i really have no idea how to make this work..so i tryed the rk batch tool and tryed to see if i could get it to do any thing.. so i clicked the swtich button but it said this is not supported..well it was dumb for me to try sense its allready in flash mode but still...i fill like somthing is wrong.
any help? ohh im using the GAME MID tablet
GOOD NEWS EVERY ONE i figured out why the other programs would not regonize it so i went into the settings .inf file and changed the usb11 thing to 1 and then it WORKED!
but when i tryed to flash the kernal and recovery img files in the tool it showed the out put but said info start run . start to test. test device failed. run failed....this is so close..i hope someoen can help me im using a kernal edited by OMA he did it just for me and said to just flash the TUVVA kernal and the rocvery img provided by him and us the correct paths I DID and the address..witch i did.. :/ i hope someone knows SOMTHING