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Need help in unbricking T95x 1G/8G

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    Need help in unbricking T95x 1G/8G

    I have been hacking away at trying to resurrect this box. Luckily this is a spare box I wanted to just run Amlogic-ng COREELEC on it. To make the story short, 1G/8G would not boot the next gen kernel and someone suggested to flash the Android to 7.1 instead of stock 6.0. I never took a backup of the firmware (didn't know Android recovery allows backup, i never installed TWRP).

    After playing around the past couple days, here is what I learned so far. I have a USB-TTL so was able to see some info. Other than that no output out of HDMI or AV

    1. box is boot looping without any SD card with some sort of UBOOT created using AMLogic flash card maker
    GXL:BL1:9ac50e:a1974b;FEAT:ADFC318C;POC:3;RCY:0;EM MC:0;READ:0;CHK:AA;SD:800;USB:8;LOOP:1;EMMC:0;READ :0;CHK:AA;SD:800;USB:8;

    2. USB Burn tool able to detect HUB.
    Boot loop message pauses and does not continue to show looping
    a) tried to burn about 6 to 7 different various Android firmware download from various sources. Every single one fail at 4% where it is download UBOOT. Error message
    [23:40:35 014][Global][Inf]--Burning thread HUB2-1 start
    [23:40:35 068][HUB2-1][Inf]--Open device handle \\?\usb#vid_1b8e&pid_c003#5&c1e6cce&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} 0x00000194
    [23:40:35 121][HUB2-1][Inf]--Connect path=Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C/P0/P0
    [23:40:35 121][HUB2-1][Inf]--Start burning...
    [23:40:35 175][HUB2-1][Inf]--------------ERASE BOOTLOADER------------
    [23:40:35 275][HUB2-1][Inf]--start SendIdentifyCmd
    [23:40:35 275][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0
    [23:40:35 275][HUB2-1][Inf]-------------Download DDR.USB-----------
    [23:40:35 275][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0
    [23:40:35 275][HUB2-1][Inf]--Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x000000b1
    [23:40:35 780][HUB2-1][Inf]--Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x00005183
    [23:40:36 270][HUB2-1][Inf]--Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x000000b1
    [23:40:36 760][HUB2-1][Inf]--Control write pll reg1 0xd9000000:0x00005183
    [23:40:37 250][HUB2-1][Inf]--Write initial succeed
    [23:40:37 250][HUB2-1][Inf]--Upload encrypt at 0xc8100228
    [23:40:37 250][HUB2-1][Inf]--ulValue = 0xadfc318c
    [23:40:37 250][HUB2-1][Inf]--Read encrypt value succeed
    [23:40:37 250][HUB2-1][Inf]--Download DDR.USB,size: 49152!
    [23:40:37 281][HUB2-1][Inf]--Transfer complete 49152
    [23:40:37 281][HUB2-1][Inf]--Run at address 0xd9000000
    [23:40:37 296][HUB2-1][Inf]--RunInRam success
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Inf]--CheckFileRunState succeed
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Inf]--runResult:0x 0,paraMagic:0x7856efab
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Inf]--ddrCapacity:0x 400
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Inf]--Get Encrpt ulValue = 0xadfc318c
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Err]--download 1 time!
    [23:40:37 419][HUB2-1][Inf]--Download UBOOT.USB buffer at 0x0200c000
    [23:40:38 031][HUB2-1][Inf]--Transfer complete
    [23:40:38 230][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
    [23:40:38 230][HUB2-1][Inf]--Download DDR.USB buffer at 0xd9000000
    [23:40:38 261][HUB2-1][Inf]--Transfer complete
    [23:40:38 276][HUB2-1][Inf]--DownCheckPara succeed
    [23:40:38 276][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
    [23:40:38 276][HUB2-1][Inf]--RunInAddr at address 0xd9000000
    [23:40:38 322][HUB2-1][Inf]--ReadCheckPara succeed
    [23:40:38 322][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
    [23:40:38 322][HUB2-1][Inf]--Get Encrpt ulValue = 0xadfc318c
    [23:40:38 322][HUB2-1][Inf]--Download DDR.USB buffer at 0xd9000000
    [23:40:38 368][HUB2-1][Inf]--Transfer complete
    [23:40:38 368][HUB2-1][Inf]--DownRunPara succeed
    [23:40:38 368][HUB2-1][Inf]--2-2-0-0-0-1-0-0
    [23:40:38 368][HUB2-1][Inf]--RunInRam at address 0xd9000000
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Catch DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Scan usb device
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Aml scan WorldCup Device
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Host: Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--DevPath:\\?\pci#ven_106b&dev_003f&subsys_00000000& rev_00#3&267a616a&0&30#{3abf6f2d-71c4-462a-8a92-1e6861e6af27}
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]---->Roothub:USB#ROOT_HUB#4&24d6eb65&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port0]Other device
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port1]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port2]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port3]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port4]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port5]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port6]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port7]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port8]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port9]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port10]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port11]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Host: Intel(R) 82801FB/FBM USB2 Enhanced Host Controller - 265C
