i flashed the newest firmwire. from 4.1 to.4.2.2 .
the flahtool says succesful but after flash only recovery bootloop
or recovery data and cache reset.
the minix logo doesnt appear.
i flashed many times no succes
cwm now doesnt work at all. i cant get in. only after flash recovery do reset by his own
few hours ago i tried to flash 4.1.1 old based android same happen again.
now there is no cwm. only black screen after flash
batchtool can find correctly the box and flashing is succesfulll too.
i did not plug off anything after flash ive been waiting for long time too see the minix logo. nothiing happens.
i heard there ix unbrik method for the x5 but batchttol and windows can find the box correctly so i think i dont need to to do the unbrick method
please help me