1) Good Power is a MUST! This thing will lock up and crash unless you have good power. Most sticks I can power from my PC's USB port. Not this one. It requires a 2A PSU otherwise it will lockup and crash just playing Netflix movies. Also without good power, wifi will tend drop out and lose connection even though it still shows connected.
2) Netflix works pretty good although frame skipping is there like ALL the other 3188 devices. Slow pans look good but fast movement you will see it appears to be skipping in "chunks". The old frame skipping bug you would notice missing frames on slow pans. So some trade off has been made to fix that but it is still skipping frames but in "blocks" instead of every few frames. I hope I am making sense.
3) My C310 camera semi works. the MIC will not work at all. Google Voice search fails because of no MIC. However if you download a camera APP from Google play, the camera will work.
4) Because of #3 above and no MIC, Skype will not work.
5) External USB audio devices do not work. Nothing ever shows up in settings>audio>Sound Devices Manager.
6) CIFS support seems to be missing from the ROM like all 3188 ROMs so far. Leolas is working to try and make a 3.0.36+ CIFS KO module.
So the FIX list I think Imito needs to work on
1) Fix Netflix if possible! I know this maybe a common Rockchip issue and probably not just an Imito implementation.
2) Implement the proper drivers to support generic web cameras and the MICs.
3) Implement the proper audio devices drivers and settings.
4) #2 & #3 should fix Skype but if not Skype needs to be fixed.
5) Please implement CIFS along with VPN support (tun.ko and md4.ko).
Just my list so far....