I'm new at forum. I reaching it looking for information about tvbox and upgrade/update procedure. Why? Issues with mine. It's a huge information here and other sites about it, but I have some doubts and request your help some help to understand them.
In most place talk about be sure of your brand/model, there are a huge of them in the market and unfortunately a lot of them are really bad (mine is one, I didn't know about this device when I bought it, often get stuck, many applications warn that they are not optimized for it, and has become a bore and the seller, close the local shop, so the solution go there to get refund is not an option.
The next future is to buy a new one, but can to try something before to do it. If this don't right, I assume that I will get a brick, perhaps a better decorative item. I don't pretend want to upgrade to latest version of Android, but I want to have a functional box if possible, perhaps last version of Android 6.x or 7 at best.
When you say pay attention on your tvbox model to apply firmware, it means it has the same model of proccesor (Amlogic S905x) for my box at this moment. I understand that I should not update a S905W, S905X2, Rockchip... or whatever one, but perhaps other brand with same processor could be well on it, or must I take into other parameters as wifi, bluetooth, hdmi, usb features as mine? I'm something confused with this issue, because i can read a lot of people with brick device. Why a tvbox could brick if you have the correct firmware S905x processor version? ¿..? Some guys share rooms, projects, stockroms, and others tools and really appear easy to apply, but I continue reading about others bricking their tvbox? What is the fault?
Here I leave a screenshot of features on external box, other picture with the board inside box, other with info of the box.
At this moment the Android TV version is 6.0.1 an magically is rooted. I didn't root it never. Sincerely the use of the tv box is simple (Netflix, Youtube... I don't use more than 4 or 5 streaming apps on it. I don't need the root reature here. If i reach to update to a new firmware and I lose the root access, I'm not gonna lost the sleep.