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--DevPath:\\?\pci#ven_8086&dev_265c&subsys_00000000& rev_00#3&267a616a&0&58#{3abf6f2d-71c4-462a-8a92-1e6861e6af27}
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]---->Roothub:USB#ROOT_HUB20#4&6a987e4&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port0]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port1]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port2]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port3]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port4]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port5]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port6]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port7]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port8]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port9]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port10]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]-------->[Port11]NoDeviceConnected
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Scan USB host controller complete
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update data center with HubMap
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update hub2 device data
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-1
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-1][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-2
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-2][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-3
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-3][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-4
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-4][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-5
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-5][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-6
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-6][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-7
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-7][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-8
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-8][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-9
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-9][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-10
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-10][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-11
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-11][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Update HUB2-12
    [23:40:45 032][HUB2-12][Inf]--Update device path
    [23:40:45 032][Global][Inf]--Scan end
    [23:40:45 048][HUB2-1][Inf]--Device is removed
    [23:40:48 000][Global][War]--User click stop button
    TE: 57664592
    BL2 Built : 20:32:17, Sep 8 2017.
    gxl g6296b83 -
    set vcck to 1120 mv
    set vddee to 1000 mv
    Board ID = 1
    CPU clk: 1200MHz
    BL2 USB
    DQS-corr enabled
    DDR scramble enabled
    STICKY_REG0: 0x00000000
    STICKY_REG1: 0x00000000
    STICKY_REG9: 0x00000000
    DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - FAIL
    DDR3 chl: Rank0 @ 792MHz - PASS
    Rank0: 1024MB(auto)-2T-11
    TE: 58639224
    BL2 Built : 20:32:17, Sep 8 2017.
    gxl g6296b83 -
    set vcck to 1120 mv
    set vddee to 1000 mv
    Board ID = 1
    CPU clk: 1200MHz
    BL2 USB
    TE: 58735986
    BL2 Built : 20:32:17, Sep 8 2017.
    gxl g6296b83 -
    set vcck to 1120 mv
    set vddee to 1000 mv
    Board ID = 1
    CPU clk: 1200MHz
    BL2 USB
    Load fip header from USB, src: 0x0000c000, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x00004000
    New fip structure!
    Load bl30 from USB, src: 0x00010000, des: 0x01100000, size: 0x0000d600
    Load bl31 from USB, src: 0x00020000, des: 0x05100000, size: 0x0002c600
    Load bl33 from USB, src: 0x00050000, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00066c00
    NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.0(release):a625749
    NOTICE: BL3-1: Built : 11:25:15, Aug 25 2017
    [BL31]: GXL CPU setup!
    NOTICE: BL31: BL33 decompress fail
    NOTICE: BL3-1: FIP process fail 4
    [Image: gxl_v1.1.3243-377db0f 2017-09-07 11:28:58 qiufang.dai@droid07]
    b7 a5 1 e2 87 55 6d 9f a7 2e da 19 [58.983335 Inits done]
    secure task start!
    high task start!
    low task start!
    ERROR: Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast
    3. Try to flash from AMLogic card maker went a bit better. One of odd thing I noticed was that I was not able to start the boot of the SDCard until I pulled the power plug several times before the SD card starts to boot Other wise it gets stuck at the same place as when trying to USB Burn Tool.
    When it did manage to boot, my led went from RED to BLUE and HDMI was output a bright green sometime white screen and nothing else.
    no sdio debug board detected
    TE: 205616
    BL2 Built : 20:32:17, Sep 8 2017.
    gxl g6296b83 -
    set vcck to 1120 mv
    set vddee to 1000 mv
