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Teclast P98 3G Octa: initial impressions

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    These are the files in the Chinese ROM:

    total 961040
     10240 boot.img
         0 dir.txt
         4 EBR1
         4 EBR2
       384 lk.bin
      8192 logo.bin
         4 MBR
         8 MT6592_Android_scatter.txt
       120 preloader.bin
     10240 recovery.img
      6144 secro.img
    925700 system.img


      OK. That's good. Both boot and recovery images have embedded kernels...going by the size of the files.
      Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
      Read my BIO Here
      Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
      Donate here


        Cool, didn't know that the Google Translate App had OCR and could translate from pictures :-)
        Originally posted by grenness View Post
        Encryption failed

        Encryption process is interrupted, can not be completed.
        Therefore, you can no longer use the number keys on the plate

        When the brain is set, you can back up to a Google account before all the data back to the Tablet PC.

        [Weight Tablet PC]

        Ok, so something went wrong with some sort of encryption (can it be a Chinese thing?), and I'm guessing 'weight' is a bad translation of 'reboot' or similar.

        The bottom lines:

        [something something] Mobile Uncle
        Technical support: Suda Forum
        Compilation date: 2014-02-27
        E:Invalid command argument
        Formatting /data...
        Mount /data out of abandoned format...
        Formatting /cache...

        Back Up Down OK

        Didn't give me much, but I understand now that something went wrong.
        I might give it a try once more.


          I'm just going to unpack the system and boot images and take a peek. If I can find any significant changes I will try to learn from them.
          Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
          Read my BIO Here
          Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
          Donate here


            Sounds great


              Originally posted by grenness View Post
              Didn't give me much, but I understand now that something went wrong.
              I might give it a try once more.
              Nah, this time I had all sorts of problems with the Flash Tool, ended up with a 'near brick experience' (tablet refused to boot).
              Luckily was able to reflash RileyROM, but I don't think I will try the chinese ROM any more :-(


                List of apps/files that can/can't be deleted

                Found this list over at the Chinese Teclast forum, of course I take no responsibilities here but apparently here's a list of various preinstalled files/apps that can, or can not, safely be deleted:

                APP Name
                Chinese name and function
                Can Delete
                ApplicationsProvider.apk Application Management Information reserve Can not connect to a computer to synchronize phone number after deleting
                BasicDreams.apk Sleep mode Can not be deleted
                BatteryWarning.apk Intelligent application of low battery warning Not recommended to delete
                Bluetooth.apk Bluetooth Assistant Can not be deleted
                Calculator.apk Calculator Not recommended to delete
                CalendarImporter.apk Calendar You can delete, replace
                CellConnService.apk Community Connection Service Can not be deleted
                CertInstaller.apk Certificate-related You can delete
                CloudPrint2.apk Google Cloud Print You can delete
                DeskClock.apk Alarm Clock Can not be deleted
                DeviceTestApp.apk Hardware detection Can not be deleted
                DocumentsUI.apk Documentation Can be deleted
                DrmProvider.apk Storage DRM-protected content can be deleted Can not be deleted
                Email.apk E-mail Not recommended to delete
                EngineerMode.apk Engineering mode Can not be deleted
                EngineerModeSim.apk Sim card project mode --Sim lock) Not recommended to delete
                Exchange2.apk E-mail Service Not recommended to delete
                FaceLock.apk Face Unlock You can delete
                FileManager.apk File Manager Not recommended to delete
                FWUpgrade.apk System Update Not recommended to delete
                FWUpgradeProvider.apk Update the relevant Not recommended to delete
                Galaxy4.apk Native Picture Viewer Not recommended to delete
                Gallery2.apk Gallery Not recommended to delete
                HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk Aura Spiral Live Wallpaper You can delete
                KeyChain.apk Password Management Services Can not be deleted
                LiveWallpapers.apk Live Wallpaper You can delete
                LiveWallpapersPicker.apk Dynamic wallpaper selector You can delete
                MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk Magic Smoke Wallpaper You can delete
                MediaUploader.apk Media Storage Can not be deleted
                MTKAndroidSuiteDaemon.apk MediaTek Kean Zhuo Kit Wizard You can delete
                MtkBt.apk MTK Bluetooth services Can not be deleted
                MTKThermalManager.apk Battery temperature control system Can not be deleted
                MTKThermalStress.apk ? Can not be deleted
                Music.apk Music Player Not recommended to delete
                MusicFX.apk Sound Equalizer Not recommended to delete
                NetworkLocation.apk Provide network location Can not be deleted
                Nfc.apk Short-range wireless communications technology You can delete
                NoiseField.apk Bubble Live Wallpaper You can delete
                Omacp.apk Configuration information Can not be deleted
                PackageInstaller.apk Setup Can not be deleted
                PacProcessor.apk ? Unknown
                PartnerBookmarksProvider.apk Google Partners bookmark settings You can delete
                PhaseBeam.apk Live Wallpaper You can delete
                PicoTts.apk Voice Services Can not be deleted
                PrintSpooler.apk Print Services You can delete
                Protips.apk The main screen prompts Can not be deleted
                Provision.apk Deleted after the impact restore factory settings Can not be deleted
                SchedulePowerOnOff.apk Timer switch Not recommended to delete
                SmsReg.apk DM server interaction, some DM business, used to identify the user's identity and chargeback Not recommended to delete
                SoundRecorder.apk Call Recording Can not be deleted
                Stk1.apk SIM Manager You can delete
                Street.apk Google maps "Street" You can delete
                Superuser.apk Super User Authorization Can not be deleted
                TeclastAutoUpdate.apk Taipower automatic updates Can not be deleted
                teclastLauncher_v3.0_build158_common_SDK4_4_97B2.a pk ? Unknown
                TelephonyProvider.apk Dialer Can not be deleted
                UserDictionaryProvider.apk User Dictionary Service You can delete
                Videos.apk Movie Studio You can delete
                VisualizationWallpapers.apk Visual wallpaper You can delete
                VoiceCommand.apk Voice Command Can not be deleted
                VoiceSearchStub.apk Voice Search Can not be deleted
                VoiceUnlock.apk Voice Unlock Can not be deleted
                YGPS.apk GPS-related Can not be deleted


