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Firmware request for m96x

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    Firmware request for m96x

    Hello guys, I broke my m96x android box by modifying the build.prop and now it does not pass the startup screen. its stuck . i tried the bottom reset button, removed the plug while hodling the reset button and plug it in but nothing happened. can someone tell me how to flash this box and where to get firmware. i have other another m96x box that is working. how should i save the firmware from working box and how to flash it into broken box ? PLease help. thank you

    Hi u can use thex96 firmware ... its compatible.. or Try to get ahold of the box seller and ask for the firmware, than flash it.

    Does your box get recognized on the computer? you could use adb to reboot the box into recovery. Im not an expert on these things, just a beginner but i think its adb reboot recovery


      Hi thanks for the reply. Can you please give me the link for x96 and explain what software to use to flash it. Im good with computers etc but have never flashed the box. Please help me


        Well before you try, i should warn you, there is a chance it wont work 100% so its on your resposibility. This is the firmware. You can also use Libreelec, put it on an SD card to test it first

        Edit: libreelec from sd card is the safest way and your chips is s905x not the s905


          Isnt that for probox air ? I dont see x96 or m96x


            Originally posted by M96x View Post
            Isnt that for probox air ? I dont see x96 or m96x
            Most s905x are cross flashable and will only give remote problems usually. I use the Xannytech firmware on my x96 and it's perfect. You'll need the right remote.conf file though.


            The remote.conf

            "HANDS ARE NATURES FORKS" -Rigby


              hi i just try to flash it using usb buring tool. its giving me hub2 error . i dontno what that means


                Originally posted by M96x View Post
                hi i just try to flash it using usb buring tool. its giving me hub2 error . i dontno what that means
                Make sure you unplug the box and hit start first on the program and then plug the usb cable into the usb closer to the hdmi port. You don'r need the power cable plugged in.
                "HANDS ARE NATURES FORKS" -Rigby


                  ok thanks i downloaded many roms but this is the only rom it works. the rom is called exrom ex looks wiered lol the launcher


                    ok its giving me problem it says kodi jarvis fail due to missing sd card. when i tried to download kodi . i dont like this build. is there any other firmware ?


                      Originally posted by M96x View Post
                      ok its giving me problem it says kodi jarvis fail due to missing sd card. when i tried to download kodi . i dont like this build. is there any other firmware ?
                      That only happened me once then i rebooted or else forced closed chrome and that fixed it. I'd use lucky patcher to install the latest play store too (I only used it to install the latest non modded stock one). That is the best build out of all the ones I tried the rest were unstable and slow. Also use spmc instead that works on mine.
                      "HANDS ARE NATURES FORKS" -Rigby


                        I see. I will try tomorrow. What is spmc ? Do u mean xbmc ? Cant i not use latest kodi ? Like 16.1 . Can u also tell me why cant i not able to install other firmwares ? I tried more than 10 but only this one worked. I flash it using usb burning tool.


                          Some firmwares use different bootloaders that vary slightly and that's probably what's causing the issue. Spmc is kodi 16.1 with a few tweaks is all and it works better on these amlogic based boxes. Kodi itself doesn't have great support for these boxes anymore.
                          "HANDS ARE NATURES FORKS" -Rigby


                            thank you so much man. your are the best. atleast i fixed my bricked box lol. do you know why other firmwares did not work ? the file you gave me the link, what is the difference between that and other firmwares that did not work. im just trying to learn . I want to see if i can find factory firmware or close to it to flash it again if possible. the google play is checking for info for ever now lol.
                            i do not see a file manager in this firmware ? can you tell me how do you end task apps running in the background ? usually there is a navigation bar in the bottom but this one does not have one.


                              Usually it has a bar you can pull up from the bottom. If not just download task killer from the play store. Some roms use different kernels and bootloaders. Uboot files and stuff are different on different boxes.
                              "HANDS ARE NATURES FORKS" -Rigby