    Board ID = 1
    CPU clk: 1200MHz
    DQS-corr enabled
    DDR scramble enabled
    STICKY_REG0: 0x00000000
    STICKY_REG1: 0x00000000
    STICKY_REG9: 0x00000000
    DDR3 chl: Rank0+1 @ 792MHz - FAIL
    DDR3 chl: Rank0 @ 792MHz - PASS
    Rank0: 1024MB(auto)-2T-11
    DataBus test pass!
    AddrBus test pass!
    Load fip header from SD, src: 0x0000c200, des: 0x01400000, size: 0x00004000
    New fip structure!
    Load bl30 from SD, src: 0x00010200, des: 0x01100000, size: 0x0000d600
    Load bl31 from SD, src: 0x00020200, des: 0x05100000, size: 0x0002c600
    Load bl33 from SD, src: 0x00050200, des: 0x01000000, size: 0x00066c00
    NOTICE: BL3-1: v1.0(release):a625749
    NOTICE: BL3-1: Built : 11:25:15, Aug 25 2017
    [BL31]: GXL CPU setup!
    NOTICE: BL31: BL33 decompress pass
    [Image: gxl_v1.1.3243-377db0f 2017-09-07 11:28:58 qiufang.dai@droid07]
    b7 a5 1 e2 87 55 6d 9f a7 2e da 19 [0.655099 Inits done]
    secure task start!
    high task start!
    low task start!
    ERROR: Error initializing runtime service opteed_fast
    U-Boot 2015.01-g2d1a155-dirty (Oct 11 2017 - 15:26:01)
    DRAM: 1 GiB
    Relocation Offset is: 36eb1000
    register usb cfg[0][1] = 0000000037f59d90
    [CANVAS]canvas init
    boot_device_flag : 1
    Nand PHY Ver: (c) 2013 Amlogic Inc.
    init bus_cycle=6, bus_timing=7, system=5.0ns
    reset failed
    get_chip_type and ret:fffffffe
    get_chip_type and ret:fffffffe
    chip detect failed and ret:fffffffe
    nandphy_init failed and ret=0xfffffff1
    MMC: aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000033eb16b0
    aml_priv->desc_buf = 0x0000000033eb39d0
    SDIO Port B: 0, SDIO Port C: 1
    emmc/sd response timeout, cmd8, status=0x1ff2800
    emmc/sd response timeout, cmd55, status=0x1ff2800
    init_part() 293: PART_TYPE_AML
    [mmc_init] mmc init success
    dtb magic 5f4c4d41
    Amlogic multi-dtb tool
    Multi dtb detected
    Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
    Support 2 dtbs.
    aml_dt soc: gxl platform: p212 variant: 1g
    dtb 0 soc: gxl plat: p212 vari: 1g
    dtb 1 soc: gxl plat: p212 vari: 2g
    Find match dtb: 0
    start dts,buffer=0000000033eb6200,dt_addr=0000000033eb6a 00
    Amlogic multi-dtb tool
    Multi dtb detected
    Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
    Support 2 dtbs.
    aml_dt soc: gxl platform: p212 variant: 1g
    dtb 0 soc: gxl plat: p212 vari: 1g
    dtb 1 soc: gxl plat: p212 vari: 2g
    Find match dtb: 0
    parts: 11
    00: logo 0000000002000000 1
    01: recovery 0000000002000000 1
    02: rsv 0000000000800000 1
    03: tee 0000000000800000 1
    04: crypt 0000000002000000 1
    05: misc 0000000002000000 1
    06: instaboot 0000000020000000 1
    07: boot 0000000002000000 1
    08: system 0000000040000000 1
    09: cache 0000000020000000 2
    10: data ffffffffffffffff 4
    init_part() 293: PART_TYPE_AML
    eMMC/TSD partition table have been checked OK!
    check pattern success
    mmc env offset: 0x27400000
    In: serial
    Out: serial
    Err: serial
    [store]To run cmd[emmc dtb_read 0x1000000 0x40000]
    _verify_dtb_checksum()-917: calc 0, store 0
    dtb_read()-1034: cpy 1 is not valid
    _verify_dtb_checksum()-917: calc 3a7dd35f, store 0
    dtb_read()-1034: cpy 0 is not valid
    dtb_read()-1039: total valid 0
    Amlogic multi-dtb tool
    Multi dtb detected
    Multi dtb tool version: v2 .
    Support 2 dtbs.
    aml_dt soc: gxl platform: p212 variant: 1g
    dtb 0 soc: gxl plat: p212 vari: 1g
    dtb 1 soc: gxl plat: p212 vari: 2g
    Find match dtb: 0
    vpu: clk_level in dts: 7
    vpu: set clk: 666667000Hz, readback: 666660000Hz(0x300)
    vpu: vpu_clk_gate_init_off
    vpp: vpp_init
    [1080p60hz] is invalid for cvbs.
    set hdmitx VIC = 16
    config HPLL = 2970000
    HPLL: 0xc000027b
    config HPLL done
    j = 4 vid_clk_div = 1
    hdmitx: set enc for VIC: 16
    HDMITX-DWC addr=0x10004006 rd_data=0x40
    Error: HDMITX-DWC exp_data=0xff mask=0x9f
    rx version is 1.4 or below div=10
    hdmtix: set audio
    hdmitx phy setting done
    card in
    init_part() 278: PART_TYPE_DOS
    [mmc_init] mmc init success
    Device: SDIO Port B
    Manufacturer ID: 1b
    OEM: 534d
    Name: ED4QT
    Tran Speed: 50000000
    Rd Block Len: 512
    SD version 3.0
    High Capacity: Yes
    Capacity: 119.3 GiB
    mmc clock: 40000000
    Bus Width: 4-bit
    ** Unrecognized filesystem type **
    setenv ddrclk 792 MHz
    Net: dwmac.c9410000
    Start read misc partition datas!
    info->attemp_times = 0
    info->active_slot = 0
    info->slot_info[0].bootable = 1
    info->slot_info[0].online = 1
    info->slot_info[1].bootable = 0
    info->slot_info[1].online = 0
    info->attemp_times = 0
    attemp_times = 0
    active slot = 0
    [OSD]load fb addr from dts
    [OSD]failed to get fb addr for logo
    [OSD]use default fb_addr parameters
    [OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x3d800000
    [OSD]load fb addr from dts
    [OSD]failed to get fb addr for logo
    [OSD]use default fb_addr parameters
    [OSD]fb_addr for logo: 0x3d800000
    [CANVAS]addr=0x3d800000 width=3840, height=2160
    I don't think it flash anything to internal eMMC. I took the SD card out and reboot and it was stuck on recovery (RED LED).

