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Mortal T1 H313 Android TV 10

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    Mortal T1 H313 Android TV 10

    Hey, I ordered for 12EUR this device but seems like there is no quality management at all!

    1 device running well, 1 stuck in bootloop, 1 dropping wifi any 30 seconds....even 8GB units come in 2/16GB packaging ...weired

    Click image for larger version

Name:	mortal.png
Views:	15
Size:	219.5 KB
ID:	834726

    EMMC: SEC 537 B318 KMQN10006M S3DU2GDLU >> SAMSUNG

    WIFI: AIC8800D40 2445-3 TS1C46.00 according to Aliexpress: Aic8800d40l dual band Wi-Fi6 ble 5,4 modul sdio 3,0 wifi schnitts telle N240A-SRL modul​

    SU is present through ADB can be raised through ADB bus just typig su!!!

    adb shell su root <your command>​

    Build prop gives this:

    # begin fota properties
    ro.fota.version=Mortal T1_20241203-1638
    # end fota properties

    cat /proc/partitions gives:

    1 0 8192 ram0
    1 1 8192 ram1
    1 2 8192 ram2
    1 3 8192 ram3
    1 4 8192 ram4
    1 5 8192 ram5
    1 6 8192 ram6
    1 7 8192 ram7
    1 8 8192 ram8
    1 9 8192 ram9
    1 10 8192 ram10
    1 11 8192 ram11
    1 12 8192 ram12
    1 13 8192 ram13
    1 14 8192 ram14
    1 15 8192 ram15
    254 0 1518272 zram0
    179 0 7634944 mmcblk0
    179 1 32768 mmcblk0p1
    179 2 16384 mmcblk0p2
    179 3 32768 mmcblk0p3
    179 4 2097152 mmcblk0p4
    179 5 16384 mmcblk0p5
    179 6 32768 mmcblk0p6
    179 7 1048576 mmcblk0p7
    179 8 16384 mmcblk0p8
    179 9 16384 mmcblk0p9
    179 10 16384 mmcblk0p10
    179 11 16384 mmcblk0p11
    179 12 16384 mmcblk0p12
    179 13 512 mmcblk0p13
    179 14 15872 mmcblk0p14
    179 15 16384 mmcblk0p15
    259 0 16384 mmcblk0p16
    259 1 4190191 mmcblk0p17
    179 48 512 mmcblk0rpmb
    179 32 4096 mmcblk0boot1
    179 16 4096 mmcblk0boot0
    253 0 1325644 dm-0
    253 1 140820 dm-1
    253 2 108384 dm-2
    253 3 520512 dm-3

    I was able to backup boot0 and boot1 to internal sdcard:

    dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0boot0 of=/storage/emulated/0/mmcblk0boot0.img
    dd if=/dev/block/mmcblk0boot1 of=/storage/emulated/0/mmcblk0boot1.img​

    Then I removed some stuff from preinstall...after that stuck in bootloop, could be due to this OR because I copied mmcblk0boot0.img to /storage/emulated/ and made change to system partition?!
    Last edited by soldiaz; 18 February 2025, 10:16.

    That is weird, but i dunno now how that chip maker works if anything as change since the last time i worked on them (3 or 4y ago)...
    I never liked them... normally allwinner means not so good sw!


      If it was working correctly, it would be really good device for just 12EUR !! Not much bloatware!


        Sorry it seems the email notification is still not working in the forum.
        ye it was great for 12eur, but you can imagine for that price the QC is none


          Yeah, thats right, just ordered again, this time 10.70....hope to be lucky

