Before opening the FWFactoryTool edit config.ini
[Language] Selected=2 [HASHTAG="t251"]android[/HASHTAG] fw version that you are dealing [Version] android=7.1
If all went well you should see the boot logo. If it did not then you have the wrong combination FWFactoryTool / Firmware / [Version] setting.
Now press the button "Modify kernel param" if this is the donor fw save the content in a file. If for some reason you cant reach here means you have the wrong combination FWFactoryTool / Firmware / [Version] setting.
In the kernel param we look for pwm@ff680000 and especially all ir_key elements inside. These we need to replace in patched firmware.
Rikomagic remote for MK902II or MK68
ir_key1 { rockchip,usercode = <0x4040>; rockchip,key_table = <0xf2 0xe8 0xba 0x9e 0xf4 0x67 0xf1 0x6c 0xef 0x69 0xee 0x6a 0xe5 0x66 0xe7 0x73 0xe8 0x72 0xb2 0x74 0xbc 0x71 0xe2 0x8b 0xb8 0x184 0xfe 0x2 0xfd 0x3 0xfc 0x4 0xfb 0x5 0xfa 0x6 0xf9 0x7 0xf8 0x8 0xf7 0x9 0xf6 0xa 0xff 0xb 0xf3 0x6f 0xbb 0x378 0x18 0x3b 0xa8 0x3c 0xe7 0x3d 0xe6 0x3e 0xa0 0x3f 0xbe 0x42 0x20 0x43 0x0 0x44 0xe0 0x57 0xe1 0x58 0xb2 0xb9 0xb2 0xba 0xac 0xbb 0xad 0xbc 0x7b 0xbd 0xa4 0xbe 0xab 0xbf 0x10 0xc0 0xbd 0xc1 0xbd 0xc2 0xbf 0x192 0x60 0xd9 0x92 0x39>; }; ir_key2 { rockchip,usercode = <0xff00>; rockchip,key_table = <0xeb 0x74 0xfe 0x71 0xec 0x8b 0xa3 0x9e 0xfc 0x67 0xfd 0x6c 0xf1 0x69 0xe5 0x6a 0xa7 0x72 0xf4 0x73 0xb7 0x66 0xf8 0xe8>; }; ir_key3 { rockchip,usercode = <0x1dcc>; rockchip,key_table = <0xee 0xe8 0xff 0x9e 0xf8 0x67 0xbb 0x6c 0xef 0x69 0xed 0x6a 0xfc 0x66 0xf1 0x73 0xfd 0x72 0xb7 0xd9 0xff 0x74 0xf3 0x71 0xbf 0x8b 0xf9 0x191 0xf5 0x192 0xb3 0x184 0xbe 0x2 0xba 0x3 0xb2 0x4 0xbd 0x5 0xf9 0x6 0xb1 0x7 0xfc 0x8 0xf8 0x9 0xb0 0xa 0xb6 0xb 0xb5 0xe>; }; ir_key4 { rockchip,usercode = <0xef10>; rockchip,key_table = <0xa2 0x74 0xa5 0x71 0xfa 0x8b 0xff 0x9e 0xba 0x67 0xaa 0x6c 0xf8 0x69 0xfe 0x6a 0xec 0x72 0xe8 0x73 0xb9 0x66 0xbe 0xe8 0xe4 0x184 0xeb 0x190 0xea 0x191>; }; ir_key5 { rockchip,usercode = <0xfd02>; rockchip,key_table = <0xe5 0x74 0xbc 0x71 0xe1 0xe8 0xe4 0x9e 0xf9 0x67 0xe0 0x6c 0xa2 0x69 0xa3 0x6a 0xa6 0x66 0xa7 0x8b 0xbb 0x73 0xe9 0x72 0xf4 0x184 0xfe 0x2 0xfd 0x3 0xfc 0x4 0xfb 0x5 0xfa 0x6 0xe2 0x7 0xf8 0x8 0xf7 0x9 0xf6 0xa 0xff 0xb 0xf3 0x6f 0xbd 0x378 0xea 0x3b 0x18 0x3c 0xe7 0x3d 0xe6 0x3e 0xbe 0x3f 0x6e 0x42 0xab 0x43 0xe8 0x44 0xeb 0x57 0xe3 0x58 0xec 