    I believe something wrong with all the parititions in eMMC like bootloader and recovery.

    BTW, the sample output is just from one firmware I tried. All firmwares shows similar output from the terminal.

    Anyone has any suggestion/help? I would appreciate anything at this point. I am stuck not knowing that to do next.


    Thanks everyone. After hacking around, since the box seems to be booting from the SD card at least, I was able to find a firmware that booted from the SDcard into Android. I then ADB into the box and turns I could reboot update/recovery. I found another firmware, ZIP file this time and flash it with recovery that I put on another SD card. This flash process is what finally flashed into the eMMC which allows me to finally boot from the box instead of SDCard.

    So finally box resurrected.

    Now, my next challenge which was the original challenge is to find a compatible Android 7 firmware and flash it.

    Thanks again.


      Hi Hieppo,

      I have the same box T95x running aidan's custom rom here is the link. It's running 7.4 but it may run his newer version as well.

      ATV 7.4 link

      ATV 9 link



        Originally posted by Kyle222 View Post
        Hi Hieppo,

        I have the same box T95x running aidan's custom rom here is the link. It's running 7.4 but it may run his newer version as well.

        ATV 7.4 link

        ATV 9 link

        Thank you Kyle222. I have tried Aidan's ATV 7.1.2 v7.5 to flash both on my T95x and my other Edal box (I think they are some form of MXQ clone or another). However, The T95x box uses the FORESEE vs the Edal Hynix NAND. I was able to USB Burn the Edal up to 99% but it failed duing the bootloader checksum "failed:Verify Failed with sha1sum, origin sum"

        That was the closest I got with any rom that is higher than Android 6. The only one I successfully flash on both box is Android 6.

        I am almost too tired to try more and give up and just use as is.


        I download the file from the link above. I downloaded the MXQ version instead of the UNIVERSAL one and USB Burn completed 100%. However, the boot up process is really slow and logn. It stuck at the androidtv bootscreen.
        Last edited by hieppo; 02 March 2021, 01:16.


          first boot after flashed is always slow .... as it's configing the firmware and running scripts in the background. Let if fully boot about 6-9 minutes depending on build. Then reboot after wifi connected up. Should be quickers... with regard to 99% fail... that is the burn tool version... buggy or the temp settings change to 10 - 80 try it... if not do 20 -70 on temp setting. if neither work uncheck it off completely. If that fails switch to burning tool version 2.1.7

          The foresee is very common on these boxes... it does not have to be Edal or Micron, Samsung ....

          Provide good pics of board both sides.... easier to see what's going on cheers

