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Vido (Yuandao) N80RK RileyROM 1.1

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    Vido (Yuandao) N80RK RileyROM 1.1

    Vido released an update to their Mini One tablet on 7/26/2013. This ROM is based on that firmware update.

    This is now a barebones v1.1a. We can see if this one works.

    This ROM is:

    init.d support
    busybox support
    2, 4, 6 or 8 gb user app space
    Expanded ext4 file system
    VPN support


    Edit: Here is RileyROM v1.2, based on more recent firmware dated 9/13:


    If this ROM makes a difference for you, please consider a donation to support future RileyROM's here at
    Last edited by rrileypm; 23 June 2014, 00:23.
    Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
    Read my BIO Here
    Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
    Donate here

    Originally posted by rrileypm View Post
    Vido released an update to their Mini One tablet on 7/26/2013. This ROM is based on that firmware update.

    This ROM is:

    init.d support
    busybox support
    2, 4, 6 or 8 gb user app space
    Expanded ext4 file system
    VPN support

    If this ROM makes a difference for you, please consider a donation to support future RileyROM's here at Donate!!!

    Thank you very much for the new Rom and your Hard work.
    You are really great and generous as you respond to users requests/comments spontaneously.
    Please keep up the good work and style.
    I have gone onto your donation tab and has donated small amount .Thank you.


      Vido (Yuandao) N80RK RileyROM 1.1


      Keep me posted on how this ROM works for you.

      Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
      Read my BIO Here
      Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
      Donate here



        Originally posted by rrileypm View Post

        Keep me posted on how this ROM works for you.

        Hey! Thank you for making this rom. I think its great, although it has some issues.

        1. The front camera cannot make videos and it seems that the camera app is very slow
        2. Sometimes the sides of the tablet has a red glow when browsing.
        3. Skype works badly and crashes.

        Yuandao also released updates for the mini with better sdk 2.0 support, maybe its an idea to port this to the n80 in the future. Thanks again for the rom, the speed is improved in a good way and ghost touches are seen less.


          Yuandao also released updates for the mini with better sdk 2.0 support, maybe its an idea to port this to the n80 in the future. Thanks again for the rom, the speed is improved in a good way and ghost touches are seen less.[/QUOTE]

          it would be truely great if you can incorporate mini rom (SDK 2.0 version)to N80RK .hope you will find some time to work it out.
          Thank you


            Vido (Yuandao) N80RK RileyROM 1.1

            Porting ROMs between tablets is a tough nut to crack. Since I don't have one of these tablets to test, I'm not sure I can handle that request...sorry.

            Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
            Read my BIO Here
            Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
            Donate here


              Originally posted by Tiborr View Post
              Hey! Thank you for making this rom. I think its great, although it has some issues.

              1. The front camera cannot make videos and it seems that the camera app is very slow
              2. Sometimes the sides of the tablet has a red glow when browsing.
              3. Skype works badly and crashes.
              I am thinking of flashing this rom, and I do use skype. Have you tired updating to the latest version of skype, if so, does it still crash?


                this rom

                I have been using this rom for quite a while now. I havent encountered any troubles with the camera and skype whatsoever. I even installed the newest skype (the one with metro interface, damn microsoft i dont like the looks at all). My advice go install it right away.


                  official rom

                  I saw today that yuandao uploaded newer stock firmware on their site. If given the time can you tweak it a little Riley?


                    Originally posted by 3l3ctronica View Post
                    I saw today thatfirmware. o uploaded newer stock firmware on their site. If given the time can you tweak it a little Riley?
                    Would you please look into this new stock firmware.Thanks.


                      I redid this ROM from scratch and did not add anything that would cause a boot loop.

                      Let's see if this one works.

                      Anyone want to test it for me?

                      Just use the same download link in post #1.
                      Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                      Read my BIO Here
                      Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                      Donate here


                        new bare ROM-Thanks.

                        [QUOT=rrileypm;1I , redid this Ron from scratch and did not add anything that would cause a boot loop.

                        Let's see if this one works.

                        Anyone want to test it for me?

                        Just use the same download link in post #1.[/QUOTE]
                        Thank you for the ROM.

                        Sure I will definitely try the new ROM ,wii download and try and report back to you,how it performs.
                        Before flashing the Rom is there any precautions that I need to look for.
                        Please guide me.I donot want to brick my wonder full tablet.

                        Hope all those who own this tablet would try Randy's ROM and support Randy by donating generously.



                          If you are a titanium backup. If not just have a copy of the original firmware handy. You can get it from the Vido site.

                          Sent from my M7pro using Tapatalk
                          Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                          Read my BIO Here
                          Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                          Donate here


                            Haven't been here lately. Rriley I used to run your ROM ver 1.1 back when you first published it. It was great but battery took 8 hrs to charge so I flashed another ROM. The other ROM was good too but after months of use it started to slow down and the tablet freezed for 30 secs....... Now I run over 1.1 bare bone but the batter issue is still present. Can you suggest something ?


                              That's the first I've heard about charging taking so long.

                              Do you know if there is an updated factory firmware?

                              You might try flashing the kernel from 1.0 to see if that makes a difference.
                              Freaktab Developer, Product Reviewer, Moderator and "Flashaholic".
                              Read my BIO Here
                              Be sure to donate to support If any of my development work makes a positive difference for you, please make a donation to support future RileyROM's.
                              Donate here

