update application
Changelog v.0.2.8+
- 1. Fixed mouse clicks bug
- 2. Fixed update from expanded storage if use System Update application
- 3. Fixed update from usb disks with multiple partitions in recovery mode if use System Update application
Changelog v.0.3.2
- 1. Fixed multichannel PCM audio problem. Added automatic detection
- 2. Fixed SPDIF work for 192 kHz 32 bit audio (AM6, X2)
- 3. Added high resolution audio support in user applications (sample rates higher 48 kHz)
- 4. Added PCM audio settings
- 5. Added SPDIF passthrough support when TV connected to AV
- 6. Fixed crash when exiting hibernation mode
- 7. Fixed returning to the same mode when use system AFR function
- 8. Added restoring last active display mode after HDMI hotplug event if possible
- 9. Added option for power on via Bluetooth (Device Preferences -> Power)
- 10. Removed CEC shutdown command when device reboot
- 11. Added option for power off related devices when going to sleep (Device Preferences -> Display -> HDMI CEC)
- 12. Changed some translations in TvSettings
- 13. Made TvSettings window translucent
- 14. Added top margin for Accessory window in TvSettings
- 15. Cifs, Nfs clients. Disallow enable client if not filled all fields
- 16. Changed default wallpaper
- 17. Added few wallpapers as preinstalled
- 18. Changed Wireless assistant settings, disabled fireasy by default
- 19. Added Ugoos remote server
- 20. Video freeze fixed for mpeg-4 videos.
Changelog v.0.3.3
- 1. Fixed work of multichannel high resolution PCM audio
- 2. Added saving display mode after turning off/on the TV with AV receiver
- 3. Now default display mode for applications equals resolution in settings
- 4. Now Lock UI size function worked for all display modes
- 5. Applications will not be redrawn if enabled Lock UI size function
- 6. Fixed screen rotation for non FullHD interface
- 7. Some wallpapers are copied to user folder
- 8. Added Fake Wi-Fi function
- 9. Fixed some crashes of application TvSettings
- 10. Added horizontal recent apps window as option
- 11. Fixed not worked TV volume control by CEC in some cases
- 12. Fixed h265 playback crash
- 13. Fixed interlaced video stream jitter bug
- 14. Fixed display freezes and becomes slow/lags while selecting PIP mode options in VLC app
- 15. Fixed freezes when playing 8k video (X3)
- 16. Ugoos remote changes:
- - added quick connection menu
- - added joystick menu
- - fixed work with third-party keyboards
- - added multi-touch to the touch screen
- - added button on-off vibration
- - added button power off TV box
- - other changes
- Dualboot build with CoreELEC
- 1. Increase CoreELEC partition size to 3GB
- 2. Replaced CoreELEC night build to stable 9.2.2
- 1. Fixed middle portrait mode of screen rotation
- 2. Fixed audio passthrough for 2.0 TVs
- 3. Added new option for HDMI CEC when device turn off or standby
- 4. Added ability to adjust the volume of AV receivers via HDMI CEC
- 5. Some gamepads now work
- 6. Added ability to always use fractional frequencies for system automatic frame rate function
- 7. Enabled recent apps snapshots for TV ROMs
- 8. Changed appearance of grant permissions gialog
- 9. Changed volume bar view
- 10. Improvements for visibility of more Wi-Fi channels
- 11. Added dual band Wi-Fi hotspot
- 12. Added immersive mode option for system bars
- 13. Some fixes of focus for choice app window
- 14. Added Ethernet switcher
- 15. Now fake Wi-Fi option working without reboot
- 16. Fixed showing IP and MAC addresses when use fake Wi-Fi option
- 17. Other improves of fake Wi-Fi option
- 18. Updated ukrainian translations
- 19. TvSettings. Some descriptions changes
- 20. Fixed screenrecord utility
- 21. Changed boot animation (X2,X3)
- 22. Ugoos remote changes:
- - bluetooth disconnections fixed
- - connection status now available on server main page
- - video streaming bug fixed
- - some device pairing bugs fixed
- - Wi-Fi/Ethernet connections stability optimized
Added the following applications:
- Opengapps Atv (at the very minimum)
- App Drawer
- Power Menu
- SmartYoutube
- Explorer X-plore, for remote
- Alternative Market AptoideTV
- GoogleChrome v.57. Do not update it, if you want to use copy-paste
Want to buy me a beer?
Donation Link Press Here or Here
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3 ATV by Sasvlad v.0.2.5
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3 ATV by Sasvlad v.0.2.7
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3 ATV by Sasvlad v.0.2.8+
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3 ATV by Sasvlad v.0.3.1
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3_dce ATV by Sasvlad v.0.3.1 Dualboot
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3_ ATV by Sasvlad v.0.3.2 SingleBoot and Dualboot
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3_ ATV by Sasvlad v.0.3.3 SingleBoot and Dualboot
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3_dce ATV by Sasvlad v.0.3.4 Dualboot
- DOWNLOAD HERE THE X3_ ATV by Sasvlad v.0.3.6 SingleBoot and Dualboot
Install instructions:
- Use USB Burning tool
- Refer to Ugoos own tutorial how to flash this box!
The Firmware is made in two versions:
- 1. img, for flashing via cable or using a specially prepared MicroSD (archive X3_ATV_by_Sasvlad_v....7z, inside the firmware image and file with MD5 checksum).
- 2. zip, for installation from TWRP-Recovery. Only for those who already have X3 AndroidTV by Sasvlad installed.
Enjoy it!
