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ShaunMT's Parameter Patches for Nextbook NX785QC8G (Support Thread)

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    ShaunMT's Parameter Patches for Nextbook NX785QC8G (Support Thread)

    These files are for the Nextbook NX785QC8G.

    These patches increase the /data partition to the indicated size by decreasing the /sdcard partition size.

    Please read this entire post before flashing!

    The size indicated in the file name will be the new /data size

    The /sdcard partition gets whatever available space is left over.

    Changing the partition layout requires relocating, reformatting, and / or restoring the affected partitions. These installers handle all of this automatically. The following is a list of what happens:

    1. /system, /kpanic and /metadata get backed up to external SD card.
    2. the new parameters get flashed
    3. tablet reboots to load new parameters
    4. /data and /sdcard get reformatted to their new sizes
    5. /system, /kpanic and /metadata get restored to their new locations.
    6. temporary installation files are deleted

    Please make sure you have a compatible device!

    Nextbook has a history of changing internal hardware without changing product names. You are strongly advised to review your stock build.prop entries to verify compatibility before flashing. The easiest way for most users to do this is to download any build.prop editor app from the Play Store.

    The red portions of the following build.prop entries should match to ensure compatibility:

    ro.product.device=NXM865FD 4.4.2 KOT49H V2.0.9 release-keys


    If one of the above values doesn't match, or you are unsure about anything, you should post a reply in the support thread and ask for advice before flashing.


    1. Choose and download the desired patch size below.
    2. Place the downloaded .zip file on your external SD card.
    3. Verify you have at least 2 GB of free space remaining on your external SD for backing up existing partitions.
    4. Flash using TWRP, available here:

    Last edited by shaunmt; 04 December 2014, 09:19.
    Freaktab Rom Developer

    Subscribe To My Developer Thread For Updates On My Projects: ShaunMT


    Q: Can I install using Stock Recovery?
    A: No... The installer requires features only supported by TWRP recovery.

    Q: Can I install using CWM recovery?
    A: No... The installer requires features only supported by TWRP recovery.

    Q: Can I install using someone else's TWRP recovery?
    A: Maybe... but it has only been tested with my TWRP version.

    Q: Does this wipe /data or /sdcard?
    A: Yes... both /data and /sdcard have to be reformatted to their new sizes.

    Q: Can I install on a different ROM?
    A: Maybe... the patches should work on any stock based ROM, but have only been tested on my ROMs

    Q: Should I flash a parameter patch before or after flashing a ROM?
    A: Doesn't matter... The installer backs up whatever the current ROM is and restores it during installation. There should be no need to flash anything else before or after installation.

    Q: I flashed a parameter patch, but now I want to switch a different parameter patch?
    A: Just flash the new parameter patch...

    Q: Installation aborted early with an error message...
    A: You probably ran out of space on your external SD card when backing up your existing partitions. Make sure you have at least 2gb of extra space on your external SD card and try again.

    Q: Something went horribly wrong and I now I can't boot to Android...
    A: Reflash one of my ROMs.

    Q: I'm having some other issue...
    A: Sorry to hear that... post a reply to this thread and hopefully myself or another user can assist you.
    Last edited by shaunmt; 04 December 2014, 06:15.
    Freaktab Rom Developer

    Subscribe To My Developer Thread For Updates On My Projects: ShaunMT


      Special Thanks To The Following:

      Finless and Neomode for maintaining and providing file hosting.

      Abdul_PT for helping me learn to build from source for RockChip devices.

      and PerfectPitch for testing.

      The rest of the Freaktab dev team for their constant support.

      The rest of the Freaktab users for being part of such a great community.
      Freaktab Rom Developer

      Subscribe To My Developer Thread For Updates On My Projects: ShaunMT


        For some weird reason its asking to type password to decrypt storage, i had to reflash your modified rom and that's what its asking.


          Originally posted by JonathanP89 View Post
          For some weird reason its asking to type password to decrypt storage, i had to reflash your modified rom and that's what its asking.
          It flashed something to the wrong location, resulting in corrupted partitions and now it thinks you have whole device encryption turned on because it can't read the /system and/or /data partition.

          What ROM were you on before flashing the parameter patch?

          Did you flash with my TWRP?

          Did the flash complete, or did it fail? If it failed, what was the error message?