                  OK, I have a new ROM to test. This is v1.1. It's based on the same firmware we've been working with, but I've done some extensive work on the system.img.


                  Rooted with SuperSU
                  Debloated of all unnecessary apps
                  Deodexed all apps
                  Replaced all Google Apps with the most up to date versions and added some that were missing
                  init.d support
                  busybox support
                  Auto Install apps from external SD "autoinstall" folder
                  Reboot App by Petrus
                  Fixed permissions on SD card
                  English as default language
                  Multi-User activated
                  Some other performance tweaks added to build.prop
                  CWM Recovery


                  Donations welcomed.

                  If this is the first time flashing this ROM on your tablet, follow these instructions:

                  You do NOT have to be rooted to back up your IMEI/NVRAM with MTKDroidTools!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  All you have to do is flash CWM Recovery before you flash the ROM...then go into MTKDroidTools and backup your IMEI/NVRAM as explained in previous posts.

                  So, here's the quick and easy process:

                  1. Download the RileyROM for whatever device you have.
                  2. Included in the ROM kit is the PDAnet_4150 app...use it to install your drivers if this is the first time you are flashing an MTK ROM.
                  3. Also included in the ROM kit is the MTKDroidTools.
                  4. Open the flash_tool.exe located in the root of the ROM kit.
                  5. You will be prompted to browse to the scatter file in the RileyROM folder. Select it.
                  6. A list of files will populate to your screen with checkboxes all checked.
                  7. Uncheck EVERYTHING, except the one that says Recovery.
                  8. Click on the path of the Recovery line, and select the CWM_Recovery.img in the RileyROM folder.
                  9. Turn your tablet off and unhook the USB.
                  10. Use the Download Only setting for the flash tool.
                  11. Click the Download button.
                  12. With the tablet turned off, insert the USB plug.
                  13. The Recovery will download immediately. It will be quick.
                  14. Unplug the USB from your tablet.
                  15. Hold Volume + and press power until the tablet starts will boot to CWM.
                  16. Open MTKDroidTools
                  17. Plug in your USB to your tablet.
                  18. Wait for your tablet information to populate to the screen.
                  19. Click the IMEI/NVRAM button.
                  20. Click Backup.
                  21. Disconnect your USB when the backup is complete.
                  22. Press the power button to reboot to system.

