1. The navbar at the bottom sometimes acts oddly. I note it happens only when certain apps are in the foreground. Play Store is one. When one of these apps are showing, the back, home, and recents button/icons seem to disappear. They are there and if I click them with my mouse they do the right thing. But not being able to see them sucks. Any work-around for this?
2. In almost all the photos of the Tanix TX6 line, I see a bright, blue LED to the left of the clock display. I have never seen this yet and when I opened up my unit, I see empty solder pads in the location where maybe it should be - if not inside the clock LED module itself. The pads are labeled LED. On the right side of the clock LED module I see what must be the remote's IR receiver. Can anyone enlighten me on the presence/absence of this "missing" LED and what it is for?
3. When I have the unit apart, I noticed two (2) small push buttons that can be accessed from outside the case with a paper clip or similar. Usually, these are reset buttons of some sort. But there are two in my unit. One is near the sdcard slot and is accessed from one of the cooling slits in the case while the other is accessed through a small hole in the rear of the case next to the optical audio cable port. Can anyone confirm what both of these do?
4. What is with the power button/icon on the navbar? It does not seem to bring up a menu as I would have expected with at least power-off and reboot. Sometimes it appears to blackout the screen for a second or two. And even once or twice it seems to have powered off the device. But nothing regular. I have had to use a rooted rebooter app to do this sort of thing. Is this some user error?
5. While I can use the app mentioned in #4 to reboot into stock recovery, is there a procedure to do this otherwise? If so, please let me know.
And for the information of others... I really dislike the default launcher/UI. I immediately installed Nova which I love and use everywhere. But I noticed that upon boot, the box ALWAYS started the default launcher, not Nova. As soon as I hit the home button on the navbar, Nova started but this seemed a pain. I found someone else somewhere who managed to get around this by installing an app freezer app and use it to disable the default (Alice) launcher app. Once done, Nova starts immediately. Woo hoo!