          Which version of my ROM did you reinstall? The rkimage version, using stock recovery or the version using TWRP?

          Freaktab Rom Developer

          Subscribe To My Developer Thread For Updates On My Projects: ShaunMT


            Completely lost
            1. Choose and download the desired patch size below. Done
            2. Place the downloaded .zip file on your external SD card. Done
            3. Verify you have at least 2 GB of free space remaining on your external SD for backing up existing partitions. OK
            4. Flash using TWRP, available here:

            From TWRP/CWM etc:
            1. Verify compatibility as indicated above.
            2. Download this file:
            3. Put the unopened .zip file on your external SD card.
            4. Flash using TWRP/CWM recovery.
            What is this???


              Originally posted by Kozmic1520 View Post
              From TWRP/CWM etc:
              1. Verify compatibility as indicated above.
              2. Download this file:
              3. Put the unopened .zip file on your external SD card.
              4. Flash using TWRP/CWM recovery.
              What is this???
              Those are instructions for installing TWRP recovery using either TWRP recovery or CWM recovery.

              You need TWRP recovery installed in order to use my parameter patch files.

              If you currently have stock recovery, you need to install TWRP using one of the other install methods.

              If you currently have CWM recovery (from OMA's ROM), you can use CWM recovery to install TWRP.

              If you already have my TWRP installed, just use it to install one of the parameter patches.

              If you have any more questions about installing TWRP recovery, please post them in the TWRP support thread instead of the Parameter Patch support thread.


              Freaktab Rom Developer

              Subscribe To My Developer Thread For Updates On My Projects: ShaunMT



                This is the zip I was waiting for, and the most excited about. Last night I re-installed your ROM, I then installed TWRP, and the 4GB parameter patch. I installed all my apps and so far everything works great. Thank you for making this table more usable. I look forward to using this tablet for what I originally intended and not just an internet machine.


                  I'm using your custom rom, i have TWRP installed and a 16 GB sd card, i downloaded the 4gb patch and put the zip file on the sd card and flashed it but now it says no os is installed, what could i be doing wrong.


                    Re: ShaunMT's Parameter Patches for Nextbook NX785QC8G (Support Thread)

                    Originally posted by JonathanP89 View Post
                    I'm using your custom rom, i have TWRP installed and a 16 GB sd card, i downloaded the 4gb patch and put the zip file on the sd card and flashed it but now it says no os is installed, what could i be doing wrong.
                    Use twrp to flash the rom. I also has this problem a couple times. It seems to be failing during the restore for metadata and system partitions. One question tho, did you previously use Oma's rom from xda? I did and i am wondering if the kernel might have something to do with it.


                      I did use TWRP to flash it and no i never used any other rom.


                        Originally posted by JonathanP89 View Post
                        I'm using your custom rom, i have TWRP installed and a 16 GB sd card, i downloaded the 4gb patch and put the zip file on the sd card and flashed it but now it says no os is installed, what could i be doing wrong.
                        I had this problem as well, so I ended up reinstalling the ROM via TWRP using the TWRP version of the ROM.


                          Re: ShaunMT's Parameter Patches for Nextbook NX785QC8G (Support Thread)

                          Yeah, that's what I meant. After you flash the parameter patch, flash the ROM again and all is well.


                            I'm using your custom rom, i have TWRP installed and a 16 GB sd card, i downloaded the 4gb patch and put the zip file on the sd card and flashed it but now it says no os is installed, what could i be doing wrong.
                            Originally posted by JonathanP89 View Post
                            I did use TWRP to flash it and no i never used any other rom.
                            I suspected as much... the system restore must have failed.

                            Just reflash my ROM using the TWRP version and all should be fine.

                            Freaktab Rom Developer

                            Subscribe To My Developer Thread For Updates On My Projects: ShaunMT



                              Originally posted by Exile1975 View Post
                              Use twrp to flash the rom. I also has this problem a couple times. It seems to be failing during the restore for metadata and system partitions. One question tho, did you previously use Oma's rom from xda? I did and i am wondering if the kernel might have something to do with it.
                              You might be correct about coming from Oma's rom... I haven't personally used Oma's rom or done any testing with it... so I can't advise regarding any changes that might exist in his ROM.

                              Freaktab Rom Developer

                              Subscribe To My Developer Thread For Updates On My Projects: ShaunMT


