The story is as follows:
Running stock android 7.1,it's rooted.Everything went fine.
I just wanna root management,so just intall SuperSU.apk,got it stuck at logo.Maybe installing Magisk.apk would not brick it?Someone explains?
So try to re-flash a rom by USB burning tool.Still stuck.
So try the card maker,this time.complete dark screen.Wiped bootloader.
So hook up usb-ttl to corrobrate to see in the terminal
'LOOP:8F;EMMC:800;NAND:85;SD:800;USB:8;LOOP:90;EMM C :800;NAND:85;SD:800;USB:8'
With card maker 'bootloading.....CPU reseting....'
Hit enter so hard,can't stop the bootloader....also it seems the rx port is somewhat damaged after a second soldering.
So the last resort shall be short pin NAND,right?
With Amlogic USB burning tool 2.1.7,without holding reseting buttonjust plug the USB,it shows connect successful,with or without Power adapter.Guess the RAM is DDR3L.
I read somewhere by short pin the NAND to instruct the CPU to ignore the existence of NAND.
Which two pins shall I short in my case?
What else can I besides short pin NAND to debrick it?
The two firmwares I tried is T95 s1 2G/16G
1. MBOXT0021_ATV.img https://chinagadgetsreviews.com/down...s1-tv-box.html
2. T95S1_2GB_TS10022.img https://forum.freaktab.com/forum/tv-...16g-p282-board
These two firwares always stopped at 7%.
My borad has a label that says T95S1-2GB-TS10024.
So maybe some change in specs?
P.S. installing ATV_s905w-V2H-final does nothing.