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T95Z PLUS 3GB DDR3 7.1 6255 V1073

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    T95Z PLUS 3GB DDR3 7.1 6255 V1073

    Hi guys i have a T95Z PLUS 3GB 32GB box bricked for nearly 2 years , there is 2 stickers on the motherboard 1 says T95ZPLUS DDR3 so ram is DDR3 , and the other sticker says T95ZPLUS-3GB-7.1-6255-display-v1073 ... so i assume this is the rom i need to flash/unbrick this box ... is there anyonen that has this rom to share with me so i can fix this box ? I have tried every rom possible for the 6255 WIFI Chip with no luck . Thanks in advance

    Damn 21 views on my post and not even 1 reply , i am starting to think the best thing to do is lit this T95Z PLUS on fire with petrol while having a beer and watch it melt and post the video here ...

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


      Try Poison ROM, last years variant was made exclusively for your device.


        Poison is not custom ? If it is how would it be possible to flash a custom rom with this bricked box , i would need twrp recovery and if im not wrong is not possible without having root with this device

        Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


          As i expected for me to instsll poison i need to instal stock first and i cant even find the stock firmware for this device for nearly 2 years ...

          Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


            Originally posted by LeoMzs View Post
            Poison is not custom ? If it is how would it be possible to flash a custom rom with this bricked box , i would need twrp recovery and if im not wrong is not possible without having root with this device
            If your search how to "Short the Pins on Nand/eMMC chip" - learn how to do that for your device. Then you can directly flash(using SDcard bootcard or Amlogic USB Burning Tool) your device with a custom ROM. Some of the early released T95Z_Plus had locked Bootloaders and it is recommend to install a factory stock T95Z_Plus img that has unlocked bootloader firmware before installing the custom ROM. The XDA-Developers post I read last year about Poison had direct links to download that unlocked bootloader firmware for your device.

            Do your research, there is always a solution to fix these Amlogic devices, they are almost idiot proof, that even when bricked they can generally always be recovered.


              I know how to get the pin shorted but still does not flash the device it will hang at 7%

              Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                I have tried pretty all i could so far no results , even with the sd card done i get the flashing bar hanging and nothing happens

                Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                  Even USB-UART and i have no response but device recognised on windows

                  Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk





                      Tried that rom also no luck

                      Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                        This is the rom you mentioned this is what i get

                        Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                          Have you managed to flash any image at all with usb flasher ? I use a short 40cm usb cable I also load image then select start before I connect the box.

                          here is older one i have used
                          info from forum

                          [ROM] T95Z Plus 3GB/32GB - Android 7.1.2
                          11-07-2017, 14:06
                          Hi Everyone,

                          I've received this update from a seller of the T95Z 3GB/32GB variant.
                          Android Version: 7.1.2
                          Build: T5ZP1015
                          Security Patch: August 1 2017
                          Kernel: 3.14.29
                          WIFI/BT chip: AP6255

                          Major Fixes:
                          Google Play upgrade/downgrade loop. (Fake Play Store gone)
                          Wireless AC functions properly

                          Use USB Burn Tool.

                          Also have you looked at tools here


                            I have been saying for nearly 2 years at this forum i am not able to flash nothing at all

                            Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


                              Originally posted by LeoMzs View Post
                              I have been saying for nearly 2 years at this forum i am not able to flash nothing at all
                              2 years? Really, how much time actually was invested in trying to fix your problem and not just complain for 2 years? Obviously you are doing something wrong.

                              I helped another individual finally recover his box, different brand, but now has installed a working firmware. He hadn't listened when told to make sure he was on latest version of the Amlogic Tool, and that was his problem all along. Once he uninstalled old versions of Tool then installed latest Tool version 2.1.7 the firmware burned instantly in his TV box. Maybe that is your problem as well.

                              I notice your picture, shows UBOOT error, when I have got that error in the past is because I mistakenly tried to install LPDDR firmware in DDR firmware device or vice versa, when this happens you must Short-The-Pins before trying another firmware image, TVbox must be connected to PC while shorting Pins.

                              Check/search this forum for pictures of T95Z boards to verify you have DDR3 ram by finding a matching board. These devices came with all sorts of different ram configurations and maybe you have standard DDR3, or DDR3L, or LPDDR3.

