Standard Disclaimers apply. Use this ROM at your own RISK. I am NOT liable for any Dead or Bricked Hudl's. I made this ROM for myself, but have decided to share it.
This is a FULL Custom image modded from the Stock version hudl.20130923.020558.stock.img, I have added a custom made for Tesco Hudl ClockworkMod Recovery (v6.0.3.1)
The boot.img has been modded. The default.prop now reads :-
Device is now ROOTED and su binary added. SuperSU.apk installed.
I have added a modified SystemUI.APK with the Tesco [T] REMOVED !!!
I have also removed the following bloatware apps :-
blinkboxmovies.apk, blinkboxmusic.apk, blinkboxwidget.apk, clubcardtv.apk
clubcardwidget.apk, grocery.apk, grocerywidget.apk, OpenWnn.apk
storelocator.apk, tescoaccountapp.apk, tescodirectwidget.apk, tescolauncher.apk
I use RKTools17 to flash the image. You need to set the Hudl into flash mode by pressing the reset button on the back and Vol+ at the same time, then when it finishes I unplug the USB cable and press reset again. Now boot into CWM by pressing Power & Vol+, I then wipe/factory reset, then go into advanced and wipe dalvik cache. Then reboot system now.
I have NOT tried to partition the internal SDCard as my ROM Guru 900supersport has advised against it ATM.
Thanks again to 900supersport for his help and guidance with making this ROM.
Have Fun.............If use it say thanks, but please feel free to use any part of this ROM but you must please credit the necessary people who helped make it possible. Full list at the bottom of post.
Hal2710 (Mick)
Credits to:-
@paulobrien for the Stock Rom image and Modded SystemUI.apk
@glossywhite for his list of unwanted APKS
Also thanks to FUKAUMI Naoki & ORSÁG Jiří for their Generic CWM Recovery for RK3188 that I patched