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TX3 pro bricked

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    TX3 pro bricked

    I´ve tried to flash a new firmware on my tx3 pro tv box. After the update the box doesn´t start only the red led is burning. Is it bricked now and what can I do to unbrick it?



      How you did it?


        I guess with USB Burning Tool and PC Image for the TX3 Pro.



          I flash an image on mine, now i can't use usb burning tool. Seems to be broken "download mode" (like in smartphones). Every time i try to start pressing reset button i can't reach the screen that i can use usb burning tool. Usb burning tool recognize for a few seconds, so the device continue to boot an start the os.


            Easy, Start Burning tool.
            Load Firmware Image and press start without a connected Device then plug tx3 in and it should start to burn.


              Thank you! Worked!
              Since the first day bluetooth (on stock firmware) not work, no matter firmware i flash, i try a lot of those firmware for p212 boards, none worked. Maybe the board lack of bluetooth chip? Mine is not TX3 exactly, but the board is the same layout of TX3 Pro and TX5 non pro.


                I had another problem. I updated my tv box with the sd card and after the update the box rebooted, but I got a black screen and glowing red led. It did not turned on or responded to the remote. The computer also did not recognize it. I opened the tv box, short two contacts of the flash memory (i don´t remember which ones exactly that were), connected it to the computer and it worked. I updated the tv box with USB Burning Tool and took this firmware, because I have NANYA DDR. To find out what ddr you have, you can open the tv box or check the serial number. When the serial number include the letters NY, than you have NANYA DDR.

                Click image for larger version  Name:	flash.jpg Views:	1284 Size:	158.8 KB ID:	618698Click image for larger version  Name:	serial.JPG Views:	1026 Size:	5.4 KB ID:	618699
                Attached Files
                Last edited by besik; 09 May 2020, 06:55.


                  Does anybody know the number of pin of the nand chip that need to be shorted in order for the device to be detected on the USB?


                    I have the same problem. My TX3 PRO bricked and I'm unable to restore it both from SD Card and USB burning tool. SD card cannot detected and the box just stuck on red led. I try to restore it via pc but always getting error on 2% or 4% on USB burning tool. Please help me.


                      I always getting error when download UBOOT.

                      [17:04:18 186][HUB2-4][Inf]-------------Download UBOOT.USB-----------
                      [17:04:18 187][HUB2-4][Inf]--2-2-0-0
                      [17:04:18 187][HUB2-4][Inf]--ulValue = 0xadfc318c
                      [17:04:18 187][HUB2-4][Inf]--Download DDR.USB buffer at 0xd9000000
                      [17:04:18 200][HUB2-4][Inf]--Transfer complete
                      [17:04:18 200][HUB2-4][Inf]--Download UBOOT.USB buffer at 0x0200c000
                      [17:04:18 408][HUB2-4][Inf]--Transfer complete
                      [17:04:18 413][HUB2-4][Inf]--DownCheckPara succeed
                      [17:04:18 413][HUB2-4][Inf]--Run at address 0xd9000000
                      [17:04:18 457][HUB2-4][Err]--generatedAddSum:0x9a08fe06;srcAddSum:0xf32140ea;ru nResult:0x e6;paraMagic:0x7856efab
                      [17:04:18 457][HUB2-4][Inf]--ReadCheckPara failed
                      [17:04:18 538][HUB2-4][Err]--[0x19080902]Unknown


                      [17:06:08 058][HUB2-4][Inf]-------------Download UBOOT.USB-----------
                      [17:06:08 060][HUB2-4][Inf]--2-2-0-0
                      [17:06:08 060][HUB2-4][Inf]--ulValue = 0xadfc318c
                      [17:06:08 060][HUB2-4][Inf]--Download DDR.USB buffer at 0xd9000000
                      [17:06:08 069][HUB2-4][Inf]--Transfer complete
                      [17:06:08 069][HUB2-4][Inf]--DownRunPara succeed
                      [17:06:08 069][HUB2-4][Inf]--Run at address 0xd9000000
                      [17:06:18 705][HUB2-4][Inf]--Detect Device remove timeout
                      [17:06:18 705][HUB2-4][Inf]--Device is connected
                      [17:06:18 705][HUB2-4][Inf]--Close device handle 0x00000408
                      [17:06:18 756][HUB2-4][Inf]--Open device handle \\?\usb#vid_1b8e&pid_c003#6&223ddea8&0&4#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} 0x000004bc
                      [17:06:23 812][HUB2-4][Inf]--2-2-0-0
                      [17:06:23 812][HUB2-4][Err]--CheckFileRunState failed
                      [17:06:23 812][HUB2-4][Inf]--Failure : 1, FailureMax : 3
                      [17:06:24 313][HUB2-4][Err]--[17:06:24 313][HUB2-4][Inf]--Failure : 2, FailureMax : 3
                      [17:06:24 817][HUB2-4][Err]--[17:06:24 817][HUB2-4][Inf]--Failure : 3, FailureMax : 3
                      [17:06:24 893][HUB2-4][Err]--[0x10303004]Romcode/Switch status/Identify/Error result
                      [17:06:24 893][HUB2-4][Inf]--Close device handle 0x000004bc

                      I still cannot turn the led blue.


                        herizo Does anybody know the number of pin of the nand chip that need to be shorted in order for the device to be detected on the USB?

                        Short pin 29 and 30.

                        besik. Thanks a lot for this info and pic but the red circle you showed is incorrect. need to short pin 29 and 30 ie I/O0 , I/O1. Tried it personally. Connect success on burning tool but the img file is giving parsing error.


                          MDafiR did you ever get your box running? i have the same problem... i think it might be a clone.


                            Originally posted by abrar11 View Post
                            herizo Does anybody know the number of pin of the nand chip that need to be shorted in order for the device to be detected on the USB?

                            Short pin 29 and 30.

                            besik. Thanks a lot for this info and pic but the red circle you showed is incorrect. need to short pin 29 and 30 ie I/O0 , I/O1. Tried it personally. Connect success on burning tool but the img file is giving parsing error.
                            please tell me what are the pins to close....
                            You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.


                              Originally posted by pigbait View Post
                              MDafiR did you ever get your box running? i have the same problem... i think it might be a clone.
                              Yes. I've done it by used NANYA DDR Firmware.

