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Vigica C100S Channel Lists / Firmware --- S805

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    yeah you would of thought the box rejects it, with a unsuccessful msg,but i think it is rejecting but just displaying the wrong msg ! ..
    as even when i tried the file with the swopped over header it still said "restore user data success" were we know it to have an incorrect checksum, so kinda confirms it all...

    yeah the file im using (with header i posted with blank checksum (4...7) to test my system/scrip/python is a raw/blind scan on box so all working, then the single dvb_s_mw_s1 transfered to pc,
    decomposed, then just renamed the all_services to match the one listed in my, and composed it again ! transfered back to box.....

    like i say just to test it all ! ..... Once i get that going, will use my already days worth edited/changed file/channel folders ! etc...
    just doing it this way to narrow down my problem,
    of which im now 99% sure its that checksum at 4---7.... but posted all my workings along the way by editing my original post, so it may help others, and to show where i was/had tried !

    will try on a fid PC, entill i get that checksum sorted !if not will work out how to try manually calculate it in a hex editor ! .. i presume its a crc-32-mpeg checksum of location 8 to end of file ?

    cheers again for replys i realise the channels files in all_service are just chopped up files of the original dvb_s_mw_s1, so you can reaarange/name them ..
    its a great start, no idea how you figure these things out from scrath ! i cannot even get it working when i know how its supposed to be !
    Last edited by gadget78; 02-20-2016, 16:18.


      just tried it on another PC, still the same composed file has no checksum in header they both window7, 64bit one running python 2.7.11, the other 3.5.1
      will continue to try things out...
      also im unable to calculate this checksum manually in hex editor and get it to match header in working-backup/original !?
      is it not just a crc32 check sum of file, after checksum location (so x08 and onwards to end of file)

      Trying to figure this checksum stuff out, and how to calculate it manually ..
      so in a working file, the CRC32 checksum (from 08-end) in hexeditor is C416F77F, but the header checksum is 11640103.... how is it converted to that ? ...
      in the script, your notes are 'force 8 characters as we need 4 crc bytes'... so thats fine C416F77F is 8 characters ...
      then 'now transform 4 character pairs in the string to 4 bytes' ... so the C4 is the first character pair, an converts/becomes 11, as a byte ? ... hows that ?
      looking at script it gets 11 from line 166, filling in variables you get .... INT (0XC4,16)... so C4 as a decimal/interger is 196 ... still how is that then put in as a byte of 11 ???
      why do they not just use it as C4 !?! ... WHAT AM I MISSING
      Last edited by gadget78; 02-20-2016, 23:37.


        The checksum is mentioned in the README (!) and it is not a regular crc32. If the checksum is not working there must be an issue with the call to the pycrc library from the compose script (line 160). The writer of this Vigica firmware did not want to put crc code in there twice, needed a crc, and used the crc calculation as used in the DVB standard, something already present and needed to be able to decode DVB MPEG data packets.
        The pycrc library knows that MPEG crc variety. To test it separately you may try from the command line something like
        python <scripts path>\pycrc-0.8.3-win32\pycrc --model=crc-32-mpeg --check-file=<file path>


          arr so it is totally different, well thats how i read it, but couldnt find anywhere that had that variety, or even mentioned that type existed ! let alone someway to calculate it... all i found when googling was in some wiki's about 'regular' crc32 can be used as mpeg etc, and listed mpeg in the list of uses for crc32 !!...

          least that explains, Thankyou ... will expirment on pycrc, and script see where its stumbling ! odd as im sure couple other people reported it working under windows ?
          am very surprised theres not more interest in this ! as the K1 box is selling more now ! ... and i see it as excellent best of both worlds solution... just the channnel setting up is hard ! !
          again i still impressed you figured all this out, and wrote script for it all ! ...

          well after googling more about the different types etc (now i know it for defo theres a diference) ... found the specifics (of which i read and overlooked last time ! doh)
          Name : "CRC-32/MPEG-2"
          Width : 32
          Poly : 04C11DB7
          Init : FFFFFFFF
          RefIn : False
          RefOut : False
          XorOut : 00000000
          Check : 0376E6E7
          and in HxD program, you can enter custom CRC... so entered those details, and boom, matching checksums ! ! ...
          will now go and calculate the recomposed list, and see how it works then
          then ones got that confirmed will back trace prob with script/PC !

