JoKeRz decided to make a few changes to the kodi addon and am sharing my version here. It is all based on the source addon published by Kszaq and the good information provided by sammaz, as well as the latest binary/cores from Lakka project for Odroic C1 (plus more info I found on the internet). Thanks to you all!
What is new:
- Added settings to control how kodi is handled while launching retroarch. There are two options so far: kill kodi process (default) or pause kodi process.
- Added setting to set execution permissions on the scripts an executable (so no more need to ssh into the box for doing that)
- Added a whole settings section were some parameters from retroarch.cfg can be changed via kodi UI. I added a few that seem to play a role with performance so you guys can play with those around. If you find more parameters you want me to add, post a message and I will look into doing that.
- Added a very very very simple launcher code to the addon. The main goal is for a quick way to test the addon as well as to provide folks with a non-fancy non-pretty solution to launch games. More details on how to use below. If you disable the simple launcher, opening the addon in kodi will automatically start retroarch menu.
- Made the xmb menu UI the default and copied some assets for xbm ui from Lakka project so you have nicer UI experience with some themes and logos.
- Since I plan to maintain this addon from time to time, I created a kodi repository for it. Feel free to add this repo to your libreelec/openelec kodi to keep your version up-to-date. Keep in mind this repo will have addons specifically compiled to / or compatible with Amlogic armv7 S805 devices.
- My versions of the addon have an ...-jNN ending to track my updates separate from modifications made by kszaq on his version. Hence, latest from my repository is currently version
Link to a zip to repository where this addon will be maintained:
Source code of the addon will be maintained here: (binary and libretro cores are not there and need to be extracted from the Lakka builds):
How to use the Very Very Very Simple Game Launcher:
- Copy your roms to a location you can access from your box such as a local folder on the box. If you have a box cover or any image you ant to see for an specific rom, you can copy such in either jpg or png format to the same folder with same name as rom plus extension (.jpg or .png)
- Configure addon settings to choose what core to use and what folder to look for the rom files (can be zipped).
kszaq, sammaz and folks from Lakka project
Please post comments. I hope I am not hijacking the original intent of this thread, sammaz, but please let me know otherwise.