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LibreELEC and Linux for RK3288

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    LibreELEC and Linux for RK3288

    I opened this theme to support running ArmbianTV and LibreELEC on 32-bit ARM models. To date, there are first results on launching ArmbianTV and LibreELEC on the Rockchip rk3288.


    The link to the images

    MEGA (name -rk3328)

    (name -rk3328)

    Recommended startup procedure on Ugoos UM3.

    1. Install the Linux firmware version in eMMC (either a dual boot or a single Linux).

    2. follow these instructions to download and run the Linux version from linuxium

    (do not forget to immediately expand the system partition to the entire media after writing the image). After launch, make a full backup eMMC with the DD command (or copy the ddbr utility to the system and use it).

    3. Erase the first 4Mb on eMMC (using a simple DD command).

    4. Download, unpack and burn the ArmbianTV image to your SD card.

    5. Connect to the TV box and turn on the power. The system will start automatically.

    For those who are not afraid to lose their regular firmware and be able to easily restore it later, you can use the "accelerated" launch option (erase eMMC use the tools for Rockchip TV boxes).

    For more information, see this topic.
    Last edited by balbes150; 08 June 2020, 13:13.

    Libreelec test image 20200607 for Ugoos UM3 (rk3288). 4k decoding is working.

    Kernel 5.7-rc7
    Last edited by balbes150; 08 June 2020, 13:13.


      Uploaded the LE Addons for ARMv7 to the site (for KODI-19).
      They are now available for installation on UM3 (3288) via the standard procedure in GUI LE.

      New image Libreelec 20200608
      Add USB WiFi
      Last edited by balbes150; 08 June 2020, 13:14.


        The new version Armbian 20200609.
        In it, I switched to using the u-boot version 2020.04 (source shared with universal images for aarch64). This version has long implemented the function of starting the system from USB media. Now rk3288 also has the option to start the system from USB media. Minimal Bionic and Buster images have also been added to the site.

        Starting from USB is available on both systems (Libreelec and Armbian). For example. You can write to an Armbian SD card, and write to a Libreelec USB flash drive. When you connect both media, LE will work, and when you disable the USB flash drive, Armbian starts.

        p.s. The correct installation of these systems in eMMC is currently being tested.



          Here is 4.4 kernel dts for Ugoos UT3S.
          Please check if there are differences compared to UM3 then I can help to test it for mainline support.
          Attached Files


            Originally posted by mo123 View Post

            Here is 4.4 kernel dts for Ugoos UT3S.
            Please check if there are differences compared to UM3 then I can help to test it for mainline support.
            I'll check this file.


              Originally posted by mo123 View Post

              Here is 4.4 kernel dts for Ugoos UT3S.
              Please check if there are differences compared to UM3 then I can help to test it for mainline support.
              As I was informed by some owners, UT3s works with DTB, which is used by default (only some elements that do not affect the overall operation do not work).

              New image Armbian and LE kernel 5.7.2


                Image kernel 5.8-rc2 (dev) and 5.6 (legacy)

                Details (rk3288 and rk3188)


                  New versions of Armbian with the 5.8 core and Libreelec with the 5.7.14 core.
                  Both systems use the EMMC installation feature.


                    ??? ????????? Libreelec ?? Beelink R89?
                    ??? ? ?????:
                    1. ?????? LibreELEC-ARMv7.arm-9.80-devel-20201006155018-8945356-rk3288.img.gz ? ? ??????? Win32DiskImager ??????? ?? micro sd.
                    2. ? ????? extlinux.conf ???????? ?? FDT /dtb/rockchip/rk3288-r89.dtb
                    3. ??????? micro sd ? ???? ? ??????? ??????? ? ???????. ?????? ????? (
                    4. ???????? ????????? ? ??????? AndroidTool 2.3 ? ????? AndroidTool 2.3 Loader RK3288Loader_uboot_V2.17.02.bin ????? ????? ???? ?? ???????? ? ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ??????? ?? prepare idb fail. ?????????????? ???? ??? ??? ???????? ? micro sd ? ?????????? ??????? sdcard_Xubuntu_0.3.1_ut3.img.7z ? ????? ??????? sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mmcblk0. ????? ????? ????????? ???? ?????????? ????????? ?? ????? ? ?????? ????? ? ??? ????????.
                    ?? ???? ??? ???????? ??????????? ? ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???????. ??????????.


                      Where can I write to you in Russian?
                      Last edited by 3MMM; 19 November 2020, 06:32.


                        Originally posted by 3MMM View Post
                        Where can I write to you in Russian?
                        to PM


                          Update image for rk3288 kernel 5.10


                            Can they work on Station M1?
                            Station M1 information:


                              Originally posted by Station View Post
                              Can they work on Station M1?
                              Station M1 information:
                              Station M1 has its own versions and there are many more of them.

