I'm new to these boxes. I have searched the forums multiple times for my model box and have not had any luck. I also have googled the build version I am using and it brings up zero results. Can someone point me in the right direction for a stock ROM for this thing? Here is a little info on the box.
Settings About Box
Model: M8S Pro
Version: 7.1.2
Kernel Version: 3.14.29
Build: M8S PRO-userdebug 7.1.2 NHG47L 201803315.163144.v0213
I taken the box apart and here is what is in there.
M8S Pro R4 S912 3G 32G DDR4 DQ
M8S Pro_R4_V1.1
4Layers T=1.2
BB-ROC171024MR 3G+32G
Thanks In Advance!