          well just to confirmed it is the checksum not being written in header, as manually calculating and adding it in with hexeditor is working lovely ! ..
          plus the scripts working fine when called manually, from command line ..
          but isnt returning anything when called from the compose script (pmsg'ing out the "crcresult" in script)
          will continue to root out problem !

          thankyou again ... and hopefully my rant/blogs are helping someone else !
          Last edited by gadget78; 02-21-2016, 19:25.



            OK great addition/modification to the decompose script, adding line
            if rcdname[idx] > 0xb2: # all non usable characters
            rcdname[idx] = 0x25 # use % instead
            at line 81, stops all characters above xB2, and gives them a % (x25), which stops errors in composing later ...

            as this stopped me having to manually edit RT channels ""TV~72~RT├Ê_One_~E0~N2~P0"" to prevent errors like
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            File "E:\BACKUPS\Public\TV box\Ki S2\mw_s1_edit_v05\", line 94
            , in <module>
            with open(str(fullpath), 'rb') as binfile:
            IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'E:\\TV box\\Ki S
            2\\mw_s1_edit_v05\\TV\\TV~72~RT+\xca_One_~E0~N2~P0 '

            with modifications, makes it as TV~72~RT%Ê_One_~E0~N2~P0... and composes fine now ! ...

            wahoo have finally found out why it wasnt working (for me)
            in line 158, where it calls in the pycrc script to calculate checksum, its prefeixed with python. in windows as there is no program python in root, and theres no direct calling for that, it fails
            maybe linux is different ? ... also for me the + '"' + additions was somehow messing it up too? not sure why? as ironicly as they there to help with spaces ... but for me changine whole of line 158 to ..

            line 158 crcresult=os.popen(pycrcpath + ' --model=crc-32-mpeg --check-file=' + tmpfile).read()

            which fixed it ... in addition i added line underneath, its not needed but helpful to know it worked/called checksum out correctly!! line159 pmsg ('checksum...= %s',crcresult)
            ok so not sure but will changing this mess up linux ? if so maybe change the pycrcpath variable to suit, at line 32 to ?...
            line 32 pycrcpath = 'python ' + dhere + slash + 'pycrc-0.8.3-linux'
            could add the + slash + "" on the end and do away with line 38 to clean it up ?? (adding "" + slash + "" too line 36 too of course)

            well im well pleased i managed to get to the bottom of this ! ... i like messing with code... takes me while to get in the swing as only know the basics but got there !
            going to continue and try get it to add the SID, and VPID too filename to better identify the channel !
            then see what that opens up with .ABS files inport/exporting etc etc

            really hope this has helped others too ! ... love this box, and the ability to get Android, and satellite media ! defo seems to be the future !
            added my own reworked compose file (as a .txt file, so needs renaming back to .py)
            have retried on another PC (window 7 64bit too) and 32bit laptop, all now work where it didnt before ! ... on both python 2.7, and 3.5
            Attached Files
            Last edited by gadget78; 02-21-2016, 20:07.


              1. glad you found the origin of the problem. Must say that it looks as if the Python installation somehow is incomplete on your Win systems. In any OS normally one can type 'python' and the language's interpreter gets started and you can enter lines of code and get answers from the console.
              2. how much of the gobbled up service name special characters to intercept and replace by something else is a bit arbitrary. Most file systems have no problem with UTF-8 coded special characters in the names of files.
              And the more special characters get swapped for a stand-in character, the less recognizable the names get. But you have already mastered tuning that a bit to your needs and the sort of 'extreme' strings produced in the raw scan.
              3. Would you have already a channel list prescription on basis AV stream IDs you can of course make a script that picks the files accordingly. But the bug in the Vigica firmware, that it does not properly (the DVB way) interpret the names the service providers gave to the services, probably still creates the need for editing of the name strings to look good in utf-8 coding, the coding applied by the box' OnScreenDisplay. It also is essential to 'lock' those services. Without the lock the Vigica will regularly consult the tables the broadcaster sends and undo your name editing and put back the old gobbled up names as it 'thinks' there was an update by the broadcaster!


