V1 without wifi
V2 with wifi and bluetooth support for TX3 Max, TX3mini and x96w+ RT8723bs due to changed source! Some wifi could be missing
Big thanks sagert for pointing me to UR TOOLS.
Why this? simple: tx3mini-max-8723bs-ota-eng.daivietpda_ATV9 was meant for the TX3 mini with RT8723bs. I flashed it onto x96w+ with same wifi chip but stuck@boot so I decided to give it a try...this is the result
Grab here and flash on your own risk using Amlogic's burning tool.:
S905w_ATV9_x96mini_TX3min_x96w_[Soldiaz-PORT]_V1 removed Ethernet only
Known issues V1:
1st start box will stuck @bootanimation. Just restart!
S905w_ATV9_x96mini_TX3min_x96w_[Soldiaz-PORT]_V2 FINAL (full wifi & bluetooth support for RT8723bs I cant check others...) download
MAINLY FOR TX3 Max, TX3mini and x96w+ !!! check 2nd thread for x96 mini ATV firmware
Known issues V2:
1. See V1
2. To be able to bootup the first time, the box must be connected through ethernet...after box is connected to wifi it does not matter
3. Default language is Thai. Change after 1st boot! Or experience an adventure :-P