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Mecool KM8 P firmware request

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    Right - i installed this one first! Now i remember. Also, do check yours is a q20x - there's also a q201 and possibly more.


      Now i need the newest twrp. Installed the android 6 based twrp, that boots into recovery. But the box isn't compatible with the version from your link.
      Getting an error 7 and e1001. Have tried to start the install of the zip with and without system mounted. Just copied the script from a working zip file.Neither helped.


        You have Android 6 running on it now, right? Can you check what ro.product.board says in /system/build.prop ?


          Originally posted by t23 View Post
          You have Android 6 running on it now, right? Can you check what ro.product.board says in /system/build.prop ?
          it says q20x. There are two twrp versions, one for 6 based boxes, one for 7 based boxes. Can extract them and compare.
          Compared the working twrp with the q20x, the kernel is different. Must be a newer kernel used, not compatible with the android 6 box.
          Have been able to sign the m8s zip file. Maybe now it's also flashable with standard recovery.

          Think it's about the kernel though. The 2GB/16GB just have a newer kernel. Only way to upgrade to 7.1.1 is through ota. Not usb flasing. So that also makes it isn't compatible with any m8s android boxes.

          Some info on how to install twrp 3.1.1 on android 6 based mecool km8 p:!ApsAD6QmyMvBhmVgFVFWtIZtFb7y
          Last edited by mark-1978; 17 June 2018, 10:06.


            Oh right! I know absolutely nothing about TWRP except how to use it, but now you mention it, i recall it is built against a certain kernel version. Bummer ..


              Originally posted by t23 View Post
              Oh right! I know absolutely nothing about TWRP except how to use it, but now you mention it, i recall it is built against a certain kernel version. Bummer ..
              Aren't there other 7.1.2 roms with kernel version 3.14.29? From another brand.

              The alfawise h96 pro+ has s912 and t820 cpu/gpu. So the same as the km8 p. There are 2 versions with different memory, just like with the km8 i think.
              wifi probably isn't going to work, since the alfawise has dual wifi. Tried flashing it, it gives a usb initialize error, so not working. Neither is the russian vasly version.

              The 1GB/8GB is more compatible with this rom:
              Last edited by mark-1978; 19 June 2018, 13:21.


                Is there a version that works with the km8 p 1gb/8gb (ideally tv os)


                  Hi,how to install this rom ( ) Nexus nano to km8 p 1/8Gb? Thank you.

