- CPU Amlogic S905W
- 2 GB RAM / 16 GB eMMC
- Board CS_905W_TX_2C_N_MK_V1.6
- WIFI chip: SP6330-X (I think is AP6330)
Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
There are 2 variants for this TX3 mini 2021 version:
- Variant 1. Is a version using Dual AP6330 wifi chip, can connect 2.4 and 5G bands with Bluetooth connection (the one I have).
- Variant 2. Is a version using a single 9012 wifi chip that can only connect to the 2.4G band.
Stock firmwares for Variant 1 of TX3 Mini 2021:
- Android 9:
- Android 7:
- Stock Android 7 firmware (date 2020-11-06): DOWNLOAD (Kernel 3.14 and WIFI 5GHZ doesn't work)
Stock firmwares for Variant 2 of TX3 Mini 2021:
- Still not available. Will update if I get it
Sources (you can translate from vietnamese):
Source 1
Source 2