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April RK3368 True Octacore Thread

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    April RK3368 True Octacore Thread

    Nice clean thread with fresh links to minimize confusion. Latest builds linked here to make things clearer.

    Full firmware: old link is bust, download here!DEQHnarK!4mfrgm8C6...q2X8Wy1h2u3YC0

    Z4 - Power menu fix:
    Z4 - True octacore:

    Flash full fimrware from first link if you have a generic RK3368 or an RK3368 that isn't Z4. The two links that start 'Z4' are additional archives for flashing over the full fimrware - specifically for Z4. One has the power menu fix, and the other is a full throttle 'true octacore' without the power menu fix.

    The one with the power menu fix runs the cpu in two separate clusters with the big. cluster @1608.
    The 'true octacore' runs the cpu at up to 1608 on all cores, and all cores scale together.

    The full firmware in first link is also 'true octacore' type.

    AP6330 devices can use the Z4 versions.
    Last edited by Shomari; 27 May 2017, 18:13.

    Shomari will test later today, thanks for the efforts you put into this for us to profit, awesom


      Originally posted by brickmojoccatz View Post
      Shomari will test later today, thanks for the efforts you put into this for us to profit, awesom
      brickmojoccatz no worries. Once you flash the full firmware, for your device with the display clock and USB ports functionality flash the kernel and resource in this archive -

      And as always let me know if anything needs adjusting.


        Here's what the RK3368 performance looks like with only the four 'Little' cores active, and the big. ones dormant.

        The overall performance is proportional to the performance with all cores online. Half the cores off, almost exactly half the overall performance.

        I find that interesting, in a good way.


          Jura46 I've seen your posts on 4PDA. I was beyond nice to you, and everyone else on 4PDA.

          You messaged me many times privately (which is an abuse of confidence, truth be told) to try and get me to support your device, which I don't have.

          Things didn't go your way, on your timetable, and now you're pitching rants and invective in my direction.

          You're a parasite and a snake. If you don't like my firmware, don't use it, see how simple that is?

          Take your entitlement and hostility back to 4PDA and keep it there.

          Entitled malcontent. You wouldn't be such a strongarm with other people's work in the flesh, at least not with me.

          Only on the internet.


            Taking a break from here. Sorry to the people that never crossed the line, and genuinely benefited from having something to use and experiment with.

            I use my own firmwares every single day.

            But when you have to end up spending significant portions of your time defending your work, especially to people that do nothing but siphon off your contributions with very little, if anything, of substance in return to the community, it gets tedious and obtrusive. That doesn't motivate to want to create new things or continue.

            Maybe some people can ignore the venom that comes with serving others of your own volition and grace. I can't.

            It's too bad most users of RK3368 devices will now be left to deal with veiled after sales support that passes as volunteer work. Because you won't get much help if you're not part of their sales funnel. I don't need to go into more detail than that. What's obvious is obvious.

            I tried to ignore the trolls, but I'm only human, and every endeavor has its threshold. Simply put, my patience for derision on a project such as this is ridiculously low. It's simply not worth the aggravation, in the least. I'm too apt to return fire, too likely to respond. I find it that distasteful.

            So as to not burden myself and everyone else with the drama brought by trolls, I have to make an exit.

            It was fun. peace..


              What did i miss???
              Many devices now mk902ii/Shield/Mk68 /Ugoos/neox5/minix5 (yes they still work lol) mk80 no it doesnt work lol.


                Take your time but come back when you feel so...

                Though number One... Maybe the trolls aren't so coincidental as you think.. After all it's only your Rom being attacked ... maybe because it's faster than the "professional" Roms?

                Though number Two.. I don't know who was the "inventor" of the true octacore rk3368 Hack but i know that a lot of Roms are using in now... Atleast the CPU enhancements.. That's the olny ones you made public... So maybe a "closed beta" is the better way to help people that want help


                  Originally posted by Shomari View Post
                  Taking a break from here. Sorry to the people that never crossed the line, and genuinely benefited from having something to use and experiment with.
                  Take your break and come back soon, with new energy .... and THX for cleaning up the download links. Cause it looks like, even I had used the wrong sources to test with.
                  My contributions to the community
                  [ ROMs ] Z4 RK3368 - android TV (ATV) | MXQ PRO 4K - p201 - android TV (ATV) | Yundo Y1 S912 - android TV (ATV) not yet released
                  [ Tutorials ] Bootup logo Amlogic S912 devices | Redefine any Keyboard, Gamepad, Remote Control


                    Originally posted by Shomari View Post
                    Taking a break from here. Sorry to the people that never crossed the line, and genuinely benefited from having something to use and experiment with.

                    I use my own firmwares every single day.

                    But when you have to end up spending significant portions of your time defending your work, especially to people that do nothing but siphon off your contributions with very little, if anything, of substance in return to the community, it gets tedious and obtrusive. That doesn't motivate to want to create new things or continue.

