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TWRP Tx6_Zip convert to image file for T95 Max? Some assistance needed

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    TWRP Tx6_Zip convert to image file for T95 Max? Some assistance needed

    Hey guys,
    I have a slight problem, I managed to flash the T95 max SCV2.IMG To my Aeromedia nanomax(t95 max Clone).
    The instructions on pda say to put the twrp (tx6 a7) and the scv2 image onto a USB drive ( micro sdcard doesn't show up) and use toothpick method but my firmware didn't have stock recovery so I couldn't do it that way and used phoenix USB Pro to flash t95 max scv2, it worked however I cannot get the twrp tx6 a7 installed permanently to system as much as I woukd like it for backups etc.
    As the twrp is in zip I cannot get it to update the recovery by flashing through twrp app either.
    I put the file onto USB otg after rebooting from advanced reboot but it won't stay on /system and just returns to stock recovery after reboot
    My question is, is there anyway to permanently install twrp tx6 a7 onto my box instead of the twrp recovery booting from USB otg each time?? For example is there anyway to convert the twrp zip to imgage file and flash it to the box itself??

    Sorry for rewriting the Bible, I've been up for two days straight with this.

    Any help or advice appreciated

    Cheers in advance

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

    Last edited by Bertonumber1; 03 September 2020, 15:03.

    curious about this aswell
    Last edited by I3ordo; 22 September 2020, 11:12.

