I am hoping this will solve some issues some are reporting.
This set of 3 was made using the latest acemax ROM 5/12.
I am not responsible if you fry your box!
While I have not overclocked the CPU, I have changed it's default settings.
While I have tested this and it does not overheat my box, your mileage may vary!
What does this do you ask?
It modifies the system and sets the CPU to the following defaults.
There are 3 different ZIPs here to try:
Min Frequency 696000
Max Frequency 1992000
Scaling Interactive
Min Frequency 816000
Max Frequency 1992000
Scaling Interactive
Min Frequency 1296000
Max Frequency 1992000
Scaling Interactive
I suggest you install Antutu CPU Control (free) to see what your CPU is doing.
No-Frill's CPU Control also shows good info about all 4 cores.
CPU-Z is another good CPU monitoring tool.
All 3 above work for reading proper CPU info.
However as of yet they will not change the CPUs. I am working on that.
Oh and to use these CPU APPs you must be rooted!
So install me EZ ROOT.zip which is included in this package.
OK so there you go.... Time for some testing from you all!!!
Here are the download links.
ROM -> M8 Acemax - CPU Patcher 3in1 ZIP - (20 megs)