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Finless ROM "tweaker" for the Neo X8 stock ROM BETA 002 6/16

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    Re: NEW - Finless ROM "tweaker" for the Neo X8 stock ROM BETA 002 6/16

    Originally posted by Finless View Post
    I do not know what's going on with some of you and the browser

    I just flashed the Minix ROM clean. It's there!
    Then installed my tweaker, it's there!


    Maybe you guys got some 002Beta earlier than I did and it has changed? I suggest maybe re-downloading it. I downloaded my copy 2 days ago not right away.

    maybe its because i used your tweaker on the 002beta2 from HWG on 6-18 instead of his first beta002 posted on 6-15 which im guessing is also the latest minix stock..

    possibly? lol im really not sure either but i use boat browser or chrome

    ☆sent from a finless bob rom powered MINIX X8h android tvbox w/tapatalk☆


      Originally posted by Finless View Post
      I do not know what's going on with some of you and the browser

      I just flashed the Minix ROM clean. It's there!
      Then installed my tweaker, it's there!


      Maybe you guys got some 002Beta earlier than I did and it has changed? I suggest maybe re-downloading it. I downloaded my copy 2 days ago not right away.


      It is indeed weird. I downloaded my copy last night. I tried it twice (both times with holding recovery button/power) and both times the browser is not there Not that I care as I use Dolphin, but very strange nonetheless.


        Good Alternative

        Thanks for reminding me about Dolphin. The latest version is pretty slick, and makes a fine substitute.


          Re: NEW - Finless ROM "tweaker" for the Neo X8 stock ROM BETA 002 6/16

          Originally posted by cuezaireekaa View Post
          hope I'm not insulting you but have you turned off the device, put a needle into the recovery hole located at the back right of the box, held that in while pressing the power button once on the box, all while still holding the pin in...then release the pin a couple seconds after seeing the first boot screen.. I just wanted to get that out of the way first.

          I don't see why the SD card should matter. recovery will be there no matter what.

          also if you have root, you could try a reboot app that allows to reboot into recovery. I know finless Bob packs one into system/app on his Rom and tweaks. maybe pull it from there and put it into system/app and change permissions to 644 with a root explorer

          Sent from my SM-N9005
          lol no insult taken, but like I said, this is basic basic stuff.... I can follow instructions, I always read the read me despite being more than familiar with the processes - but thanks for the reminder anyhow!

          my box just won't enter recovery with my SD card in, without it - straight into recovery, no probs..

          the reboot app crossed my mind ,but because I can't get into recovery, I don't have root and can't use Bob's easy root method...

          I'm gonna try a fresh install and an alternative,clean SD card - thanks for the advice I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of it

          Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk


            Solved the case of the missing browser

            You are using HardwareGuru's deodexed rom of Beta 002 in which he added the 24hz HDMI fix (posted on 6/15). That rom does indeed have the browser, and your tweak works on it. The one that was released right after by him (on 6/18) has an issue with the browser not being added during flash for some reason. I flashed them both twice, and can absolutely confirm that this is the case.

            BTW, is it at all possible to add the device id fixer to this tweaker? As it does not report as a Nexus 10 (like Finless v1.0 does with the id patch installed) Netflix does not play in HD on the Beta 002 rom. Ultimately it would rock if this tweaker added that feature and added the new xbox stock rom patch all in one shot.



              Nice detective work.

              Given the extraordinary Ethernet speeds I am now getting, I'm reluctant to mess with my set-up again in order to retrieve that dropped browser. But good to know that it wasn't my fumble.


                Yes - well done - it was bugging me big time!

                It's weird - after flashing your kernel mod Tickster reports all cores online at 1008 - 16xx max.
                Governor is correct at interactive.
                Antutu reports 1008 - 19xx??????
                Last edited by pablo11; 23 June 2014, 11:47.


                  Originally posted by Smokez View Post
                  ... an alternative,clean SD card ...
                  You can also try to use an USB (pen) drive or insert the SD after you reboot into recovery...
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                    Originally posted by zektor View Post
                    Solved the case of the missing browser

                    BTW, is it at all possible to add the device id fixer to this tweaker? As it does not report as a Nexus 10 (like Finless v1.0 does with the id patch installed) Netflix does not play in HD on the Beta 002 rom. Ultimately it would rock if this tweaker added that feature and added the new xbox stock rom patch all in one shot.
                    The ROM I downloaded if you look in settings>about, build date is 6/16. Please tell me if HW guru's is the same. My bet is it is! He may have missed something converting it to ZIP. Minix does not provide ZIP updates right now so any ZIP update is converted by someone!

                    The Xbox patch is already in this update! See my list.
                    I can work on ID patcher.

                    "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                    "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                    "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                    "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                    "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                    "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                    "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                    "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                    "Forgive them as they know not what they do"


                      Re: NEW - Finless ROM "tweaker" for the Neo X8 stock ROM BETA 002 6/16

                      Originally posted by pablo11 View Post
                      Yes - well done - it was bugging me big time!

                      It's weird - after flashing your kernel mod Tickster reports all cores online at 1008 - 16xx max.
                      Governor is correct at interactive.
                      Antutu reports 1008 - 19xx??????
                      managed to get it to go, used a different SD card, strange as the one I was using was Fat32 and never had no issues with it before...

                      my findings were similar 96-1608 in antutu and couldn't change governor - same thing I found with my S89 previously

                      Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk


                        Hi Bob,

                        Will changing the build.prop to spoof X8-H as Nexus 10 work with this tweaker? Or your boot.img in this tweaker has hard coded X8-H so spoofing will not work?

                        I am asking this question after referring to
                        ~Gopichand Pai


                          You cannot edit build.prop. I would have to make a ID patcher for the new Beta 002.

                          "Pzebacz im, bo nie wiedzą, co czynią"
                          "Прости им, они не ведают, что творят"
                          "Perdona loro perché non sanno quello che fanno"
                          "Vergib ihnen, denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"
                          "Vergeef hen want ze weten niet wat ze doen"
                          "Pardonne-leur car ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils font"
                          "Perdónalos porque no saben que lo que hacen"
                          "Oprosti im, jer ne znaju što čine"
                          "Forgive them as they know not what they do"

