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ACEMAX S912 OCTA CORE M12N Latest software 20161109 released

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    ACEMAX S912 OCTA CORE M12N Latest software 20161109 released

    hi, dear all,
    today we released the latest software for ACEMAX M12N Amlogic S912 OCTA CORE 20161109 version, based on Amlogic s912 latest SDK.
    welcome to make testing, link is :!V8ESSQDZ!8OcTkOlV_ZW-ipiFEAoss388IUL0LTAYop2FIGPxPtI
    Last edited by acemaxtec; 17 November 2016, 05:00.


    Would there a Changelog for this file
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      hi, here it is the changelog :
      1. Based on Amlogic S912 latest 20160907 Kernel.
      2.Update KODI and add functions of Addons Online Updating, recognize local installing files.
      3.Updadating Android Settings (Sound, CEC choices, System info)
      4.Change Volume + - Symbol.
      5.Change Mouse Symbol
      6.Updating CEC control bugs
      7.Updating Bluetooth Connecting bugs
      8.Updating bugs of no Static IP address choices issues when connected with Enternet.
      9.Updating bugs of color screen when using Miracast Connecting
      10.Add functions of APK automatically updating.
      11.Change OTA updating way (in the past OTA the whole updating package, now just OTA changed parts files packages when doing OTA)
      12.Add dialog box when external Storage Gadgets inserted.
      13.Adding speed bar when KODI add ons downloading
      14.Fixed Chinese fonts bugs in Kodi
      And more...


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          Based on this latest software, our customers reported that no more KODI kicking out,,,, you can have a try on your ACEMAX M12N S912 TV Boxes/ thanks ...


            Hi acemaxtec,

            I was still getting kicked out of Kodi after watching a show. I thought it was maybe a bad box because it was happening to me on the M12N Superceleron Rom. I will double check that I used the correct firmware when I flashed it. But I'm pretty sure it was the firmware above and I got the "KODI has stopped working" message when I finished a show and would have to lunch it again to watch another.

            If you want me to test anything let me know.

            BTW, I may have uninstalled the version of Kodi that was included in the ROM and re-downloaded it from the play store. I wanted to get rid of all the pre-installed addons. So if you have modified your version of KODI that you include with the ROM, then that would account for it.
            Last edited by AvrBuster; 17 November 2016, 15:38. Reason: Edited to add the fact I may have uninstalled Kodi


              Originally posted by AvrBuster View Post
              Hi acemaxtec,

              I was still getting kicked out of Kodi after watching a show. I thought it was maybe a bad box because it was happening to me on the M12N Superceleron Rom. I will double check that I used the correct firmware when I flashed it. But I'm pretty sure it was the firmware above and I got the "KODI has stopped working" message when I finished a show and would have to lunch it again to watch another.

              If you want me to test anything let me know.

              BTW, I may have uninstalled the version of Kodi that was included in the ROM and re-downloaded it from the play store. I wanted to get rid of all the pre-installed addons. So if you have modified your version of KODI that you include with the ROM, then that would account for it.
              hi, try our latest software from the above link , and let us know


                I installed this new firmware and it works fine (I always uninstall all the programs of the manufacturer that are not part of the system).

                The biggest problem is the ugly ACEMAX launcher, is it possible to install the standard MediaBox Launcher from amlogic?


                  Originally posted by acemaxtec View Post

                  hi, try our latest software from the above link , and let us know
                  Your right I was using the 1109 image!!

                  I downloaded the 1110 image, but I am not able to flash it. I keep getting a error using the USB Burning Tool (2.0.8) in administrator mode. It starts to flash and then it get "1%: [0x00000fff]Get key failed" in the status window. I tried it 2 or 3 times and I get the same thing every time, I tried putting 1109 on again and it flashed ok, but same issue after trying 1110 again. I also tried flashing one of your earlier roms (it flashed OK) and then tried 1110 again, but still got the error.

                  Could you tell me what i'm doing wrong?

                  Thanks for your help.
                  Last edited by AvrBuster; 21 November 2016, 03:02. Reason: removed a grammatical error


                    Anyone else having trouble flashing the new firmware? I might have to go back to Superceleron's ROM if this doesn't work.



                      Originally posted by AvrBuster View Post
                      Anyone else having trouble flashing the new firmware? I might have to go back to Superceleron's ROM if this doesn't work.

                      No problem at all.


                        no issuses
                        but within days our OTA will be ok (past weeks we are working on our OTA Server in AMAZON , SORRY not timely updated), you can do OTA when ready for go. thanks


                          Originally posted by acemaxtec View Post
                          no issuses
                          but within days our OTA will be ok (past weeks we are working on our OTA Server in AMAZON , SORRY not timely updated), you can do OTA when ready for go. thanks
                          Thanks acemaxtec, I have a few questions:

                          1) Could you let us know when it goes live?
                          2) Will all older versions of software work with the OTA update or will only certain versions work?
                          3) What version of USB Burning Tool did you use?

                          Thanks for all your help!


                            I got it flashed with the newer firmware. I needed the license folder added to my usb burning folder. Thanks for all the help!!!


                              Here you go AvrBuster
                              Attached Files

