Be aware that this board is newer and I didn't test it with the older "MXQ Pro 4K" as I don't own that device. Using this rom is at your own risk!
Device information:
Based on the latest 2016-11-01 P212 firmware 1GB Ram/8GB Rom.

- Restores the android notification bar
- DeBloated
- Xposed Framework prebuilt in and activated
- Init.d support built-in
- SuperSu
- SquareHome2 Launcher highly customizable
- Supports floating windows by using the XHFW3 xposed module.
Preinstalled apps:
- ADAway
- Chrome
- Netflix
- MxPlayer
- Total Commander + 3 useful plugins
- YouTube
- Terminal Emulator
- BootManager
- XposedInstaller 3.11
Enabling CEC changes language at boot.
Known issues:
- no TWRP, this board does not support any TWRP s905x version out there, I need help with this one.
You tell me!
Latest version download:
Installation notes:
To install my rom you need to use Amlogic USB burning tool 2.0.8 there is no flash-able zip version yet as this rom has no TWRP build-in yet...
- After first boot update the su binary by opening the Supersu app, use the normal installation method.