Hope somebody can assist me.
I have MXQ pro TV box. Attached is the specs for the TV BOX. I cannot get any firmware for this device. (mxq_d_221p_v1.1 - SOC - S905)
I used the below commands to export the the boot, recovery and system. I have 2 MXQ pro's with the same specs. The one that is not currently working is bricked
dd if=/dev/block/bootloader of=/storage/emulated/0/download/bootloader.img
dd if=/dev/block/boot of=/storage/emulated/0/download/boot.img
dd if=/dev/block/recovery of=/storage/emulated/0/download/recovery.img
dd if=/dev/block/system of=/storage/emulated/0/download/system.img
When I used USB image burn tool, I get an error failed to parse image.
I can share the files on gdrive, if somebody know whow to fix it?
Or does anyone have the firmware for this MXQ Pro tv Box?
Kind Regards