So I did the next best thing, I manually pulled all images from the Box, using "dd" with the correct options of bs=512 (default) count=total sectors....
then I verified that I can extract each image with no problem using Superr's kitchen called Superrr, Then I used The linux-amlogic-toolkit by natinusala,
Then extracting other s905x2 roms and comparing with the SkyStream Pulled Extracted Images, everything is pretty much same other then system and boot and vendor, give ortake a bit.
So I put everything in place and repacked the Image to a flashable AmLogic USB Brun Image..
I personally Have not tested this ROM Image out yet other then run checks and verify that is can be re extracted:
Be Warned, This isnt for newbies to test.. I would like to ask others that know what they are doing to test it plz.
I didnt know were else to post this, So I posted it here:
I'm not responsible and nor the forum that hosts my ROM is, of any damage or malfunction caused on your device, during the flash or the use of my ROM.
You'll take the responsibility of what you do.
My Roms cannot brick your device, but you can flashing it improperly. I'm not a chinese box help center i hope you'll understand what i mean
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