                1. im very chuffed too ! ... well on the 3 PC's i tried (all needed python installing, from their website, so was a fresh install) none worked, and typing just python, in a cmd window didnt work either, i presume because by default its not in the "sytem paths" do they call it ?? .. but calling a .py file seems to get opened as a python, so alls good here, and i think should work in all windoze environments as default, so maybe the better option ?... not sure of linux as not familiar with that OS ! but the way ive rejiggled it, keeping that OS the same, so should be ok still ?
                2. arbitary yes, annoying when it wont recompose yes ! ive tried to pick a nice high number, as seems anyhigher, and it gets replaced by the system as / ! ??
                3. its more about sorting the number/order than the name of the channel for me ! .. so we can find them easily when we have 700 odd channels to flick through 1! and picking the right clone/copy of the channel to especially those BBC ones ! seems to have ALOT of same named channels ? !

                Thankyou again for being patient with me ! .. learning as i go here ! ...
                couldnt of done it without all your help


                  Thanks wwortel and hello gadget78, just as a separate note, not too off topic I hope, have you ever tried setting up the live tv tuner for the vigica 90S or 100s in Kodi? This looks like the future and you can have full control of the channel line up and epg.

                  The epg on my c90s is stuck in Chinese time, no method to change it.
                  Last edited by badflyer; 02-22-2016, 13:10.


                    didnt realise Kodi would do that for this box (im using the videostrong KI box) ?! will look into that..
                    and the EPG is something i was going to look into next, (after getting SID/VPID into filenames)
                    to see if i can get more than now and next ! .. dont even know where to start !.....


                      badflyer; yes, tried to get tvheadend to work in Kodi as I have experience with it on other boxes and also on my PC with an external USB satellite front-end but did not manage to get it to work on the C100S.
                      So then invested time in figuring out how the dtv android app worked.

                      The Chinese time zone on the box, on the C100S that is, one can change via the regular Android settings. There is a menu 'Date and time' there.


                        yeah read elsewhere (in another thread) in the Android environment kodi wont see the tuner,
                        thats why peeps been installing openelec, which is direct linux(?) with kodi launcher i thinks ? (thats how ive read it)

                        then kodi will see the tuner etc ... but then your in lunix only, and wont have any of the andoid stuff ! (which is a large reason for this box
                        i found the data time thing too, but EPG still doesnt get no more populated than now and next ????? is this fixable, where does it get the EPG data from ?

                        well im very glad you did invest your time in the DTV app

                        well ive got the hang of this coding now, in decompose, ive changed/added service ID import into the filename at the moment, its instead of the network ID
                        as personally, NID always reads "02" ? i cannot get any reference of what its actually referring to ?
                        not sure if its something thats used on different satellites/locations ??
                        anyhows this is my additions if you wanted to officially support/add it ? have attached it

                        Hope this is helping other people too ?? feel like im babbling away to myself ?
                        next for me is to somehow maybe import/export to a .abs file/ enigma/standard channel list ...
                        but tbh ive now sorted out everything i need to get my manual list properly sorted, and able to resort/find errors later now the SID is extracted...
                        was thinking of adding the HD info on/off but the SID references that (as slyHD dont work etc)
                        been using this list to cross check things
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by gadget78; 02-23-2016, 22:01.


                          Hi, is it possible to have a tuto step by step how to do this?

                          I have a vigica c90s.

                          Many thanks


                            sorry to post on an old thread but i have venz k1 which is the same as mentioned but i litturally sorted all my channels and didnt back up, then i decided to do a scan as couldnt find a channel and lost my favs and everythings is their a file i can put on my sd card of someone elses backup lol as i really dont understand all this python etc


                              heres mine, its not finished, or truly sorted how i want it, but it does 'work'... which is why ive not rejigged it yet !


                                Thank you so much I'll give it a try I've been searching for individual channels each time lol

                                Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

