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Ematic Jetstream Agt418

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    Ematic Jetstream Agt418

    Hello all,
    I have an Ematic Jetstream agt 418 certified android tv box. It’s currently on android tv 9. I have a copy of the retail firmware that I have broken down into separate partitions. I have unlocked the boot loader by enabling developer options and using adb over Wi-Fi, rebooted the device into fast boot mode. Sent the command fastboot flashing unlock. The device on reboot wipes data. Installed magisk and had it patch boot.img and recovery.img on separate instances. Flashing the modified boot.Img via fastboot does not give me root but boots. Flashed stock boot.Img back and flashed patched recovery. Hitting the recovery/reset button upon power up of box doesn’t throw me into recovery, in fact recovery doesn’t boot at all and proceeds to boot into system just fine. Also I have used the fastboot command to disable verity and verification in vbmeta.Img. Still no root. I would like to explore having twrp ported to my device. Obviously I have the stock recovery.Img. Can someone get back to me on this. Thank you

    Nvmnd: I flashed a copy of CoreELEC rc2 to an sdcard and got the device to boot. Using the toothpick method. I’m assuming all the stuff I did with unlocking bootloader, flashed a modified magisk recovery.Img and disabling verity,verification in vbmeta.Img was enough to let CoreELEC boot. My next obstacle is getting the Bluetooth remote to work. So far I did get it to work but the enter button is the only thing I’m having a problem with. Everything else works, Wi-Fi works, Bluetooth works.

    I now have the remote working fully.

    My latest endeavor was to see if the new version of Emuelec would be able to boot. At first I tried to boot it with the generic version of the gxl_2gb_p212.dtb since it’s built on CoreELEC and that’s what my CoreELEC boots off of. I got a black screen, so I tried the next Dtb down in the dtb folder. Put it in root and renamed too dtb.Img and it booted. So now I have and emulation station up and running. Wi-Fi works haven’t tried blu tooth yet though.
    Last edited by Must5llx; 08 December 2022, 13:03.

    Hi. I would also like to join the experiments. But I'm afraid to get a non-working prefix. If you share the firmware file of the console in its original state...then I will try experiments with the prefix. I'm launching Armbian from a flash drive. Everything works. I did not conduct further experiments...due to the lack of files to roll back to Android. Please send a link to the recovery firmware file to the mail [email protected]