0xb9 0xef 0xba 0xa8 0xbb 0xad 0xbc 0xee 0xbd 0xed 0xbe 0x6d 0xbf 0xac 0xc0 0xbb 0xc1 0x66 0xc2 0xaa 0x192 0x60 0xd9 0x92 0x39>; }; ir_key6 { rockchip,usercode = <0xef00>; rockchip,key_table = <0xa6 0x74 0xfe 0x71 0xfb 0xe8 0xfc 0x9e 0xfa 0x67 0xf9 0x6c 0xf8 0x69 0xf7 0x6a 0xfd 0x66 0xf6 0x8b 0x44 0x73 0x42 0x72 0xdd 0x184 0xee 0x2 0xed 0x3 0xec 0x4 0xeb 0x5 0xea 0x6 0xe9 0x7 0xe8 0x8 0xe7 0x9 0xe6 0xa 0xef 0xb 0xe5 0x6f 0xde 0x1a3 0xb3 0x1a2 0xda 0x1a 0xdf 0x1b 0xe4 0x378 0xea 0x3b 0x18 0x3c 0xa9 0x3d 0xb1 0x3e 0xbe 0x3f 0xdb 0x42 0xd4 0x43 0xd7 0x44 0xd6 0x57 0xd5 0x58 0xec 0xb9 0xb7 0xba 0xd8 0xbb 0xb0 0xbc 0xaa 0xbd 0xb5 0xbe 0xdc 0xbf 0xd9 0xc0 0xbb 0xc1 0x66 0xc2 0xab 0x192 0xf5 0xd9 0x92 0x39>; };
ir_key1 { rockchip,usercode = <0x4040>; rockchip,key_table = <0xb2 0x74 0xfe 0x2 0xfd 0x3 0xfc 0x4 0xfb 0x5 0xfa 0x6 0xf9 0x7 0xf8 0x8 0xf7 0x9 0xf6 0xa 0xff 0xb 0xbb 0x40 0xec 0xe 0xac 0x184 0xe5 0xac 0xbd 0x9e 0xba 0x8b 0xf2 0x1c 0xf4 0x67 0xf1 0x6c 0xef 0x69 0xee 0x6a 0xe3 0x72 0xbc 0x71 0xea 0x73 0xe2 0x3b 0xe1 0x3c 0xb3 0x3d 0xbb 0x3e>; }; ir_key2 { rockchip,usercode = <0x1dcc>; rockchip,key_table = <0xff 0x74 0xf3 0x71 0xfd 0x72 0xf9 0xa5 0xf5 0xa3 0xe9 0xa4 0xf1 0x73 0xfc 0xac 0xf0 0x9e 0xee 0x1c 0xf8 0x67 0xbb 0x6c 0xef 0x69 0xed 0x6a 0xbf 0x8b 0xbe 0x2 0xba 0x3 0xb2 0x4 0xbd 0x5 0xb9 0x6 0xb1 0x7 0xbc 0x8 0xb8 0x9 0xb0 0xa 0xb6 0xb 0xb5 0xe 0xfe 0x3b 0xfa 0x3c 0xf6 0x3d 0xf2 0x3e 0xb7 0x40 0xb3 0x184>; }; ir_key3 { rockchip,usercode = <0x7f80>; rockchip,key_table = <0xae 0x74 0xa9 0x68 0xb1 0x6d 0x42 0x72 0x44 0x73 0xac 0x8b 0xb9 0x184 0xb6 0x66 0xe4 0x9e 0xd9 0x67 0xd7 0x6c 0xda 0x69 0xd8 0x6a 0xf2 0x1c 0xce 0x2 0xcd 0x3 0xcc 0x4 0xcb 0x5 0xca 0x6 0xc9 0x7 0xc8 0x8 0xf8 0x9 0xc6 0xa 0xcf 0xb 0xa7 0x40 0xbb 0xe>; }; ir_key4 { rockchip,usercode = <0xef10>; rockchip,key_table = <0xa2 0x74 0xe8 0x73 0xec 0x72 0xa5 0x184 0xff 0x9e 0xb9 0xac 0xfa 0x8b 0xbe 0x1c 0xba 0x67 0xaa 0x6c 0xf8 0x69 0xfe 0x6a 0xe5 0xa5 0xa7 0xa4 0xe2 0xa3 0xaf 0x2 0xad 0x3 0xef 0x4 0xb3 0x5 0xb5 0x6 0xee 0x7 0xf0 0x8 0xb1 0x9 0xf2 0xa 0xb0 0xb 0xa0 0x40 0xa1 0xe>; };
After clicking Confirm Modifications the boot.img and recovery.img will be recreated and then later the complete firmware (If for some reason the firmware fails to repack you can try to flash the unpached firmware and then flash the patched resource.img, boot.img and recovery.img over it.)