Thanks to my friend and mentor 900Superport, we've been putting together a new ROM developer's kitchen that is making the process a whole lot faster and implementing some new features as well.
Instructions for flashing are in the First Time User's Guide included in the flash kit.
On first boot, the system automatically installs CWM Recovery after the stock recovery has formatted everything correctly to begin with. So no need to flash CWM yourself.
Also, any apk file you have in a folder named autoinstall on the external sd card will install. Just make sure there are no spaces in the file names of the apk files you add to the folder. This is not intended to restore ALL of your apps. Some apps, like Titanium Backup, do NOT like being installed this way. But if you have any useful utility apps you wish to add at first boot, it will install them. Just watch them populate in the app drawer after first boot. Once they are all there, give it a few more seconds to install CWM Recovery...then you are good to go.
RileyROM Features:
Full Root with SuperSU
Full Debloat (no extra launchers or apps are kept)
Google Play Store fixes
English as default language, but all Android languages are supported
Busybox commands added for init.d support
Ext4 File system
2, 4, 6 or 8gb user app space (the default parameter is 4gb)
Multi-user support
KO files added for VPN support
Boot animation by Tattan65
Flash Tool by Finless
Reboot app by Petrus
First Time User's Guide by Pr0xZen
I would love to have one of these tablets to test with, in order to provide continued support. So please consider a donation, and I can order one.
If this ROM makes a difference for you, please consider a donation to support future RileyROM's here at Donate!!!