                    Maybe some people can ignore the venom that comes with serving others of your own volition and grace. I can't.

                    It's too bad most users of RK3368 devices will now be left to deal with veiled after sales support that passes as volunteer work. Because you won't get much help if you're not part of their sales funnel. I don't need to go into more detail than that. What's obvious is obvious.

                    I tried to ignore the trolls, but I'm only human, and every endeavor has its threshold. Simply put, my patience for derision on a project such as this is ridiculously low. It's simply not worth the aggravation, in the least. I'm too apt to return fire, too likely to respond. I find it that distasteful.

                    So as to not burden myself and everyone else with the drama brought by trolls, I have to make an exit.

                    It was fun. peace..
                    M8 i know your pain, but dont let some trolls leave what you like to do and share it.. you dont need to defend your work... do as i do, simple ignore it!
                    And move on, continue your work and share


                      Originally posted by jit18 View Post
                      Take your time but come back when you feel so...

                      Though number One... Maybe the trolls aren't so coincidental as you think.. After all it's only your Rom being attacked ... maybe because it's faster than the "professional" Roms?

                      Though number Two.. I don't know who was the "inventor" of the true octacore rk3368 Hack but i know that a lot of Roms are using in now... Atleast the CPU enhancements.. That's the olny ones you made public... So maybe a "closed beta" is the better way to help people that want help
                      ... make no mistake about it, the RK3368 hack originated with me, that's not in question. I never kept the methods proprietary, though. You probably came along late, but almost a year ago I began this very publicly.

                      I haven't seen any other firmware try it. I've actually wondered by now why not.

                      I never bothered to post the full range of tweaks, but I posted the main hack - how to alter the topology of the cpu cluster and some ways to modify the cpu map, how to revert the big.LITTLE system RK set from the factory back to basic DVFS with global scaling, etc. While public engagement with my tutorial post (I made an actual how-to thread) was low, I know for certain it drew its share of attention.

                      And anytime anyone popped in with a question, I did my best to help them either understand or accomplish whatever they needed.

                      I can do that because I'm not in any part of any sales funnel and none of what I do is connected to any financial or commercial interests with respect to this project.

                      When people offered donations, in private and in the public forum, I always directed them to donate to Freaktab. Anybody who's been around for a while knows that, it's all here in the forums.

                      You're probably on to something. And that's the thing. While some may have an interest to protect and pursue that's greater than just a hobby or past time with this, I don't. That's probably why I maintain such a low tolerance for the negativity and entitlement as it continually arises.

                      People probably don't know, but I've stopped posting updates to xda and 4PDA for these reasons. Freaktab was the last harbor.

                      TL;DR ... you're probably on to something, but I would've never kept the cpu hack private. It's better to let users know what's possible and let the innovation grow.



                        Originally posted by superceleron View Post

                        M8 i know your pain, but dont let some trolls leave what you like to do and share it.. you dont need to defend your work... do as i do, simple ignore it!
                        And move on, continue your work and share
                        ...hahaha, I know. Unfortunately for you now most of the burden falls on you. The users are hungry, man. You gotta feed the wolves...

                        There's almost no one putting out anything at all for RK3368. Just a few people now.


                          Originally posted by cOOLio View Post

                          Take your break and come back soon, with new energy .... and THX for cleaning up the download links. Cause it looks like, even I had used the wrong sources to test with.
                          ... the crazy thing is, I've never even publicized all the things I've been testing. You and everybody else haa to hold the fort now. I gotta step back but you know I don't stay away for too long.


                            Originally posted by jit18 View Post
                            Take your time but come back when you feel so...

                            Though number One... Maybe the trolls aren't so coincidental as you think.. After all it's only your Rom being attacked ... maybe because it's faster than the "professional" Roms?

                            Though number Two.. I don't know who was the "inventor" of the true octacore rk3368 Hack but i know that a lot of Roms are using in now... Atleast the CPU enhancements.. That's the olny ones you made public... So maybe a "closed beta" is the better way to help people that want help
                            ... just to be thorough - since the 3.10 kernels finally saw RK move to using dtb with their firmware, there's a couple ways to skin the RK3368 cat, so to speak. We went through it several ways in my tutorial thread.


                            Even beyond that, none of the stuff I put out ever involved obfuscated methods.

                            These have just been rants and venting. I feel more at ease already. Still need a break from the nonsense of it all, though.

                            PS: other than the tweaks, across the system, the only thing I never documented and that isn't readily obvious are the couple dozen lines of code dependencies throughout the images. Other than that anybody can fully replicate the whole thing with some time and research.


                              Well well... What a coincide...

                              The reason why a bought my Sunvell T95U Pro (Red one) is here in this thread too..

                              Shomari, you want some motivation.... imagine a S912 running at 2Ghz!!!

                              SC what are your thoughts...?

