Instructions to run it
1. Connect a micro-sd card with a card reader to your PC.
2. Make sure the micro-sd card is formatted, right click on the drive letter in My Computer and choose format, try Fat32.
3. Download the LibreELEC image and unzip the gz file with 7zip so you are left with a .img file.
4. Use Etcher app( to load the image and flash it to the micro-sd card.
5. When it completes, insert the micro-sd card into your tv box that is turned off.
6. When turning it on, it will boot to LibreELEC.
7. To use Android normally, just remove the micro-sd card and insert and reboot when wanting to run LibreELEC.
- Supports mpeg2, h264, h265, vp9 hardware decoding
- Supports deinterlacing for h264, mpeg2
- HDR Support
- IR Remote Support
- HDMI CEC support
- Bluetooth support
- PVR support
- Netflix, Amazon Prime Video addon 960x540p and 720p software decoding support(still being improved)
Netflix addon
Amazon Prime Video addon
Latest PVR and Libretro games addons
TVHeadend is called pvr.hts
After installing Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, install InputStream addon from the LibreELEC repo.
In the InputStream addon's settings change max decoder and secure decoder resolution to 720p.
Then you will be able to watch smooth HD video for these streaming services.
To use bluetooth:
Check that bluetooth is turned on in the LibreELEC Settings.
Then change the default HDMI Sound output to Pulseaudio Bluetooth to get sound over your bluetooth speakers or headphones.
Set the resolution to 1080p@60hz in Display Settings on a 4K tv for better performance.
- Switched bluetooth on by default
- Dirtyregions 1 for a little lower CPU usage
- Unknown sources for addons enabled by default
- Expert mode settings enabled by default
- Send noise audio setting disabled
- Improved GUI speed
- PVR addons added, just enable the one you need
- Fast channel switching for SD, HD 25/50hz
Download links:
For MVR9 with orange/red D-Pad remote!kUMwGYJS!pbVT2TVEr...QfzJo62kUK6xzc
Update: 03 Feb 2019
For MVR9 with numbered 0-9 keys ir remote!wYEyEQKZ!XcfyTtvb1...Zt-BL3px5Xk00c
Update: 03 Feb 2019