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- DRM root detection disabled
- Full HLS streaming support
Known bugs:
- Netflix gives 5-10 seconds scrabmled picture uppon start.
Kernel is outside boot.img so can be changed !
That was the less important .. now the important things..
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What does it do?
LIVE Streaming Apps ( HLS ):
- Root detection disabled (DRM), we need to test this !
- All HLS app should work, YES ALL !!
Tested apps: these where broken on rockchip!
- NPO (fully functional)
- RTLXL (fully functional)
- 3FM (fully functional) also the cam!
- NPO FIFA 2014 (fully functional)
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Need root?
Remember Root breaks some apps for root detection!
This is a basic non rooted rom for a simple reason.
- Everyone that needs root can mostly root it..
- People that dont need or want it mostly dont know how to unroot a firmware.
I made rooting over adb simple so most tutorials will work to root it. (ro.secure=0)
Tool to root: http://xbmc.hardwareguru.nl/MinixNeoX7_Utility.zip
Flash Notes: ( READ this )
- Flashtool not included ( need rkflashtool )
- Unzip the .img and flash it with rkflashtool
- The kernel boot dont show a logo, so the first boot can give you about a minute black screen !! just be patiant !! the second boot will go much faster.
- When you first boot, wait till "Airpin starts" before doing anything or the app installer will abort !! you will end up without preloaded apps !! This can take some time !! just be patiant !!
... Sorry for all the !! but some seem to need it
X5: http://xbmc.hardwareguru.nl/v5/GuruX5_HLS_v5-2.zip (updated)
X5mini: http://xbmc.hardwareguru.nl/v5/GuruX5mini_HLS_v5-2.zip (updated)
108A : http://xbmc.hardwareguru.nl/v5/GuruG4_108A_HLS_v5-2.zip (updated)
108C : http://xbmc.hardwareguru.nl/v5/GuruG4_108C_HLS_v5-2.zip (updated)
Any suggestions.. just let me know.
I do this in spare time so no promices but will do my best to keep it up to date or add requested features or fixes.
Have fun guys