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Inphic i7 Amlogic S905X Android 6.0 2G/16G 4K UHD Smart TV Box 802.11 b/g/n LAN HDMI CEC

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    Inphic i7 Amlogic S905X Android 6.0 2G/16G 4K UHD Smart TV Box 802.11 b/g/n LAN HDMI CEC

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ID:	594289

    Android Marshmallow

    Amlogic S905X

    DDR3 2GB RAM, eMMC 16GB Flash

    100M LAN
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ID:	594291

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ID:	594290
    Inphic i7 Amlogic S905X Android 6.0 2G/16G 4K UHD Smart TV Box 802.11 b/g/n LAN HDMI CEC

    Lets Have a look at what's in the Box
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    White is the colour and au power pack is always good
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    Bit squeezy but easy to get use to
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    We have seen PCB Shots Before but just incase you have forgot
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    Connectors for Uart and Fan and I noted it is running a bit Warm
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    Not helping the air Circulation and will be removed
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    WiFi Antenna Stickytape type
    I Noted the Heatsink using Thermal tape to mount to CPU etc, this will be removed and proper Thermal Glue to attach should improve.

    As you may be able to see, the sticky pad used to attach Heatsink to CPU only covering approx 1/2 the CPU, Click image for larger version

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    A few test to see how things are looking.. Click image for larger version

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ID:	607957

    Full Details >

    Full Details >

    Working well as a 905x as most others, wifi ethernet working well with my setup..
    Apps tested much the same experience as other 905x units
    Last edited by trebor; 08 November 2016, 03:24.
    Please consider
    Donating to Freaktab

    Hopefully in a couple of weeks, will be able to test this model. How will she be able to work with Linux.


      Minimal console version of Linux (the display on the TV does NOT work). This version only works with SD cards and is intended for developers or server organization. To use.
      1. To activate your universal multiboot.
      2. To record on the SD card image (minimum size of the media SD card - 2GB)
      3. Connect SD card to TV box and turn the power on.
      After 2-3 minutes the system start. The control system either via the UART console or through SSH. Enabled by default with the eth0 address by DHCP. the root password is 1234. The composition has a MC and NANO. Automatically size the second partition is NOT increased, it must be done manually.

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        Hi, How do you extend this system to ubuntu-debian like system? How do you install apt-get packet manager for example? Can we install node.js?



          Originally posted by albundy View Post
          Hi, How do you extend this system to ubuntu-debian like system? How do you install apt-get packet manager for example? Can we install node.js?

          I plan in the future to make images Armbian (Debian / Ubuntu) for i7 Pro. There will be components You want.


            Pre-configured desktop image of Debian (Armbian). To use
            1. To activate your universal multiboot
            2. Burn image on SD card (need SD card of 8 GB)
            3. To connect i7 Pro, powering up TV set-top box, the System automatically to boot.
            Have already created a default user (username "user" password to "1"), the root user's password "1q2w3e4r" . Pay attention that by default on the desktop automatically creates links to the partitions of the internal memory. Be careful not to accidentally delete necessary data.

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              Originally posted by balbes150 View Post
              Minimal console version of Linux (the display on the TV does NOT work). This version only works with SD cards and is intended for developers or server organization. To use.
              1. To activate your universal multiboot.
              2. To record on the SD card image (minimum size of the media SD card - 2GB)
              3. Connect SD card to TV box and turn the power on.
              After 2-3 minutes the system start. The control system either via the UART console or through SSH. Enabled by default with the eth0 address by DHCP. the root password is 1234. The composition has a MC and NANO. Automatically size the second partition is NOT increased, it must be done manually.

              I tested it several things.
              But there is no H/W acceleration.
              How can I install mali driver or somthing?



                I tried to install ap6212 wifi drivers (bcmdhd.ko, dhd.ko) into /lib/modules/ with insmod command but could not succeed. What else should i do ? There is also firmware folder..i can copy from libreelec..but exactly i do not know how to make it work..
                oops sorry, my device is mini m8s ii, I am making comments on balbes150's linux builds,
                Last edited by albundy; 12 October 2016, 17:09.


                  Originally posted by garyang View Post

                  I tested it several things.
                  But there is no H/W acceleration.
                  How can I install mali driver or somthing?

                  Originally posted by albundy View Post

                  I tried to install ap6212 wifi drivers (bcmdhd.ko, dhd.ko) into /lib/modules/ with insmod command but could not succeed. What else should i do ? There is also firmware folder..i can copy from libreelec..but exactly i do not know how to make it work..
                  oops sorry, my device is mini m8s ii, I am making comments on balbes150's linux builds,
                  This is a test, so there is no part of the desired file (as build and test I'll add them).


                    Good news. Uploaded the set of images of Debian Ubuntu (the console version and the desktop version). These images contain a number of improvements.

                    1. Automatically use dtb files from the internal memory. If for some reason, autodetect doesn't work, there is manual mode - you need to copy the necessary file "dtb.img" in the root of the FAT partition.
                    2. To start the system from removable media, you can use both type of media - SD cards and USB flash drives. Note that when using the USB flash drive first time start (before the first automatic reboot) can take a long time.
                    3. Running shutdown from the system menu (or poweroff command), and then enabling the remote control.
                    4. Right out of the box working sound.
                    5. Wired network is configured for DHCP (MAC address recorded in the start script, you can change it).

                    Tested on the Spot i7 Pro (S905X), and also when using manual file copy "dtb.img" works Spot i7 on (S905).

                    Now images with Linux Armbian for Spot i7 Pro will be in this directory.

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                      Update on the
                      Inphic i7 Amlogic S905X Android 6.0 2G/16G 4K UHD Smart TV Box 802.11 b/g/n LAN HDMI CEC

                      More to come

                      Please consider
                      Donating to Freaktab


                        The latest version of image 3.14.29. The dtb file to the copy in hand is not required, the system automatically it will load from the internal memory. For those interested in multimedia (video playback) - recommend to use with Ubuntu. The default player (package mpv), is able to scale the video and reasonably well reproduces the video is not complicated (the system is now not optimized). I think after optimization and the inclusion of hardware parameters to improve significantly. To use the latest images you need to consider this information.

                        After creating a new user, exit from the root user (command "exit", or you can reboot with command "reboot") and authorization on behalf of the new user.
                        After login give "startx".

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                          Video with features i7Pro. In the latest images Armbian. Sound, wired network, WiFi is working when you run.

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                          The main drawback - the case. It is necessary to alter (to make holes for the normal circulation of air) or remove the top cover. The potential and power of the platform beyond the capacity of this building and the system overheats very quickly. In the video you can clearly see the potential of the platform.


                            I found the cause of bad behavior i7Pro that have been released marked 20160909 later. In the firmware are incorrect, the data dtb and maybe there is a bug in the Android kernel (the kernel in the firmware I have not tested). They are forced to work my box is always at maximum frequency, but also at a time when the console is idle. So she quickly overheated. Even I, a Board without casing and the radiator is mounted on a quality thermal compound. When I start the system Armbian (without manually copying the dtb file when using the regular dtb from firmware) and that does not do, just open a blank desktop. Just a couple of minutes the temperature soars above 50 degrees and rising. But when I add fixed dtb from the image, everything is back to normal. Temperature in idle does not increase above 40 degrees. Under load it of course increases and other similar devices. Therefore, any use of the i7Pro system Armbian or Lebreelece, you must use an external dtb file and it is desirable to have good cooling (to alter the case to make it vents). Maybe I'll do a dump of the corrected version of the dtb data for error correction in the firmware. This dam can be installed via the dd command under Armbian or via the standard update system.