                  Now that you have a backup of your NVRAM, you can now flash your tablet.

                  Instructions on how to flash the ROM may very, depending on certain things in the new ROM. For instance, if you are upgrading from one version of Android to a new version (Jellybean to KitKat...or 4.4.2 to 4.4.4) or if you are selecting a different EBR set to increase your user app space...or if your device is just acting strangely and you want to do a full wipe...I will recommend that you use the "Format - Download" setting in the flash tool. If you are going from stock to a custom ROM, this will also clear out of the bloatware.

                  If you are only updating the ROM with one of the same Android version, and you aren't changing the size of your EBR can use the "Download Only" setting. This setting overwrites the current firmware with the new files. So if you want to remove the bloatware, you should do a "Format - Download".

                  So let's flash the ROM:

                  1. Turn your tablet off and disconnect it from USB.
                  2. Open the Flash Tool and select the scatter file if prompted.
                  3. View the list of files.
                  4. Just as you selected CWM_Recovery.img above, go through and select it again.
                  5. Select the EBR1 file you want to flash.
                  6. Select the EBR2 file that matches the size of the EBR1 file you selected.

                  NOTE: Some ROM's will only have 1 EBR file. This is for ROM's which have combined the user app space with the internal SD card. If that's the case, you will only have the single EBR1 leave it alone.

                  7. Click Download on the Flash Tool screen.
                  8. With the tablet still turned off, connect the USB
                  9. Watch the activity at the bottom of the flash tool.
                  10. When the flash is finished, a box will pop up telling you it's done.

                  11. If you used the "Format - Download" option, you need to first boot to CWM Recovery by holding Volume+ and press power. Navigate to the wipe/factory reset option and run it.

                  Now, boot to system...and you will have the custom ROM running on your tablet/phone.

                  It has taken me a while to figure out all of the in's and out's of flashing these ROM's...and I apologize for my lack of discovery, until now.
                  Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                  Read my BIO Here
                  Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                  Donate here


                    Great work!

                    -however I was probably too quick again... Thought I would quickly flash it before running for the bus to work. Seldom a good strategy when dealing with flashing firmware on phones and tablets!

                    When I arrived at work and tried to boot, I got the red Teclast logo (or chinese characters), but then it was all black.
                    It didn't shut down or restart, though.

                    Anyhow, I was going to reflash at work, but I think (I hope) it's some Windows driver problems that makes it impossible to connect to the tablet from the flash tool.
                    I'll leave it at that and try reflashing when I get home - this time following your instructions by the letter!


                      I was afraid of that. Without one of these tablets to's hard to tell whether it will work...and figure out what is the cause of the problem.

                      I guess I got a little too aggressive with the changes on this ROM. Sorry to blow your whole day with a tablet that doesn't work right.
                      Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                      Read my BIO Here
                      Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                      Donate here


                        No problem at all!
                        Should I try again or wait for a new version from you?


                          Just wait for the next one. Lets home for an update from Teclast.
                          Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                          Read my BIO Here
                          Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                          Donate here


                            Had to try again ;-)

                            This time with 'Format All + Download' as I thought it might help to do a complete wipe during the flashing process.
                            But I guess there must be something missing in the ROM, same thing happens after the initial Teclast chinese welcome logo - all black.

                            Do you have a version that's basically rileyROM 1.0 + Chrome fix and GAPSS?


                              Originally posted by grenness View Post
                              Great work!

                              -however I was probably too quick again... Thought I would quickly flash it before running for the bus to work. Seldom a good strategy when dealing with flashing firmware on phones and tablets!

                              When I arrived at work and tried to boot, I got the red Teclast logo (or chinese characters), but then it was all black.
                              It didn't shut down or restart, though.

                              Anyhow, I was going to reflash at work, but I think (I hope) it's some Windows driver problems that makes it impossible to connect to the tablet from the flash tool.
                              I'll leave it at that and try reflashing when I get home - this time following your instructions by the letter!
                              I really the same thing happened when flashing
                              The screen stays black after red text and does nothing more.
                              Incidentally, the CWM Recovery is in Chinese


                                Try v1.0 with this system.img.

                                Sent from my P9
                                Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                                Read my BIO Here
                                Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                                Donate here

