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M96X MAX 4K HDR VP9 TV BOX Android 6.0 Amlogic S905X 2G/16G 802.11b/g/n LAN KODI Bluetooth

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    Someone can sort this out for me?

    I have one of these devices on which I already flashed 3 different custom firmware found on this forum, and when I look in Android storage all 3 tell me that my internal storage is 54Gb.

    CPU-Z apk and Kodi system info also tell me 54Gb. I don't know what the original firmware says, and i don't feel I want to flash it again just to know.

    Anyway, the same firmwares flashed on another same box show the correct 16Gb internal storage.

    Any explanation for this?


      Originally posted by Jancales View Post
      Someone can sort this out for me?

      I have one of these devices on which I already flashed 3 different custom firmware found on this forum, and when I look in Android storage all 3 tell me that my internal storage is 54Gb.

      CPU-Z apk and Kodi system info also tell me 54Gb. I don't know what the original firmware says, and i don't feel I want to flash it again just to know.

      Anyway, the same firmwares flashed on another same box show the correct 16Gb internal storage.

      Any explanation for this?
      I tryed many flashes from other S905X boxes in it and it was ok. Which version of board do you have ?


        anyone advice how to switch display digit time from 12h format to 24h ?


          I recently purchased this box and the software (7.1.2) that comes pre-installed is not usable. Way too slow. I tried to flash the 6.0 software at the beginning of this thread but wifi does not work and resolution is stuck at 720p. Also tried several other roms (Abdul, xannytech, mini mxIII) but was unsuccessful in loading them through the burning tool as I keep getting an error at 2%. Can anyone provide a decent rom for this box that I will be able to flash through the burning tool?

          Thanks in advance


            Originally posted by marco.s86 View Post
            I recently purchased this box and the software (7.1.2) that comes pre-installed is not usable. Way too slow. I tried to flash the 6.0 software at the beginning of this thread but wifi does not work and resolution is stuck at 720p. Also tried several other roms (Abdul, xannytech, mini mxIII) but was unsuccessful in loading them through the burning tool as I keep getting an error at 2%. Can anyone provide a decent rom for this box that I will be able to flash through the burning tool?

            Thanks in advance
            I have flashed 2 Xannytech roms ( including the ATV he posted a link in the other thread) and the Mangendanz mini m8s II nano and atv rom to different devices, and all work very well.

            I have the devices with the Realtek chip.


              Originally posted by Jancales View Post

              I have flashed 2 Xannytech roms ( including the ATV he posted a link in the other thread) and the Mangendanz mini m8s II nano and atv rom to different devices, and all work very well.

              I have the devices with the Realtek chip.

              Thanks I will try them tonight. Do you have any insight as to why I am getting a failure at 2% with a lot of roms using the burning tool?

              Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error

              The only 2 roms I was able to flash without errors was the 7.1.2 that you posted in this thread and the 6.0 that's stuck at 720p...


                Originally posted by marco.s86 View Post

                Thanks I will try them tonight. Do you have any insight as to why I am getting a failure at 2% with a lot of roms using the burning tool?

                Romcode/Initialize DDR/Read initialize status/USB Control setup error

                The only 2 roms I was able to flash without errors was the 7.1.2 that you posted in this thread and the 6.0 that's stuck at 720p...
                No idea about that, I get that also ocassionally, but try other usb cable or usb slot.

                Also press start then insert usb cable. When get error unplug and plug in again, rinse and repeat until succeed.

                You also definitely have to change your heat sink, because the firmware get slow because device overheats.

                Use USB tool 2.0.8


                  Originally posted by Jancales View Post

                  No idea about that, I get that also ocassionally, but try other usb cable or usb slot.

                  Also press start then insert usb cable. When get error unplug and plug in again, rinse and repeat until succeed.

                  You also definitely have to change your heat sink, because the firmware get slow because device overheats.

                  Use USB tool 2.0.8

                  I read the comments regarding the heatsink but i'm not sure what to replace it with or where to purchase...Any ideas


                    Is this good enough?


                      So it seems like I bricked my box... I loaded the abdul rom and unchecked the erase flash and erase bootloader and it successfully flashed the firmware but the box wont boot up. When I power it on, the led at the front of the box is solid red... Tried to power it on with a toothpick in the AV hole pressing on the reset button but nothing...

                      Any thoughts?


                        You have to check which version of the box you have, maybe you have different version from me.

                        I have the Realtek wifi chip.

                        To unbrick you will have to use Mask Rom, there are tutorials for that on this forum.


                          Originally posted by Jancales View Post
                          You have to check which version of the box you have, maybe you have different version from me.

                          I have the Realtek wifi chip.

                          To unbrick you will have to use Mask Rom, there are tutorials for that on this forum.
                          Managed to bring the box back to life. Since I have no luck with USB burning tool (keeps failing at 2%), I tried to update from recovery using I keep getting signature verification failed.

                          Do you know how I can get around that?


                            Need help!

                            I opened up the box and replace the heatsink..7.1.2 still runs like crap.

                            It has the HS2734A chip.

                            Can anyone send me a compatible rom running android 6.0?

                            I have tried a dozen s905x roms and they all fail at 2%

                            Thank you in advance


                              Originally posted by marco.s86 View Post
                              Need help!

                              I opened up the box and replace the heatsink..7.1.2 still runs like crap.

                              It has the HS2734A chip.

                              Can anyone send me a compatible rom running android 6.0?

                              I have tried a dozen s905x roms and they all fail at 2%

                              Thank you in advance
                              You could use a rom for the MXQ Pro+ which also runs withe the S905X and the HS2734A chip.
                              I found one here and flashed it yesterday - my box works fine and smooth now. Antutu 6 showed a final score of approximately 30.000.
                              It is also Android 7.1.2. Flashing with the USB burning tool also went fine.

                              Hey guys, Glad to share the firmware for MXQ PRO+ TV Box PC Flash Firmware Flash guide, please refer to: Have fun ! Jan 8, 2018Jackie Yu


                                Originally posted by MacWolf81 View Post

                                You could use a rom for the MXQ Pro+ which also runs withe the S905X and the HS2734A chip.
                                I found one here and flashed it yesterday - my box works fine and smooth now. Antutu 6 showed a final score of approximately 30.000.
                                It is also Android 7.1.2. Flashing with the USB burning tool also went fine.
                                Thanks! I'll try it tonight and let you know.

                                What version of the burning tool did you use? 2.08 or 2.1.2?

                                Also, any special files in the license folder?

